

Morning dawned on a scene of pastoral grandeur.The valley of the North Platte was dotted with cattle from hill and plain.The river, well confined within its low banks, divided an unsurveyed domain of green-swarded meadows like a boundary line between vast pastures.The exodus of cattle from Texas to the new Northwest was nearing flood-tide, and from every swell and knoll the solitary figure of the herdsman greeted the rising sun.

Sponsilier and I had agreed to rejoin our own outfits at the first opportunity.We might have exchanged places the evening before, but I had a horse and some ammunition at Dave's camp and was just contentious enough not to give up a single animal from my own mount.On the other hand, Mr.Dave Sponsilier would have traded whole remudas with me; but my love for a good horse was strong, and Fort Buford was many a weary mile distant.Hence there was no surprise shown as Sponsilier rode up to his own wagon that morning in time for breakfast.We were good friends when personal advantages did not conflict, and where our employer's interests were at stake we stood shoulder to shoulder like comrades.Yet Dave gave me a big jolly about being daffy over my horses, well knowing that there is an indescribable nearness between one of our craft and his own mount.But warding off his raillery, just the same and in due time, I cantered away on my own horse.

As I rode up the North Fork towards my outfit, the attached herd was in plain view across the river.Arriving at my own wagon, Isaw a mute appeal in every face for permission to go to town, and consent was readily granted to all who had not been excused on a similar errand the day before.The cook and horse-wrangler were included, and the activities of the outfit in saddling and getting away were suggestive of a prairie fire or a stampede.Iaccompanied them across the river, and then turned upstream to my brother's camp, promising to join them later and make a full day of it.At Bob's wagon they had stretched a fly, and in its shade lounged half a dozen men, while an air of languid indolence pervaded the camp.Without dismounting, I announced myself as on the way to town, and invited any one who wished to accompany me.

Lovell and Reed both declined; half of Bob's men had been excused and started an hour before, but my brother assured me that if Iwould wait until the deposed foreman returned, the latter's company could be counted on.I waited, and in the course of half an hour the trail boss came back from his cattle.During the interim, the two old cowmen reviewed Grant's siege of Vicksburg, both having been participants, but on opposite sides.While the guest was shifting his saddle to a loaned horse, I inquired if there was anything that I could attend to for any one at Ogalalla.Lovell could think of nothing; but as we mounted to start, Reed aroused himself, and coming over, rested the stub of his armless sleeve on my horse's neck, saying:

"You boys might drop into the sheriff's office as you go in and also again as you are starting back.Report the cattle as having spent a quiet night and ask Phillips if he has any word for me."Turning to the trail boss he continued: "Young man, I would suggest that you hunt up your employer and have him stir things up.The cattle will be well taken care of, but we're just as anxious to turn them back to you as you are to receive them.Tell the seller that it would be well worth his while to see Lovell and myself before going any farther.We can put him in possession of a few facts that may save him time and trouble.I reckon that's about all.Oh, yes, I'll be at this wagon all evening.

My brother rode a short distance with us and introduced the stranger as Hugh Morris.He proved a sociable fellow, had made three trips up the trail as foreman, his first two herds having gone to the Cherokee Strip under contract.By the time we reached Ogalalla, as strong a fraternal level existed between us as though we had known each other for years.Halting for a moment at the sheriff's office, we delivered our messages, after which we left our horses at the same corral with the understanding that we would ride back together.A few drinks were indulged in before parting, then each went to attend to his own errands, but we met frequently during the day.Once my boys were provided with funds, they fell to gambling so eagerly that they required no further thought on my part until evening.Several times during the day Icaught glimpses of Tolleston, always on horseback, and once surrounded by quite a cavalcade of horsemen.Morris and I took dinner at the hotel where the trio of government jobbers were stopping.They were in evidence, and amongst the jolliest of the guests, commanding and receiving the best that the hostelry afforded.Sutton was likewise present, but quiet and unpretentious, and I thought there was a false, affected note in the hilarity of the ringsters, and for effect.I was known to two of the trio, but managed to overhear any conversation which was adrift.After dinner and over fragrant cigars, they reared their feet high on an outer gallery, and the inference could be easily drawn that a contract, unless it involved millions, was beneath their notice.

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