

"'But you sees yourse'f, ma'am, you hasn't the slightest evidence tharof,' says Enright, tryin' to soothe her down.

"'I has, however, what's a mighty sight better than evidence,' says Missis Rucker, 'an' that's my firm convictions.'

"'Well, see yere,' says Cherokee, who's been listenin' all peaceful, 'let me in on this.What be you-alls doin' this on? I reckons I'm entitled to a look at your hand for my money.'

"Enright goes on an' lays it off for Cherokee; how he's outen camp every time the stage is robbed, an' the idee is abroad he does it.

"'As the kyards lay in the box,' says Cherokee, 'I don't reckon thar's much doubt but you-alls will wind up the deal by hangin' me?'

"'It's shorely five to one that a-way,' says Enright.'Although I'm bound to say it ain't none decisive as yet.'

"'The trooth is,' says Cherokee, sorter thoughtful, 'I wasn't aimin'

to be hung none this autumn.I ain't got time, gents, for one thing, an' has arranged a heap diff'rent.In the next place, I never stands up no stage.'

"'That's what they all says,' puts in Boggs, who's a mighty impatient man.'I shorely notes no reason why we-alls can't proceed with this yere lynchin' at once.S'pose this Cherokee ain't stood up no stage; he's done plenty of other things as merits death.It strikes me thar's a sight of onnecessary talk yere.""'If you ain't out working the road,' says Doc Peets to Cherokee, not heedin' of Bogg's petulance, 'them stage-robbin' times, s'pose you onfolds where you was at?""Well, son, not to string this yere story out longer'n three drinks, yere is how it is: This Cherokee it looks like is soft-hearted that a-way,--what you calls romantic.An' it seems likewise that shovin'

the Stingin' Lizard from shore that time sorter takes advantage an'

feeds on him.So he goes browsin' 'round the postmaster all casooal, an' puts questions.Cherokee gets a p'inter about some yearlin' or other in Tucson this Stingin' Lizard sends money to an' makes good for, which he finds the same to be fact on caperin' over.It's a nephy or some sech play.An' the Stingin' Lizard has the young one staked out over thar, an' is puttin' up for his raiment an' grub all reg'lar enough.

"'Which I yereafter backs this infant's play myse'f,' says Cherokee to the barkeep of the Oriental Saloon over in Tucson, which is the party the Stingin' Lizard pastures the young one on.'You're all right, Bill,' goes on this Cherokee to the barkeep,' but now I goes back of the box for this infant boy, I reckons I'll saw him off onto a preacher, or some sharp sim'lar, where he gets a Christian example.Whatever do you think?'

"The barkeep says himse'f he allows it's the play to make.So he an'

Cherokee goes surgin' 'round, an' at last they camps the boy--who's seven years comin' grass--on the only pulpit-sharp in Tucson.This gospel-spreader says he'll feed an' bed down the boy for some sum;which was shore a giant one, but the figgers I now forgets.

"Cherokee gives him a stack of blues to start his game, an' is now pesterin' 'round in a co't tryin' to get the young one counter-branded from the Stingin' Lizard's outfit into his, an' given the name of Cherokee Hall.That's what takes him over to Tucson them times, an' not stage-robbin'.

"Two days later, in fact, to make shore all doubts is over, Cherokee even rings in said divine on us; which the divine tells the same story.I don't reckon now he's much of a preacher neither; for he gives Wolfville one whirl for luck over in the warehouse back of the New York Store, an' I shore hears 'em as makes a mighty sight more noise, an' bangs the Bible twice as hard, back in the States.I says so to Cherokee; but he puts it up he don't bank none on his preachin'.

"'What I aims at,' says Cherokee, 'is someone who rides herd on the boy all right, an' don't let him stampede off none into vicious ways.'

"'Why don't you keep the camp informed of this yere orphan an' the play you makes?' says Enright, at the time it's explained to the committee,--the time they trees Cherokee about them stages.

"'It's that benev'lent an' mushy,' says Cherokee, 'I'm plumb ashamed of the deal, an' don't allow to go postin' no notices tharof.But along comes this yere hold-up business, an', all inadvertent, tips my hand; which the same I stands, however, jest the same.'

"'It's all right,' says Enright, some disgusted though; 'but the next time you makes them foundlin' asylum trips, don't walk in the water so much.Leave your trail so Wolfville sees it, an' then folks ain't so likely to jump your camp in the dark an' take to shootin'

you up for Injuns an' sim'lar hostiles.'

"'But one thing more,' continues Enright, an' then we orders the drinks.Jack Moore is yereby instructed to present the compliments of the committee to Rucker, when he trails in from Tucson; which he also notifies him to hobble his wife yereafter durin' sessions of this body.She's not to go draggin' her lariat 'round loose no more, settin' law an' order at defiance durin' sech hours as is given to business by the Stranglers."

  • 五虎征西


  • 憩园词话


  • 中观论疏


  • Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses

    Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses

  • 啁啾漫记


  • 坠神界


  • 曾闻倾城


  • 花野昼梦


  • 傲世少爷战龙天


  • 异界剑刃传说


  • 国民老公的一亿宝妻


  • 渴望 (吸血鬼日志系列#10)

    渴望 (吸血鬼日志系列#10)

  • 恶人修改器


  • 无双侠道


  • 生来异类

