

The proposition stunned Sanders, but I insisted that if old man Don was there, he would make him take something.He picked a good horse out of my mount and stayed until morning, when he was compelled to return, as the probabilities were that they would receive the other cattle some time during the day.After breakfast, and as he was starting to return, he said, "Well, boys, tell the old man that I don't expect ever to be able to return his kindness, though I'd ride a thousand miles for the chance.One thing sure, there isn't a man in Dakota who has money enough to tempt me to part with my pelon.If you locate down on the Little Missouri, drop me a line where you are at, and if Lovell wants four good men, I can let him have them about the first of December.You through lads are liable to be seared over the coming winter, and a few acclimated ones will put backbone in his outfit.And tell the old man that if I can ever do him a good turn just to snap his fingers and I'll quit the government--he's a few shades whiter than it, anyhow."The herd had already left the bed-ground, headed south.About five miles above O'Brien's, we recrossed to the eastern side of the Yellowstone, and for the next three days moved short distances, the military always camped well in our rear.The fourth morning I killed a beef, a forage-wagon came forward and took half of it back to the cavalry camp with our greetings and farewell, and we parted company.Don Lovell met us about noon, elated as a boy over his purchase of the hay ranch.My brother had gone on to the railroad and thence by train to Miles City to meet his remuda and outfit."Boys, I have bought you a new home,"was the greeting of old man Don, as he dismounted at our noon camp."There's a comfortable dugout, stabling for about ten horses, and seventy-five tons of good hay in the stack.The owner was homesick to get back to God's country, and he'll give us possession in ten days.Bob will be in Little Missouri to-day and order us a car of sacked corn from Omaha, and within a month we'll be as snug as they are down in old Medina.Bob's outfit will go home from Miles, and if he can't sell his remuda he'll bring it up here.Two of these outfits can start back in a few days, and afterward the camp will be reduced to ten men."Two days later Forrest veered off and turned his cattle loose below the junction of the Beaver with the Little Missouri.

Sponsilier crossed the former, scattering his beeves both up and down the latter, while I cut mine into a dozen bunches and likewise freed them along the creek.The range was about ten miles in length along the river, and a camp was established at either end where men would be stationed until the beeves were located.The commissaries had run low, there was a quiet rivalry as to which outfits should go home, and we all waited with bated breath for the final word.I had Dorg Seay secretly inform my employer that I had given Sanders a horse without his permission, hoping that it might displease him.But the others pointed out the fact that my outfit had far the best remuda, and that it would require well-mounted men to locate and hold that number of cattle through the winter.Old man Don listened to them all, and the next morning, as all three of us foremen were outlining certain improvements about the hay ranch with him, he turned tb me and said:

"Tom, I hear you gave Sanders a horse.Well, that was all right, although it strikes me you were rather liberal in giving him the pick of a choice remuda.But it may all come right in the long run, as Bob and I have decided to leave you and your outfit to hold these cattle this winter.So divide your men and send half of them down to Quince's camp, and have your cook and wrangler come over to Dave's wagon to bring back provision and the horses, as we'll start for the railroad in the morning.I may not come back, but Bob will, and he'll see that you are well fixed for the winter before he goes home.After he leaves, I want you to write me every chance you have to send a letter to the railroad.Now, Idon't want any grumbling out of you or your men; you're a disgrace to the state that raised you if you can't handle cattle anywhere that any other man can."I felt all along it would fall to me, the youngest of six foremen; and my own dear brother consigning me to a winter in the North, while he would bask in the sunshine of our own sunny South! It was hard to face; but I remembered that the fall before it had been my lot to drive a thousand saddle horses home to the ranch, and that I had swaggered as a trail foreman afterward as the result.It had always been my luck to have to earn every little advance or promotion, while others seemed to fall into them without any effort.Bob Quirk never saw the day that he was half the all-round cowman that I was; yet he was above me and could advise, and I had to obey.

On the morning of the 25th of September, 1884, the two outfits started for the railroad, leaving the remainder of us in a country, save for the cattle, so desolate that there was no chance even to spend our wages.I commited to memory a curtain lecture for my brother, though somehow or other it escaped me and was never delivered.We rode lines between the upper and lower wagons, holding the cattle loosely on a large range.A delightful fall favored us, and before the first squall of winter came on, the beeves had contented themselves as though they had been born on the Little Missouri.Meanwhile Bob's wagon and remuda arrived, the car of corn was hauled to our headquarters, extra stabling was built, and we settled down like banished exiles.

Communication had been opened with Fort Buford, and in the latter part of October the four promised men arrived, when Bob Quirk took part of my outfit and went home, leaving me ten men.Parent remained as cook, the new men assimilated easily, a fiddle was secured, and in fulfillment of the assertion of Sanders, we picked up courage.Two grain-fed horses, carefully stabled, were allowed to each man, the remainder of our large number of saddle stock running free on the range.

  • 本草述钩元


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