

"Why, gentlemen," said he, every word dripping with honeyed sweetness, "this is entirely uncalled for.I assure you that it was purely an oversight on my part that I did not send you word in advance that these herds of mine are government cattle and not subject to local quarantine.My associates are the largest army contractors in the country, these cattle are due at Fort Buford on the 15th of this month, and any interference on your part would be looked upon as an insult to the government.In fact, the post commander at Fort Laramie insisted that he be permitted to send a company of cavalry to escort us across Wyoming, and assured us that a troop from Fort Keogh, if requested, would meet our cattle on the Montana line.The army is jealous over its supplies, but I declined all military protection, knowing that Ihad but to show my credentittls to pass unmolested anywhere.Now, if you care to look over these papers, you will see that these cattle are en route to Fort Buford, on an assignment of the original contract, issued by the secretary of war to The Western Supply Company.Very sorry to put you to all this trouble, but these herds must not be interfered with.I trust that you gentlemen understand that the government is supreme."As the papers mentioned were produced, Sponsilier kicked me on the shin, gave me a quiet wink, and nodded towards the documents then being tendered to Captain Ullmer.Groping at his idea, Irode forward, and as the papers were being returned with a mere glance on the part of the quarantine leader, I politely asked if I might see the assignment of the original contract.But a quizzical smile met my request, and shaking out the heavy parchment, he rapped it with the knuckles of his disengaged hand, remarking as he returned it to his pocket, "Sorry, but altogether too valuable to allow out of my possession.Just what I would have done with the beribboned document, except to hand it over to Sponsilier, is beyond me, yet I was vaguely conscious that its destruction was of importance to our side of the matter at issue.

At the same instant in which my request was declined, the big medicine man turned to Captain Ullmer and suavely remarked, "You found everything as represented, did you?""Why, I heard your statement, and I have also heard it disputed from other sources.In fact I have nothing to do with you except to enforce the quarantine now established by the cattlemen of eastern Montana.If you have any papers showing that your herds were wintered north of latitude 37, you can pass, as this quarantine is only enforced against cattle from south of that degree.This territory lost half a million dollars' worth of native stock last fall from Texas fever, and this season they propose to apply the ounce of preventive.You will have ample time to reach your destination after frost falls, and your detention by quarantine will be a good excuse for your delay.

Now, unless you can convince me that your herds are immune, I'll show you a good place to camp on the head of Wolf Creek.It will probably be a matter of ten to fifteen days before the quarantine is lifted, and we are enforcing it against citizens of Montana and Texas alike, and no exception can be made in your case.""But, my dear sir, this is not a local or personal matter.

  • Majorie Daw

    Majorie Daw

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