

Henrietta's arrival had been announced by Mr.Bantling, who, coming down from Nice while she was at Venice, and expecting to find her in Florence, which she had not yet reached, called at Palazzo Crescentini to express his disappointment.Henrietta's own advent occurred two days later and produced in Mr.Bantling an emotion amply accounted for by the fact that he had not seen her since the termination of the episode at Versailles.The humorous view of his situation was generally taken, but it was uttered only by Ralph Touchett, who, in the privacy of his own apartment, when Bantling smoked a cigar there, indulged in goodness knew what strong comedy on the subject of the all-judging one and her British backer.This gentleman took the joke in perfectly good part and candidly confessed that he regarded the affair as a positive intellectual adventure.He liked Miss Stackpole extremely; he thought she had a wonderful head on her shoulders, and found great comfort in the society of a woman who was not perpetually thinking about what would be said and how what she did, how what they did- and they had done things!- would look.Miss Stackpole never cared how anything looked, and, if she didn't care, pray why should he? But his curiosity had been roused; he wanted awfully to see if she ever would care.He was prepared to go as far as she- he didn't see why he should break down first.

Henrietta showed no signs of breaking down.Her prospects had brightened on her leaving England, and she was now in the full enjoyment of her copious resources.She had indeed been obliged to sacrifice her hopes with regard to the inner life; the social question, on the Continent, bristled with difficulties even more numerous than those she had encountered in England.But on the Continent there was the outer life, which was palpable and visible at every turn, and more easily convertible to literary uses than the customs of those opaque islanders.Out of doors in foreign lands, as she ingeniously remarked, one seemed to see the right side of the tapestry; out of doors in England one seemed to see the wrong side, which gave one no notion of the figure.The admission costs her historian a pang, but Henrietta, despairing of more occult things, was now paying much attention to the outer life.She had been studying it for two months at Venice, from which city she sent to the Interviewer a conscientious account of the gondolas, the Piazza, the Bridge of Sighs, the pigeons and the young boatman who chanted Tasso.The Interviewer was perhaps disappointed, but Henrietta was at least seeing Europe.Her present purpose was to get down to Rome before the malaria should come on- he apparently supposed that it began on a fixed day; and with this design she was to spend at present but few days in Florence.Mr.Bantling was to go with her to Rome, and she pointed out to Isabel that as he had been there before, as he was a military man and as he had had a classical education- he had been bred at Eton, where they study nothing but Latin and Whyte-Melville, said Miss Stackpole- he would be a most useful companion in the city of the Caesars.At this juncture Ralph had the happy idea of proposing to Isabel that she also, under his own escort, should make a pilgrimage to Rome.She expected to pass a portion of the next winter there- that was very well; but meantime there was no harm in surveying the field.There were ten days left of the beautiful month of May- the most precious month of all to the true Rome lover.

Isabel would become a Rome-lover; that was a foregone conclusion.

She was provided with a trusty companion of her own sex, whose society, thanks to the fact of other calls on this lady's attention, would probably not be oppressive.Madame Merle would remain with Mrs.Touchett; she had left Rome for the summer and wouldn't care to return.She professed herself delighted to be left at peace in Florence; she had locked up her apartment and sent her cook home to Palestrina.She urged Isabel, however, to assent to Ralph's proposal, and assured her that a good introduction to Rome was not a thing to be despised.Isabel in truth needed no urging, and the party of four arranged its little journey.Mrs.Touchett, on this occasion, had resigned herself to the absence of a duenna; we have seen that she now inclined to the belief that her niece should stand alone.One of Isabel's preparations consisted of her seeing Gilbert Osmond before she started and mentioning her intention to him.

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    这是一个被众多国家所忌惮的雇佣兵组织,亦正亦邪,一切以利益为至上。她忘记了自己的名字,忘记了家,却唯独记住了她的生日。 他,被称为雇佣兵界几百年出现的天才。 四岁那年,她被他带到了这里,他教她格斗,教她侦查,教她开枪,教她……生存,却唯独叫她放弃爱。 他给她取了名字,给她最尊贵的地位,带她坐上最强者的位置,然而她想要的,从来都不是这些......她只想知道她究竟是谁,她想要的,从始至终只有两个字……自由
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