

Those persons who derive most virtue from a Talisman are those who belong to the most sensitive, or interior state, within such degree of life, and who are dominated by one sign only.Thus, if we find one sign occupying the whole of the House of Life, or practically so, as when the first face of a sign ascends, we may be sure, other things not interfering, that such a native will receive great benefit from wearing its Talismanic gem.If a person of good intellectual powers and sensitive spirituality, be born when the lord of the ascendant occupies the RISING SIGN, as, for instance, Mars in Aries, or Sun in Leo, we may be sure that, the Talismanic gem, in their case, will be exceedingly powerful, because, all the Astro-physical conditions are then most favorable for the expression of natural forces, and, if worn upon, or near that part of the body which the sign rules, the power and influence is more powerful and beneficial.

In wearing them, take them to you as a part of yourself, a part of your higher self, a thing to be heeded, listened to and obeyed.They will usually make their presence most pronounced when something arises to disturb the harmonious vibrations that naturally and quietly go on between the person and the interstellar spaces above.They are like the sensor and motor nerves--they never make their presence known, except, when danger encroaches.

Having explained in what sense gems become talismanic, we have now to disclose the modus operandi--THE HOW.

The gems contain the life quality of their own astral nature.Man, as a higher expression, only, of the same universal biune life, contains the same.Like two electric currents, MAN, THE POSITIVE POLE (comparatively), attracts unto himself THE MINERAL LIFE OF THE GEM, which thus, becomes the negative pole.A complete circuit is formed and maintained, as long as they remain in contact.Gems belonging to a different quality of life, not being en rapport with his astral state, have no good effect, because,no current flows between them.Thus, the Talisman acts in unison with the psychic, or soul-principle, of man, aiding the organism to sustain health, stimulating the mental perceptions, and spiritual intuition, and affording in a remarkable manner, many premonitions of coming danger, when the individual is sufficiently sensitive to perceive them.And now, per contra, as there are gems that act in sympathy with man, there must be, and in fact are, gems that act upon contrary principles; i.e., antagonistic, and these belong to purely antagonistic elements, as Air to Earth and Fire to Water, unless the native be born under BOTH forces, as Mars in Cancer rising, or the latter part of one sign and nearly the whole of another of an opposite nature, occupying the ascendant.Such natives are pure neutrals, and such might wear the gems that belong to the most powerful planet of the horoscope, or that triplicity holding the most planets; then, they are usually combined, the planet and the triplicity.

There are, of course, innumerable substances, more or less, capable of talismanic virtue to particular individuals.But those gems, and similar ones, that are given in "The Light of Egypt," Vol.I, are the most powerful.To these may be added the opal, under Scorpio; the garnet, under Aries; and the turquoise, under Cancer, when Saturn is therein; and the aquamarine, under Pisces; and among the temporary talismans of vegetation we may add that, the young shoots, bearing the flower and seed vessels, are the portions of chief virtue, and the young shoots of trees.These are often used in locating mines, wells, oils, etc., that lie hidden beneath the surface of the earth, and in the hands of a negative, sensitive person, seldom fail to reward the searcher with success.These should always be gathered when their ruling correspondences are rising, or, BETTER STILL, CULMINATING UPON THE MERIDIAN.These willbe explained in the chapter on The Magic Wand.

We have now reached the limits of our present study, and have only to state that all gems, like the human organism, are in one of three conditions: alive and conscious, asleep and UNCONSCIOUS, or dead and powerless.These conditions can only be discovered, in stones, by the trained lucid or the instructed neophyte.Stones that are sleeping require to be awakened.This, also, can only be done by the trained student or Adept.Those that aredead, are USELESS as Talismans, no matter how beautiful they appear as ornaments.

Gems and stones are also sexed, and those who wear them would receive the best effect if they should wear those of opposite sex, although either is powerfully potent in their influence upon the individual.How very ignorant the children of men are, of the subtle, silent, yet obedient servants, that everywhere, surround them.Here, again, that Divine spark, which lies embedded within the crystallized forces of Nature, is exerting its subtle, spiritual influence, in making man's very selfishness, and love of ornament and show, a means, to bring forth these silent monitors, knowing ere long that, their true power and potency will be known, and consciously utilized by him, as potent factors in his soul's evolvement and physical development.

The twelve representative gems within the cold stratas of matter, stand as the material representatives of their stellar counterparts in the sky, and constitute the beautiful, glittering, but crystallized, Zodiac of man's physical anatomy.

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