

"I don't care for that," said Henrietta.

"I do immensely! If Isabel's unhappy I'm very sorry for her, but Ican't help it.I might tell her something that would make her worse, but I can't tell her anything that would console her.What did she go and marry him for? If she had listened to me she'd have got rid of him.I'll forgive her, however, if I find she has made things hot for him! If she has simply allowed him to trample upon her I don't know that I shall even pity her.But I don't think that's very likely.

I count upon finding that if she's miserable she has at least made him so."Henrietta got up; these seemed to her, naturally, very dreadful expectations.She honestly believed she had no desire to see Mr.

Osmond unhappy; and indeed he could not be, for her the subject of a flight of fancy.She was on the whole rather disappointed in the Countess, whose mind moved in a narrower circle than she had imagined, though with a capacity for coarseness even there."It will be better if they love each other," she said for edification.

"They can't.He can't love any one."

"I presumed that was the case.But it only aggravates my fear for Isabel.

I shall positively start to-morrow."

"Isabel certainly has devotees," said the Countess, smiling very vividly.

"I declare I don't pity her."

"It may be I can't assist her," Miss Stackpole pursued, as if it were well not to have illusions.

"You can have wanted to, at any rate; that's something.I believe that's what you came from America for," the Countess suddenly added.

"Yes, I wanted to look after her," Henrietta said serenely.

Her hostess stood there smiling at her with small bright eyes and an eager-looking nose; with cheeks into each of which a flush had come.

"Ah, that's very pretty- c'est bien gentil! Isn't it what they call friendship?""I don't know what they call it.I thought I had better come.""She's very happy-she's very fortunate," the Countess went on.

"She has others besides." And then she broke out passionately.

"She's more fortunate than I! I'm as unhappy as she-I've a very bad husband; he's a great deal worse than Osmond.And I've no friends.Ithought I had, but they're gone.No one, man or woman, would do for me what you've done for her."Henrietta was touched; there was nature in this bitter effusion.She gazed at her companion a moment, and then: "Look here, Countess, I'll do anything for you that you like.I'll wait over and travel with you.""Never mind," the Countess answered with a quick change of tone:

only describe me in the newspaper!"

Henrietta, before leaving her, however, was obliged to make her understand that she could give no fictitious representation of her journey to Rome.Miss Stackpole was a strictly veracious reporter.

On quitting her she took the way to the Lung' Arno, the sunny quay beside the yellow river where the bright-faced inns familiar to tourists stand all in a row.She had learned her way before this through the streets of Florence (she was very quick in such matters), and was therefore able to turn with great decision of step out of the little square which forms the approach to the bridge of the Holy Trinity.She proceeded to the left, toward the Ponte Vecchio, and stopped in front of one of the hotels which overlook that delightful structure.Here she drew forth a small pocket-book, took from it a card and a pencil and, after meditating a moment, wrote a few words.

It is our privilege to look over her shoulder, and if we exercise it we may read the brief query: "Could I see you this evening for a few moments on a very important matter?" Henrietta added that she should start on the morrow for Rome.Armed with this little document she approached the porter, who now had taken up his station in the doorway, and asked if Mr.Goodwood were at home.The porter replied, as porters always reply, that he had gone out about twenty minutes before; whereupon Henrietta presented her card and begged it might be handed him on his return.She left the inn and pursued her course along the quay to the severe portico of the Uffizi, through which she presently reached the entrance of the famous gallery of paintings.

Making her way in, she ascended the high staircase which leads to the upper chambers.The long corridor, glazed on one side and decorated with antique busts, which gives admission to these apartments, presented an empty vista in which the bright winter light twinkled upon the marble floor.The gallery is very cold and during the midwinter weeks but scantily visited.Miss Stackpole may appear more ardent in her quest of artistic beauty than she has hitherto struck us as being, but she had after all her preferences and admirations.One of the latter was the little Correggio of the Tribune-the Virgin kneeling down before the sacred infant, who lies in a litter of straw, and clapping her hands to him while he delightedly laughs and crows.Henrietta had a special devotion to this intimate scene-she thought it the most beautiful picture in the world.

On her way, at present, from New York to Rome, she was spending but three days in Florence, and yet reminded herself that they must not elapse without her paying another visit to her favourite work of art.She had a great sense of beauty in all ways, and it involved a good many intellectual obligations.She was about to turn into the Tribune when a gentleman came out of it; whereupon she gave a little exclamation and stood before Caspar Goodwood.

"I've just been at your hotel," she said."I left a card for you.""I'm very much honoured," Caspar Goodwood answered as if he really meant it.

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    Ancient Law

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  • Virginibus Puerisque

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