

experience in wintering Texas cattle in this vicinity, and have no hesitancy in saying that it is a matter of the utmost importance that steers should be in the best possible flesh to withstand our winters.The losses during the most favorable seasons have averaged from one to five per cent, while the same cattle in a severe season will lose from ten to twenty-five, all depending on the condition of the stock with the beginning of cold weather.Since my connection with this post we have always received good steers, and our losses have been light, but above and below this military reservation the per cent loss has run as high as fifty among thin, weak animals.""Now, Mr.Sanders," said the special commissioner, "as an expert, you are testifying as to the probable loss to the government in this locality in buying and holding beef on its own account.You may now state if you have seen the tender of beef made by Field, Radcliff & Co., and if so, anticipating the worst, what would be the probable loss if their cattle were accepted on this year's delivery?""I was present at their inspection by the officers of this post,"replied the witness, "and have no hesitancy in saying that should the coming one prove as hard a winter as '82 was, there would be a loss of fully one half these cattle.At least that was my opinion as expressed to the post commander and quartermaster at the inspection, and they agreed with me.There are half a dozen other boys here whose views on wintering cattle can be had--and they're worth listening to."This testimony was the brutal truth, and though eternal, was sadly out of place.The opposition lawyers winced; and when Sutton asked if permission would be given to hear the testimony of the post commander and quartermaster, both familiar with the quality of cattle the government had been receiving for years, the commissioner, having admitted damaging testimony, objected on the ground that they were under suspension, and military men were not considered specialists outside their own vocation.Other competent witnesses were offered and objected to, simply because they would not admit they were experts.Taking advantage of the opening, Congressman Y--- called attention to a few facts in passing.This unfortunate situation, he said, in substance, was deeply regretted by his clients and himself.The War Department was to be warmly commended for sending a special commissioner to hear the matter at issue, otherwise unjust charges might have been preferred against old and honored officers in the service.

However, if specialists were to be called to testify, and their testimony considered, as to what per cent, of cattle would survive a winter, why not call on the weather prophets to testify just what the coming one would be? He ridiculed the attestations of Sanders as irrelevant, defiantly asserting that the only question at issue was, were there five million pounds of dressed beef in the tender of cattle by Field, Radcliff & Co.He insisted on the letter in the bond being observed.The government bought cattle one year with another, and assumed risks as did other people.Was there any man present to challenge his assertion that the pounds quantity had been tendered?

There was.Don Lovell arose, and addressing the special commissioner, said: "Sir, I am not giving my opinion as an expert but as a practical cowman.If the testimony of one who has delivered over ninety thousand cattle to this government, in its army and Indian departments, is of any service to you, I trust you will hear me patiently.No exception is taken to your ruling as to who is entitled to deliver on the existing award; that was expected from the first.I have been contracting beef to this government for the past fifteen years, and there may be tricks in the trade of which I am ignorant.The army has always demanded the best, while lower grades have always been acceptable to the Indian Department.But in all my experience, I have never tendered this government for its guteating wards as poor a lot of cattle as I am satisfied that you are going to receive at the hands of Field, Radcliff & Co.I accept the challenge that there are not five million pounds of dressed beef in their tender to-day, and what there is would be a disgrace to any commonwealth to feed its convicts.True, these cattle are not intended for immediate use, and I make the counter-assertion that this government will never kill out fifty per cent of the weight that you accept to-day.Possibly you prefer the blandishments of a lobbyist to the opinion of a practical cowman like Sanders.

That's your privilege.You refuse to allow us to show the relationship between The Western Supply Company and the present holders of its assignment, and in doing so I charge you with being in collusion with these contractors to defraud the government!""You're a liar!" shouted Congressman Y----, jumping to his feet.

The only reply was a chair hurled from the hand of Sutton at the head of the offender, instantly followed by a rough house.

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    不能陪她同甘共苦,凭什么坐享其福。 以前,古锐轩总觉得放手之后,宁缘雅会更加的幸福。 后来他却发现拿着大道理全都是骗人的,他做不到。 在他的眼里,宁缘雅是真爱,孩子都是意外。某女人说“阿轩你为什么会做饭?”“因为有人说以后要找一个会做饭的老公。”某女人嘟了嘟嘴,不高兴了。“傻子,哪有人自己和自己吃醋的。”某女人开心了。……“阿雅,我们再生一个吧。”“都三个还不够吗?”“他们一点都不贴心。”“要生你自己生去。”某女人傲娇的走了,自己又不是母猪。新书《余生漫漫,你我安好》已发布,谢谢大家支持。
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