

Continuing on my way, I intercepted my own cattle, lying down over hundreds of acres, and so contented that I refused to disturb them.Splann reported not over half a dozen sore-footed ones among them, having grazed the entire distance from Little Missouri, giving the tender cattle a good chance to recover.Iheld a circle of listeners for several hours, in recounting Sponsilier's and my own experiences in the quarantine camps, and our utter final failure, except that the opposition herds had been detained, which would force them to drive over twenty miles a day in order to reach Buford on time.On the other hand, an incident of more than ordinary moment had occurred with the cattle some ten days previous.The slow movement of the grazing herds allowed a great amount of freedom to the boys and was taken advantage of at every opportunity.It seems that on approaching Beaver Creek, Owen Ubery and Runt Pickett had ridden across to it for the purpose of trout-fishing.They were gone all day, haying struck the creek some ten or twelve miles west of the cattle, expecting to fish down it and overtake the herds during the evening.But about noon they discovered where a wagon had been burned, years before, and near by were five human skeletons, evidently a family.It was possibly the work of Indians, or a blizzard, and to prove the discovery, Pickett had brought in one of the skulls and proposed taking it home with him as a memento of the drive.Parent objected to having the reminder in the wagon, and a row resulted between them, till Splann interfered and threw the gruesome relic away.

The next morning a dozen of us from the three herds rode into the post.Fort Buford was not only a military headquarters, but a supply depot for other posts farther west on the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers.The nearest railroad connection was Glendive, seventy-six miles up the latter stream, though steamboats took advantage of freshets in the river to transport immense supplies from lower points on the Missouri where there were rail connections.From Buford westward, transportation was effected by boats of lighter draft and the regulation wagon train.It was recognized as one of the most important supply posts in the West;as early as five years previous to this date, it had received in a single summer as many as ten thousand beeves.Its provision for cavalry was one of its boasted features, immense stacks of forage flanking those quarters, while the infantry barracks and officers' quarters were large and comfortable.A stirring little town had sprung up on the outside, affording the citizens employment in wood and hay contracts, and becoming the home of a large number of civilian employees, the post being the mainstay of the village.

After settling our quarantine bills, Sponsilier and I each had money left.Our employer refused even to look at our expense bills until after the delivery, but urged us to use freely any remaining funds in cultivating the good will of the citizens and soldiery alike.Forrest was accordingly supplied with funds, with the understanding that he was to hunt up Sanders and his outfit and show them a good time.The beef foreman was soon located in the quartermaster's office, and, having been connected with the post for several years, knew the ropes.He had come to Buford with Texas cattle, and after their delivery had accepted a situation under the acting quartermaster, easily rising to the forenianship through his superior abilities as a cowman.It was like a meeting of long-lost brothers to mingle again with a cow outfit, and the sutler's bar did a flourishing business during our stay in the post.There were ten men in Sanders's outfit, several of whom besides himself were Texans, and before we parted, every rascal had promised to visit us the next day and look over all the cattle.

The next morning Bob Quirk put in an early appearance at my wagon.He had passed the other outfits, and notified us all to have the cattle under convenient herd, properly watered in advance, as the post commandant, quartermaster, and a party of minor officers were going to ride out that afternoon and inspect our beeves.Lovell, of course, would accompany them, and Bob reported him as having made a ten-strike with the officers' mess, not being afraid to spend his money.Fortunately the present quartermaster at Buford was a former acquaintance of Lovell, the two having had business transactions.The quartermaster had been connected with frontier posts from Fort Clark, Texas, to his present position.According to report, the opposition were active and waging an aggressive campaign, but not being Western men, were at a disadvantage.Champagne had flowed freely at a dinner given the night before by our employer, during which Senator Aspgrain, in responding to a toast, had paid the army a high tribute for the part it had played in reclaiming the last of our western frontier.The quartermaster, in replying, had felicitously remarked, as a matter of his own observation, that the Californian's love for a horse was only excelled by the Texan's love for a cow, to which, amid uproarious laughter, old man Don arose and bowed his acknowledgment.

My brother changed horses and returned to Sponsilier's wagon.

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