

"It's not her encouraging Warburton that I complain of; it's her sending him away.I want particularly to see him.Do you suppose she thought I would make him faithless?" the Countess continued with audacious insistence."However, she's only keeping him, one can feel that.The house is full of him there; he's quite in the air.Oh yes, he has left traces; I'm sure I shall see him yet.""Well," said Henrietta after a little, with one of those inspirations which had made the fortune of her letters to the Interviewer, "perhaps he'll be more successful with you than with Isabel!"When she told her friend of the offer she had made Ralph Isabel replied that she could have done nothing that would have pleased her more.It had always been her faith that at bottom Ralph and this young woman were made to understand each other."I don't care whether he understands me or not," Henrietta declared."The great thing is that he shouldn't die in the cars.""He won't do that," Isabel said, shaking her head with an extension of faith.

"He won't if I can help it.I see you want us all to go.I don't know what you want to do.""I want to be alone," said Isabel.

"You won't be that so long as you've so much company at home.""Ah, they're part of the comedy.You others are spectators.""Do you call it a comedy, Isabel Archer?" Henrietta rather grimly asked.

"The tragedy then if you like.You're all looking at me; it makes me uncomfortable."Henrietta engaged in this act for a while."You're like the stricken deer, seeking the innermost shade.Oh, you do give me such a sense of helplessness!" she broke out.

"I'm not at all helpless.There are many things I mean to do.""It's not you I'm speaking of; it's myself.It's too much, having come on purpose, to leave you just as I find you.""You don't do that; you leave me much refreshed," Isabel said.

"Very mild refreshment-sour lemonade! I want you to promise me something.""I can't do that.I shall never make another promise.I made such a solemn one four years ago, and I've succeeded so ill in keeping it.""You've had no encouragement.In this case I should give you the greatest.Leave your husband before the worst comes; that's what Iwant you to promise."

"The worst? What do you call the worst?"

"Before your character gets spoiled."

"Do you mean my disposition? It won't get spoiled," Isabel answered, smiling."I'm taking very good care of it.I'm extremely struck,"she added, turning away, "with the off-hand way in which you speak of a woman's leaving her husband.It's easy to see you've never had one!""Well," said Henrietta as if she were beginning an argument, "nothing is more common in our Western cities, and it's to them, after all, that we must look in the future." Her argument, however, does not concern this history, which has too many other threads to unwind.

She announced to Ralph Touchett that she was ready to leave Rome by any train he might designate, and Ralph immediately pulled himself together for departure.Isabel went to see him at the last, and he made the same remark that Henrietta had made.It struck him that Isabel was uncommonly glad to get rid of them all.

For all answer to this she gently laid her hand on his, and said in a low tone, with a quick smile: "My dear Ralph-!"It was answer enough, and he was quite contented.But he went on in the same way, jocosely, ingenuously: "I've seen less of you than I might, but it's better than nothing.And then I've heard a great deal about you.""I don't know from whom, leading the life you've done.""From the voices of the air! Oh, from no one else; I never let other people speak of you.They always say you're 'charming,' and that's so flat.""I might have seen more of you certainly," Isabel said."But when one's married one has so much occupation.""Fortunately I'm not married.When you come to see me in England Ishall be able to entertain you with all the freedom of a bachelor." He continued to talk as if they should certainly meet again, and succeeded in making the assumption appear almost just.He made no allusion to his term being near, to the probability that he should not outlast the summer.If he preferred it so, Isabel was willing enough; the reality was sufficiently distinct without their erecting finger-posts in conversation.That had been well enough for the earlier time, though about this, as about his other affairs, Ralph had never been egotistic.Isabel spoke of his journey, of the stages into which he should divide it, of the precautions he should take.

"Henrietta's my greatest precaution," he went on."The conscience of that woman's sublime.""Certainly she'll be very conscientious.""Will be? She has been! It's only because she thinks it's her duty that she goes with me.There's a conception of duty for you.""Yes, it's a generous one," said Isabel, "and it makes me deeply ashamed.

I ought to go with you, you know."

"Your husband wouldn't like that."

"No, he wouldn't like it.But I might go, all the same.""I'm startled by the boldness of your imagination.Fancy my being a cause of disagreement between a lady and her husband!""That's why I don't go," said Isabel simply-yet not very lucidly.

  • 续古尊宿语要目录


  • 耳目记


  • 诸方门人参问语录


  • 太华希夷志


  • 阿那邠邸化七子经


  • 杨小阳的假期


  • 冷血世纪


  • 冷宫德妃


  • 心“零”的世界:归零心态改变人生


  • 狼人日记


  • 青树


  • 论语通解(一)


  • 万妖归来


  • 屠龙法神


  • 胎教早教大百科

