

The present sub-cycle producing an entirely different influence to that of the past cycle, whose force was watery, magnetic and feminine, causes a warring of elements, confusion and uncertainty, until the old are displaced by the new conditions.We should learn from these facts that it is folly to brand as false and condemn as worthless the rules and formulas, and even religious thought, of the past when we find upon careful investigation and crucial tests their inadequacy to account for present conditions.They were true in their cycle, and applied to past conditions and states of mental development.But in this new era, upon whose threshold we now stand, the vibrations become more intense.Man's whole nature is being tuned to a higher key.We must not forget that these cycles apply to the race in their effect, and to the individual only as an integral part of the whole.To illustrate.The sign Aquarius is an electrical, positive, masculine influence, and will consequently manifest its chief activities upon the masculine qualities of the human soul; and to-day we have evidence of this in the gradual enfranchisement of woman, arousing the positive attributes of her nature in demanding equal rights with her brother, man, in the political arena, as she has already done in the educational field.

The masculine portion of the race is becoming more aggressive, mentally, asserting greater individuality, independent thought and action.The intellect of the race is being directed, however slowly, into scientific channels, while the human soul is slowly awakening to a sense of a deathless immortality and a desire for spiritual truth.It is slowly but surely shaking off the yoke of an effete priesthood and the fetters of superstition and tyranny.

Intelligent man talks of the new scientific and intellectual era that has dawned upon the world; of the necessity for a new religious system, based upon scientific truths, which can be demonstrated, combined with the pure spiritual essence found in all systems of religion; a religion with more spirituality and less theology; a broader charity and less dogma, and deeper love for God and man, its only creed.

We must now consider the astral influence of the cycle upon the physical organism of mankind, and particularly of the Western races, who are moving upon the upward arc of the cycle.It is quite evident that a radical change must take place in the physical form and constitution with the influx of more intellectual, ethereal and spiritual vibrations.The organism must become more refined and compact, a greater degree of sensitiveness be attained, with a highly nervous system.The forerunner of this superior organism is now apparent in the numerous schools of physical culture and gymnasiums throughout the land, the many articles and pamphlets on deep, rythmic breathing disseminated among the people, and last, but not least, the various schools of mental healing, etc.The masses look on and wonder, while they exclaim: "What marvelous changes are coming to the world!" but are utterly ignorant of the cause of the mysterious change.To the student of Hermetic Philosophy there is no mystery involved.He knows the cause, and confidently watches for the effect.

Each one must seek to comprehend for himself, according to the light he may receive, basing his premises upon the TRUE PRINCIPLES of astrology, carefully noting the triune aspect of planetary influence upon humanity, ever remembering that the Sun and Moon are the great factors in human destiny, and that his premises and conclusions must occupy thesame plane.Having acquired a knowledge of the science in its application to the individual, take the broader field, or universal aspect, as it applies to human races, and you will find the rise and fall of nations, empires and families marked upon the celestial dial, and in perfect accord with the influence of the Sun and planets upon Mother Earth, in her various movements.And last, but most important, seek with an earnest desire for truth to learn the relation of those glittering constellations of the shining Zodiac to the human soul and their influence in shaping its eternal destiny.This will reveal the whole of involution and evolution in a general sense.

A faithful, earnest and devout study of the "Science of the Starry Heavens" will lead us on to other planes of thought, relating to still more interior realms of knowledge than we perhaps now dream of, and, in the words of the master: "A true knowledge of the stars will include a true knowledge of the soul," and we shall realize "the mystical link that binds the soul to the stars." MINNIE HIGGIN.

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