The Madness of OlafYOLARA threw her white arms high.From the mountainous tiers came a mighty sigh; a rippling ran through them.And upon the moment, before Yolara's arms fell, there issued, apparently from the air around us, a peal of sound that might have been the shouting of some playful god hurling great suns through the net of stars.It was like the deepest notes of all the organs in the world combined in one; sum-moning, majestic, cosmic!
It held within it the thunder of the spheres rolling through the infinite, the birth-song of suns made manifest in the womb of space; echoes of creation's supernal chord! It shook the body like a pulse from the heart of the universe--pulsed --and died away.
On its death came a blaring as of all the trumpets of con-quering hosts since the first Pharaoh led his swarms--triumphal, compelling! Alexander's clamouring hosts, brazen-throated wolf-horns of Caesar's legions, blare of trumpets of Genghis Khan and his golden horde, clangor of the locust levies of Tamerlane, bugles of Napoleon's armies --war-shout of all earth's conquerors! And it died!
Fast upon it, a throbbing, muffled tumult of harp sounds, mellownesses of myriads of wood horns, the subdued sweet shrilling of multitudes of flutes, Pandean pipings--inviting, carrying with them the calling of waterfalls in the hidden places, rushing brooks and murmuring forest winds--call-ing, calling, languorous, lulling, dripping into the brain like the very honeyed essence of sound.
And after them a silence in which the memory of the music seemed to beat, to beat ever more faintly, through every quivering nerve.
From me all fear, all apprehension, had fled.In their place was nothing but joyous anticipation, a supernal free-dom from even the shadow of the shadow of care or sorrow;not now did anything matter--Olaf or his haunted, hate-filled eyes; Throckmartin or his fate--nothing of pain, noth-ing of agony, nothing of striving nor endeavour nor despair in that wide outer world that had turned suddenly to a troubled dream.
Once more the first great note pealed out! Once more it died and from the clustered spheres a kaleidoscopic blaze shot as though drawn from the majestic sound itself.The many-coloured rays darted across the white waters and sought the face of the irised Veil.As they touched, it spar-kled, flamed, wavered, and shook with fountains of prismatic colour.
The light increased--and in its intensity the silver air darkened.Faded into shadow that white mosaic of flower-crowned faces set in the amphitheatre of jet, and vast shad-ows dropped upon the high-flung tiers and shrouded them.
But on the skirts of the rays the fretted stalls in which we sat with the fair-haired ones blazed out, iridescent, like jewels.
I was sensible of an acceleration of every pulse; a wild stimulation of every nerve.I felt myself being lifted above the world--close to the threshold of the high gods--soon their essence and their power would stream out into me! Iglanced at Larry.His eyes were--wild--with life!
I looked at Olaf--and in his face was none of this--only hate, and hate, and hate.
The peacock waves streamed out over the waters, cleaving the seeming darkness, a rainbow path of glory.And the Veil flashed as though all the rainbows that had ever shone were burning within it.Again the mighty sound pealed.
Into the centre of the Veil the light drew itself, grew into an intolerable brightness--and with a storm of tinklings, a tempest of crystalline notes, a tumult of tiny chimings, through it sped--the Shining One!
Straight down that radiant path, its high-flung plumes of feathery flame shimmering, its coruscating spirals whirling, its seven globes of seven colours shining above its glowing core, it raced toward us.The hurricane of bells of diamond glass were jubilant, joyous.I felt O'Keefe grip my arm;Yolara threw her white arms out in a welcoming gesture; Iheard from the tier a sigh of rapture--and in it a poignant, wailing under-tone of agony!
Over the waters, down the light stream, to the end of the ivory pier, flew the Shining One.Through its crystal _pizzicati_drifted inarticulate murmurings--deadly sweet, stilling the heart and setting it leaping madly.
For a moment it paused, poised itself, and then came whirling down the flower path to its priestess, slowly, ever more slowly.It hovered for a moment between the woman and the dwarf, as though contemplating them; turned to her with its storm of tinklings softened, its murmurings infinitely caressing.Bent toward it, Yolara seemed to gather within herself pulsing waves of power; she was terrifying; glori-ously, maddeningly evil; and as gloriously, maddeningly heavenly! Aphrodite and the Virgin! Tanith of the Carthaginians and St.Bride of the Isles! A queen of hell and a princess of heaven--in one!
Only for a moment did that which we had called the Dweller and which these named the Shining One, pause.It swept up the ramp to the dais, rested there, slowly turning, plumes and spirals lacing and unlacing, throbbing, pulsing.
Now its nucleus grew plainer, stronger--human in a fashion, and all inhuman; neither man nor woman; neither god nor devil; subtly partaking of all.Nor could I doubt that what-ever it was, within that shining nucleus was something sen-tient; something that had will and energy, and in some aw-ful, supernormal fashion--intelligence!
Another trumpeting--a sound of stones opening--a long, low wail of utter anguish--something moved shadowy in the river of light, and slowly at first, then ever more rapidly, shapes swam through it.There were half a score of them--girls and youths, women and men.The Shining One poised itself, regarded them.They drew closer, and in the eyes of each and in their faces was the bud of that awful inter-mingling of emotions, of joy and sorrow, ecstasy and terror, that I had seen in full blossom on Throckmartin's.