

'Oh, Callias, is it you that I hear?--the gods be praised!' Open the door, Ipray you!'

Callias withdrew the bolt, and the rueful face of Sosia hastily protruded itself.

'What!--in the chamber with that young girl, Sosia! Proh pudor! Are there not fruits ripe enough on the wall, but that thou must tamper with such green...'

'Name not the little witch!' interrupted Sosia, impatiently; 'she will be my ruin!' And he forthwith imparted to Callias the history of the Air Demon, and the escape of the Thessalian.

'Hang thyself, then, unhappy Sosia! I am just charged from Arbaces with a message to thee; on no account art thou to suffer her, even for a moment, from that chamber!'

'Me miserum!' exclaimed the slave. 'What can I do!--by this time she may have visited half Pompeii. But tomorrow I will undertake to catch her in her old haunts. Keep but my counsel, my dear Callias.'

'I will do all that friendship can, consistent with my own safety. But are you sure she has left the house?--she may be hiding here yet.'

'How is that possible? She could easily have gained the garden; and the door, as I told thee, was open.'

'Nay, not so; for, at that very hour thou specifiest, Arbaces was in the garden with the priest Calenus. I went there in search of some herbs for my master's bath to-morrow. I saw the table set out; but the gate I am sure was shut: depend upon it, that Calenus entered by the garden, and naturally closed the door after him.'

'But it was not locked.'

'Yes; for I myself, angry at a negligence which might expose the bronzes in the peristyle to the mercy of any robber, turned the key, took it away, and--as I did not see the proper slave to whom to give it, or I should have rated him finely--here it actually is, still in my girdle.'

'Oh, merciful Bacchus! I did not pray to thee in vain, after all. Let us not lose a moment! Let us to the garden instantly--she may yet be there!'

The good-natured Callias consented to assist the slave; and after vainly searching the chambers at hand, and the recesses of the peristyle, they entered the garden.

It was about this time that Nydia had resolved to quit her hiding-place, and venture forth on her way. Lightly, tremulously holding her breath, which ever and anon broke forth in quick convulsive gasps--now gliding by the flower--wreathed columns that bordered the peristyle--now darkening the still moonshine that fell over its tessellated centre--now ascending the terrace of the garden--now gliding amidst the gloomy and breathless trees, she gained the fatal door--to find it locked! We have all seen that expression of pain, of uncertainty, of fear, which a sudden disappointment of touch, if I may use the expression, casts over the face of the blind.

But what words can paint the intolerable woe, the sinking of the whole heart, which was now visible on the features of the Thessalian? Again and again her small, quivering hands wandered to and fro the inexorable door.

Poor thing that thou wert! in vain had been all thy noble courage, thy innocent craft, thy doublings to escape the hound and huntsmen! Within but a few yards from thee, laughing at thy endeavors--thy despair--knowing thou wert now their own, and watching with cruel patience their own moment to seize their prey--thou art saved from seeing thy pursuers!

'Hush, Callias!--let her go on. Let us see what she will do when she has convinced herself that the door is honest.'

'Look! she raises her face to the heavens--she mutters--she sinks down despondent! No! by Pollux, she has some new scheme! She will not resign herself! By Jupiter, a tough spirit! See, she springs up--she retraces her steps--she thinks of some other chance!--I advise thee, Sosia, to delay no longer: seize her ere she quit the garden--now!'

'Ah! runaway! I have thee--eh?' said Sosia, seizing upon the unhappy Nydia.

As a hare's last human cry in the fangs of the dogs--as the sharp voice of terror uttered by a sleep-walker suddenly awakened--broke the shriek of the blind girl, when she felt the abrupt gripe of her gaoler. It was a shriek of such utter agony, such entire despair, that it might have rung hauntingly in your ears for ever. She felt as if the last plank of the sinking Glaucus were torn from his clasp! It had been a suspense of life and death; and death had now won the game.

'Gods! that cry will alarm the house! Arbaces sleeps full lightly. Gag her!' cried Callias.

'Ah! here is the very napkin with which the young witch conjured away my reason! Come, that's right; now thou art dumb as well as blind.'

And, catching the light weight in his arms, Sosia soon gained the house, and reached the chamber from which Nydia had escaped. There, removing the gag, he left her to a solitude so racked and terrible, that out of Hades its anguish could scarcely be exceeded.

  • 五色石


  • Toys of Peace

    Toys of Peace



  • Her Prairie Knight

    Her Prairie Knight

  • The Master of Mrs. Chilvers

    The Master of Mrs. Chilvers

  • 悲惨世界(下)


  • “西洋镜”里的中国与妇女:文明的性别标准和晚清女权论述


  • 林双的致富日常


  • 烦恼的少年


  • 流浪写手


    人生起伏,我不求闻达。舞动我的青春,写下关于我的诗篇,悲伤也好,快乐也罢,鼓励自己,鼓励周围的朋友们,鼓励大家,我只想说一句:“我们的人生,在我们的手中。” 未来如何,不重要。重要的是,我们正在走向未来的路上。
  • 狄小杰侦探社(合集)


  • 谜网


  • The Egoist

    The Egoist

  • 逍遥行之逍遥宫主


  • 御药院方

