

The trip to Lasalle County was mere pastime.All three of the outfits kept in touch with each other, camping far enough apart to avoid any conflict in night-herding the remudas.The only incident to mar the pleasure of the outing was the discovery of ticks in many of our horses' ears.The pasture in which they had wintered was somewhat brushy, and as there had been no frost to kill insect life, myriads of seed-ticks had dropped from the mesquite thickets upon the animals when rubbing against or passing underneath them.As the inner side of a horse's ear is both warm and tender,that organ was frequently infested with this pest, whose ravages often undermined the supporting cartilages and produced the drooping or "gotch" ear.In my remuda over one half the horses were afflicted with ticks, and many of them it was impossible to bridle, owing to the inflamed condition of their ears.Fortunately we had with us some standard preparations for blistering, so, diluting this in axle-grease, we threw every animal thus affected and thoroughly swabbed his ears.On reaching the Nueces River, near the western boundary of Lasalle County, the other two outfits continued on down that stream for their destination in the lower country.Flood remained behind with me, and going into camp on the river with my outfit, the two of us rode over to Los Lobos Ranch and announced ourselves as ready to receive the cattle.Dr.Beaver, the seller of the herd, was expecting us, and sending word of our arrival to neighboring cowmen, we looked over the corrals before returning to camp.They had built a new branding-chute and otherwise improved their facilities for handling cattle.The main enclosure had been built of heavy palisades in an early day, but recently several of smaller sized lumber had been added, making the most complete corrals I had ever seen.An abundance of wood was at hand for heating the branding-irons, and every little detail to facilitate the work had been provided for.Giving notice that we would receive every morning on the open prairie only, we declined an invitation to remain at the ranch and returned to my wagon.

In the valley the grass was well forward.We had traveled only some twenty miles a day coming down, and our horses had fared well.But as soon as we received any cattle, night-herding the remuda would cease, and we must either hobble or resort to other measures.John Levering was my horse-wrangler.He had made two trips over the trail with Fant's herds in the same capacity, was careful, humane, and an all-round horseman.In employing a cook, I had given the berth to Neal Parent, an old boyhood chum of mine.He never amounted to much as a cow-hand, but was a lighthearted, happy fool; and as cooking did not require much sense, I gave him the chance to make his first trip.Like a court jester, he kept the outfit in fine spirits and was the butt of all jokes.In entertaining company he was in a class by himself, and spoke with marked familiarity of all the prominent cowmen in southern Texas.To a stranger the inference might be easily drawn that Lovell was in his employ.

As we were expecting to receive cattle on the third day, the next morning the allotment of horses was made.The usual custom of giving the foreman first choice was claimed, and I cut twelve of solid colors but not the largest ones.Taking turns, the outfit roped out horse after horse until only the ten extra ones were left.In order that these should bear a fair share in the work, Itook one of them for a night-horse and allotted the others to the second, third, and last guard in a similar capacity.This gave the last three watches two horses apiece for night work, but with the distinct understanding that in case of accident or injury to any horse in the remuda, they could be recalled.There was little doubt that before the summer ended, they would be claimed to fill vacancies in the regular mounts.Flood had kept behind only two horses with which to overtake the other outfits, and during his stay with us would ride these extras and loans from my mount.

The entire morning was spent working with the remuda.Once a man knew his mount, extra attention was shown each horse.There were witches' bridles to be removed from their manes, extra long tails were thinned out to the proper length, and all hoofs trimmed short.The horses were fast shedding their winter coats, matting the saddle blankets with falling hair, and unless carefully watched, galled backs would result.The branding-irons had been altered en route, and about noon a vaquero came down the river and reported that the second round-up of the day would meet just over the county line in Dimmit.He belonged at Los Lobos, and reported the morning rodeo as containing over five hundred beeves, which would be ready for delivery at our pleasure.We made him remain for dinner, after which Flood and I saddled up and returned with him.We reached the round-up just as the cutting-out finished.They were a fine lot of big rangy beeves, and Jim suggested that we pass upon them at once.The seller agreed to hold them overnight, and Flood and I culled back about one hundred and twenty which were under age or too light.The round-up outfit strung the cattle out and counted them, reporting a few over seven hundred head.This count was merely informal and for the information of the seller; but in the morning the final one would be made, in which we could take a hand.

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