

It writhed down her arm, and its five rubescent flower heads thrust out toward the priestess--vibrating, quivering, held in leash only by the light touch of the handmaiden at its very end.

From the swelling throat pouch of the monster behind her came a succession of the reverberant boomings.The frog-men wheeled, raised their lances, levelled them at the throng.Around the reaching ruby flowers a faint red mist swiftly grew.

The silver cone dropped from Yolara's rigid fingers; her eyes grew stark with horror; all her unearthly loveliness fled from her; she stood pale-lipped.The Handmaiden dropped the protecting veil--and now it was she who laughed.

"It would seem, then, Yolara, that there IS a thing of the Silent Ones ye fear!" she said."Well--the kiss of the _Yekta_I promise you in return for the embrace of your Shining One."She looked at Larry, long, searchingly, and suddenly again with all that effect of sunlight bursting into dark places, her smile shone upon him.She nodded, half gaily; looked down upon me, the little merry light dancing in her eyes;waved her hand to me.

She spoke to the giant frog-man.He wheeled behind her as she turned, facing the priestess, club upraised, fangs glis-tening.His troop moved not a jot, spears held high.Lakla began to pass slowly--almost, I thought, tauntingly--and as she reached the portal Larry leaped from the dais.

"ALANNA!" he cried."You'll not be leavin' me just when I've found you!"In his excitement he spoke in his own tongue, the velvet brogue appealing.Lakla turned, contemplated O'Keefe, hesi-tant, unquestionably longingly, irresistibly like a child mak-ing up her mind whether she dared or dared not take a delectable something offered her.

"I go with you," said O'Keefe, this time in her own speech."Come on, Doc!" He reached out a hand to me.

But now Yolara spoke.Life and beauty had flowed back into her face, and in the purple eyes all her hosts of devils were gathered.

"Do you forget what I promised you before Siya and Siyana? And do you think that you can leave me--me--as though I were a _choya_--like HER." She pointed to Lakla.

Do you--"

"Now, listen, Yolara," Larry interrupted almost plain-tively."No promise has passed from me to you--and why would you hold me?" He passed unconsciously into English.

"Be a good sport, Yolara," he urged, 'You HAVE got a very devil of a temper, you know, and so have I; and we'd be really awfully uncomfortable together.And why don't you get rid of that devilish pet of yours, and be good!"She looked at him, puzzled, Marakinoff leaned over, trans-lated to Lugur.The red dwarf smiled maliciously, drew near the priestess; whispered to her what was without doubt as near as he could come in the Murian to Larry's own very colloquial phrases.

Yolara's lips writhed.

"Hear me, Lakla!" she cried."Now would I not let you take this man from me were I to dwell ten thousand _laya_in the agony of the _Yekta's_ kiss.This I swear to you--by Thanaroa, by my heart, and by my strength--and may my strength wither, my heart rot in my breast, and Thanaroa forget me if I do!""Listen, Yolara"--began O'Keefe again.

"Be silent, you!" It was almost a shriek.And her hand again sought in her breast for the cone of rhythmic death.

Lugur touched her arm, whispered again, The glint of guile shone in her eyes; she laughed softly, relaxed.

"The Silent Ones, Lakla, bade you say that they--allowed --me three _tal_ to decide," she said suavely."Go now in peace, Lakla, and say that Yolara has heard, and that for the three _tal_ they--allow--her she will take council." The handmaiden hesitated.

"The Silent Ones have said it," she answered at last."Stay you here, strangers"---the long lashes drooped as her eyes met O'Keefe's and a hint of blush was in her cheeks--"stay you here, strangers, till then.But, Yolara, see you on that heart and strength you have sworn by that they come to no harm--else that which you have invoked shall come upon you swiftly indeed--and that I promise you," she added.

Their eyes met, clashed, burned into each other--black flame from Abaddon and golden flame from Paradise.

"Remember!" said Lakla, and passed through the portal.

The gigantic frog-man boomed a thunderous note of com-mand, his grotesque guards turned and slowly followed their mistress; and last of all passed out the monster with the mace.

  • 道德真经注


  • 力庄严三昧经


  • 续夷坚志


  • 一贯问答


  • 佛说时非时经


  • 楚先森也太甜了叭


  • 关羽外传


  • 春雨


  • 我有一封长长的来信


  • 桃源兽世


  • 绝代皇后


  • 明王首辅


  • 萧伯纳:我的幽默


  • 川流不息


  • 人生不可不知的历史常识

