【宠文】他,是一位万人敬仰所有少女都想嫁的帅皇上。她,是现代红的火热的天后,却因为一场意外来到这个世界。“皇上,云妃娘娘打了您的宠妃。” 某男一听,神色淡定,“嗯……找几个人去帮她,朕怕她打不过,另外找几个太医侯着,她要是出了什么事儿……”你懂的。 “皇上,云妃娘娘跟王爷有说有笑。” 某男淡定的合起奏折,“告诉朕的这位弟弟以后多来陪陪她。” “皇上,云妃娘娘……逃出宫了。” 某男大怒,“还不快去找,出了什么事朕要你们的狗命。” 某女就这样被‘强行’押回宫。 某男圈住试图逃跑的她,“爱妃,有力气跑还不如多给朕生几个皇子。” “唔……”
l8r, g8r - 10th Anniversary update and reissue
It's time for a new generation of readers to discover the phenomenally bestselling and beloved series, told entirely in messages and texts. With a fresh look and updated cultural references, the notorious list-topping series is ready for the iPhone generation. First published in 2004 (holy moly!), ttyl and its sequels follow the ups and downs of high school for the winsome threesome, three very different but very close friends: wild Maddie (mad maddie), bubbly Angela (SnowAngel), and reserved Zoe (zoegirl). Through teacher crushes, cross-country moves, bossy Queen Bees, incriminating party pics, and other bumps along the way, author Lauren Myracle explores the many potholes of teenagedom with the unflinching honesty and pitch-perfect humor that made this series a staple of young adult literature.武侠霸业之我命由我不由天