

Was not the sentiment that he entertained for Miss Osmond of infinitely greater importance? Of greater importance to him-yes; but not probably to the master of the house.There was one comfort; even if this gentleman had been placed on his guard by Madame Merle he would not have extended the warning to Pansy; it would not have been part of his policy to let her know that a prepossessing young man was in love with her.But he was in love with her, the prepossessing young man; and all these restrictions of circumstance had ended by irritating him.What had Gilbert Osmond meant by giving him two fingers of his left hand? If Osmond was rude, surely he himself might be bold.He felt extremely bold after the dull girl in so vain a disguise of rose-colour had responded to the call of her mother, who came in to say, with a significant simper at Rosier, that she must carry her off to other triumphs.The mother and daughter departed together, and now it depended only upon him that he should be virtually alone with Pansy.He had never been alone with her before;he had never been alone with a jeune fille.It was a great moment;poor Rosier began to pat his forehead again.There was another room beyond the one in which they stood-a small room that had been thrown open and lighted, but that, the company not being numerous, had remained empty all the evening.It was empty yet; it was upholstered in pale yellow; there were several lamps; through the open door it looked the very temple of authorized love.Rosier gazed a moment through this aperture; he was afraid that Pansy would run away, and felt almost capable of stretching out a hand to detain her.But she lingered where the other maiden had left them, making no motion to join a knot of visitors on the far side of the room.For a little it occurred to him that she was frightened-too frightened perhaps to move; but a second glance assured him she was not, and he then reflected that she was too innocent indeed for that.After a supreme hesitation he asked her if he might go and look at the yellow room, which seemed so attractive yet so virginal.He had been there already with Osmond, to inspect the furniture, which was of the First French Empire, and especially to admire the clock (which he didn't really admire), an immense classic structure of that period.He therefore felt that he had now begun to manoeuvre.

"Certainly, you may go," said Pansy; "and if you like I'll show you." She was not in the least frightened.

"That's just what I hoped you'd say; you're so very kind," Rosier murmured.

They went in together; Rosier really thought the room very ugly, and it seemed cold.The same idea appeared to have struck Pansy."It's not for winter evenings; it's for summer," she said."It's papa's taste;he has so much."

He had a good deal, Rosier thought; but some of it was very bad.

He looked about him; he hardly knew what to say in such a situation.

"Doesn't Mrs.Osmond care how her rooms are done? Has she no taste? he asked.

"Oh yes, a great deal; but it's more for literature," said Pansy-"and for conversation.But papa cares also for those things.Ithink he knows everything."

Rosier was silent a little."There's one thing I'm sure he knows!"he broke out presently."He knows that when I come here it's, with all respect to him, with all respect to Mrs.Osmond, who's so charming-it's really," said the young man, "to see you!""To see me?" And Pansy raised her vaguely-troubled eyes.

"To see you; that's what I come for," Rosier repeated, feeling the intoxication of a rupture with authority.

Pansy stood looking at him, simply, intently, openly; a blush was not needed to make her face more modest."I thought it was for that.""And it was not disagreeable to you?"

"I couldn't tell; I didn't know.You never told me," said Pansy.

"I was afraid of offending you."

"You don't offend me," the young girl murmured, smiling as if an angel had kissed her.

"You like me then, Pansy?" Rosier asked very gently, feeling very happy.

"Yes-I like you."

They had walked to the chimney-piece where the big cold Empire clock was perched; they were well within the room and beyond observation from without.The tone in which she had said these four words seemed to him the very breath of nature, and his only answer could be to take her hand and hold it a moment.Then he raised it to his lips.She submitted, still with her pure, trusting smile, in which there was something ineffably passive.She liked him-she had liked him all the while; now anything might happen! She was ready-she had been ready always, waiting for him to speak.If he had not spoken she would have waited for ever; but when the word came she dropped like the peach from the shaken tree.Rosier felt that if he should draw her toward him and hold her to his heart she would submit without a murmur, would rest there without a question.It was true that this would be a rash experiment in a yellow Empire salottino.She had known it was for her he came, and yet like what a perfect little lady she had carried it off!

"You're very dear to me," he murmured, trying to believe that there was after all such a thing as hospitality.

She looked a moment at her hand, where he had kissed it."Did you say papa knows?""You told me just now he knows everything.""I think you must make sure," said Pansy.

"Ah, my dear, when once I'm sure of you!" Rosier murmured in her ear; whereupon she turned back to the other rooms with a little air of consistency which seemed to imply that their appeal should be immediate.

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