

"There was no occasion," said he, in an amiable mood, "to refer this incident to the War Department if the authorities here had gone about their work properly.Fortunately I was in Minneapolis adjusting some flour accounts, when I was ordered here by the quartermaster-general.Instead of attempting to decide who had the best tender of cattle, the one with the legal right alone should have been considered.Our department is perfectly familiar with these petty jealousies, which usually accompany awards of this class, and generally emanate from disappointed and disgruntled competitors.The point is well taken by counsel that the government does not anticipate the unforeseen, and it matters not what the loss may be from the rigors of winter, the contractor is exempt after the day of delivery.If the cattle were delayed en route, as has been asserted, and it was necessary to make forced drives in order to reach here within the specified time, all this should be taken into consideration in arriving at a final conclusion.On his reinstatement, I shall give the quartermaster of this post instructions, in receiving these cattle, to be governed, not so much by their present condition as by what they would have been had there been no interference.Now in behalf of the War Department, I declare the award to The Western Supply Company, and assigned to Field, Radcliff, and associates, to have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.This closes the incident, and if there is nothing further, the inquiry will stand adjourned without date.""One moment, if you please," said Don Lovell, addressing the commissioner and contractors; "there is a private matter existing between Field, Radcliff & Co.and myself which demands an understanding between us.I hold a sum of money, belonging to them, as indemnity against loss in driving ten thousand cattle from Southern Texas to this post.That I will sustain a heavy loss, under your decision, is beyond question.I am indemnified to the amount of about six dollars and a half a head, and since the government is exempt from garnishment and the contractors are wholly irresponsible, I must content myself with the money in hand.To recover this amount, held as indemnity, suit has been threatened against me.Of course I can't force their hands, but Isincerely hope they will feel exultant enough over your kangaroo decision to file their action before taking their usual outing in Europe.They will have no trouble in securing my legal address, my rating can be obtained from any commercial agency, and no doubt their attorneys are aware of the statute of limitation in my state.I believe that's all, except to extend my thanks to every one abdut Fort Buford for the many kind attentions shown my counsel, my boys, and myself.To my enemies, I can only say that I hope to meet them on Texas soil, and will promise them a fairer hearing than was accorded me here to-day.Mr.Commissioner, Ihave always prided myself on being a good citizen, have borne arms in defense of my country, and in taking exception to your decision I brand you as the most despicable member of The Western Supply Company.Any man who will prostitute a trust for a money consideration --""That's enough!" shouted the special commissioner, rising.

"Orderly, call the officer of the day, and tell him I want two companies of cavalry to furnish an escort for this man and his herds beyond the boundaries of this military reservation."Looking Lovell in the face, he said: "You have justly merited a severe punishment, and I shall report your reflections to the War and Indian departments, and you may find it more difficult to secure contracts in the future.One of you officers detail men and take charge of this man until the escort is ready.The inquiry is adjourned."

第一章THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENTThe inquiry was over before noon.A lieutenant detailed a few men and made a pretense of taking possession of Lovell.But once the special commissioner was out of sight, the farce was turned into an ovation, and nearly every officer in the post came forward and extended his sympathy.Old man Don was visibly affected by the generous manifestations of the military men in general, and after thanking each one personally, urged that no unnecessary demonstration should be made, begging that the order of escort beyond the boundary of the reservation be countermanded.No one present cared to suggest it, but gave assurance that it would be so modified as not in any way to interfere with the natural movement of the herds.Some little time would be required to outfit the forage-wagons to accommodate the cavalry companies, during which my brother rode up, leading Lovell's horse, permission was given to leave in advance of the escort, and we all mounted and quietly rode away.

The sudden turn of affairs had, disconcerted every man in the three outfits.Just what the next move would be was conjecture with most of us, though every lad present was anxious to know.

But when we were beyond the immediate grounds, Lovell turned in his saddle and asked which one of us foremen wanted to winter in the North.No one volunteered, and old man Don continued:

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