

It was impossible to pretend that she had not acted with her eyes open; if ever a girl was a free agent she had been.A girl in love was doubtless not a free agent; but the sole source of her mistake had been within herself.There had been no plot, no snare; she had looked and considered and chosen.When a woman had made such a mistake, there was only one way to repair it-just immensely (oh, with the highest grandeur! to accept it.One folly was enough, especially when it was to last for ever; a second one would not much set it off.In this vow of reticence there was a certain nobleness which kept Isabel going; but Madame Merle had been right, for all that, in taking her precautions.

One day about a month after Ralph Touchett's arrival in Rome Isabel came back from a walk with Pansy.It was not only a part of her general determination to be just that she was at present very thankful for Pansy-it was also a part of her tenderness for things that were pure and weak.Pansy was dear to her, and there was nothing else in her life that had the rightness of the young creature's attachment or the sweetness of her own clearness about it.It was like a soft presence-like a small hand in her own; on Pansy's part it was more than an affection-it was a kind of ardent coercive faith.On her own side her sense of the girl's dependence was more than a pleasure; it operated as a definite reason when motives threatened to fail her.She had said to herself that we must take our duty where we find it, and that we must look for it as much as possible.Pansy's sympathy was a direct admonition; it seemed to say that here was an opportunity, not eminent perhaps, but unmistakeable.Yet an opportunity for what Isabel could hardly have said; in general, to be more for the child than the child was able to be for herself.Isabel could have smiled, in these days, to remember that her little companion had once been ambiguous, for she now perceived that Pansy's ambiguities were simply her own grossness of vision.She had been unable to believe any one could care so much-so extraordinarily much-to please.But since then she had seen this delicate faculty in operation, and now she knew what to think of it.It was the whole creature-it was a sort of genius.Pansy had no pride to interfere with it, and though she was constantly extending her conquests she took no credit for them.The two were constantly together; Mrs.Osmond was rarely seen without her stepdaughter.Isabel liked her company; it had the effect of one's carrying a nosegay composed all of the same flower.And then not to neglect Pansy, not under any provocation to neglect her-this she had made an article of religion.The young girl had every appearance of being happier in Isabel's society than in that of any one save her father, whom she admired with an intensity justified by the fact that, as paternity was an exquisite pleasure to Gilbert Osmond, he had always been luxuriously mild.Isabel knew how Pansy liked to be with her and how she studied the means of pleasing her.She had decided that the best way of pleasing her was negative, and consisted in not giving her trouble-a conviction which certainly could have had no reference to trouble already existing.She was therefore ingeniously passive and almost imaginatively docile; she was careful even to moderate the eagerness with which she assented to Isabel's propositions and which might have implied that she could have thought otherwise.She never interrupted, never asked social questions, and though she delighted in approbation, to the point of turning pale when it came to her, never held out her hand for it.

She only looked toward it wistfully-an attitude which, as she grew older, made her eyes the prettiest in the world.When during the second winter at Palazzo Roccanera she began to go to parties, to dances, she always, at a reasonable hour, lest Mrs.Osmond should be tired, was the first to propose departure.Isabel appreciated the sacrifice of the late dances, for she knew her little companion had a passionate pleasure in this exercise, taking her steps to the music like a conscientious fairy.Society, moreover, had no drawbacks for her; she liked even the tiresome parts-the heat of ball-rooms, the dulness of dinners, the crush at the door, the awkward waiting for the carriage.During the day, in this vehicle, beside her stepmother, she sat in a small fixed, appreciative posture, bending forward and faintly smiling, as if she had been taken to drive for the first time.

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