

It lay on his table in the shape of a large flat brown paper package.On proceeding to undo the covering, he observed that it had been very carelessly tied up.The strings were crooked and loosely knotted, and the direction bearing his name and address, instead of being in the middle of the paper, was awkwardly folded over at the edge of the volume.However, his business was with the inside of the parcel; so he tossed away the covering and the string, and began at once to hunt through the volume for the particular number of the paper which he wished first to consult.

He soon found it, with the report of the speeches delivered by the members of the deputation, and the answer returned by the minister.After reading through the report, and putting a mark in the place where it occurred, he turned to the next day's number of the paper, to see what further hints on the subject the letters addressed to the editor might happen to contain.

To his inexpressible vexation and amazement, he found that one number of the paper was missing.

He bent the two sides of the volume back, looked closely between the leaves, and saw immediately that the missing number had been cut out.

A vague sense of something like alarm began to mingle with his first feeling of disappointment.He wrote at once to Mr.Rambert, mentioning the discovery he had just made, and sent the note off by his groom, with orders to the man to wait for an answer.

The reply with which the servant returned was almost insolent in the shortness and coolness of its tone.Mr.Rambert had no books in his library which were not in perfect condition.The volume of the _Times_ had left his house perfect, and whatever blame might attach to the mutilation of it rested therefore on other shoulders than those of the owner.

Like many other weak men, Mr.Carling was secretly touchy on the subject of his dignity.After reading the note and questioning his servants, who were certain that the volume had not been touched till he had opened it, he resolved that the missing number of the _Times_ should be procured at any expense and inserted in its place; that the volume should be sent back instantly without a word of comment; and that no more books from Mr.Rambert's library should enter his house.

He walked up and down the study considering what first step he should take to effect the purpose in view.Under the quickening influence of his irritation, an idea occurred to him, which, if it had only entered his mind the day before, might probably have proved the means of saving him from placing himself under an obligation to Mr.Rambert.He resolved to write immediately to his bookseller and publisher in London (who knew him well as an old and excellent customer), mentioning the date of the back number of the _Times_ that was required, and authorizing the publisher to offer any reward he judged necessary to any person who might have the means of procuring it at the office of the paper or elsewhere.This letter he wrote and dispatched in good time for the London post, and then went upstairs to see his wife and to tell her what had happened.Her room was still darkened and she was still on the sofa.On the subject of the missing number she said nothing, but of Mr.Rambert and his note she spoke with the most sovereign contempt.Of course the pompous old fool was mistaken, and the proper thing to do was to send back the volume instantly and take no more notice of him.

"It shall be sent back," said Mr.Carling, "but not till the missing number is replaced." And he then told her what he had done.

The effect of that simple piece of information on Mrs.Carling was so extraordinary and so unaccountable that her husband fairly stood aghast.For the first time since their marriage he saw her temper suddenly in a flame.She started up from the sofa and walked about the room as if she had lost her senses, upbraiding him for making the weakest of concessions to Mr.Rambert's insolent assumption that the rector was to blame.If she could only have laid hands on that letter, she would have consulted her husband's dignity and independence by putting it in the fire! She hoped and prayed the number of the paper might not be found! In fact, it was certain that the number, after all these years, could not possibly be hunted up.The idea of his acknowledging himself to be in the wrong in that way, when he knew himself to be in the right! It was almost ridiculous--no, it was _quite_ridiculous! And she threw herself back on the sofa, and suddenly burst out laughing.

At the first word of remonstrance which fell from her husband's lips her mood changed again in an instant.She sprang up once more, kissed him passionately, with the tears streaming from her eyes, and implored him to leave her alone to recover herself.He quitted the room so seriously alarmed about her that he resolved to go to the doctor privately and question him on the spot.There was an unspeakable dread in his mind that the ner vous attack from which she had been pronounced to be suffering might be a mere phrase intended to prepare him for the future disclosure of something infinitely and indescribably worse.

The doctor, on hearing Mr.Carling's report, exhibited no surprise and held to his opinion.Her nervous system was out of order, and her husband had been needlessly frightened by a hysterical paroxysm.If she did not get better in a week, change of scene might then be tried.In the meantime, there was not the least cause for alarm.

On the next day she was quieter, but she hardly spoke at all.At night she slept well, and Mr.Carling's faith in the medical man revived again.

The morning after was the morning which would bring the answer from the publisher in London.The rector's study was on the ground floor, and when he heard the postman's knock, being especially anxious that morning about his correspondence, he went out into the hall to receive his letters the moment they were put on the table.

  • 上清诸真章奏


  • 东谷赘言


  • The Underground City

    The Underground City

  • 中蛊门


  • 上清元始变化宝真上经九灵大妙龟山玄箓


  • 养生类要


  • 典妾为妻


  • 查有此人


  • 盛世王妃之双生蝶


  • 改变命运的中二少女


  • 说好的历练呢


    (快穿,欢脱,1V1,无逻辑沙雕文)叶印空这辈子大概是完了。为什么?栽夏如也手里了……——世界一:你是不是瞎!大爷你喜欢我哪点我改还不行嘛?难道是我的优秀的脸?我我我马上再去变脸!——世界二:她又被盯上了。好好的一棵白菜干嘛去拱她这头猪啊!况且她也不想被拱啊!——世界三:叶印空见识到了夏如也怼天怼地怼空气的功力。什么青梅竹马邻家小哥哥!你个辣鸡系统我要劈了你! —— 夏如也他就是个祸害! 什么温文尔雅沉默寡言!都是假象! 假象! 叶印空:明明是去历练,然后回去继承家产继续咸鱼,怎么就变成了这样!说好的历练呢?辣鸡系统!233:委屈(つД`)这个锅233不背。 (PS:把之前写过却没写完的或是一些灵光乍现都揉进这本吧,也算是成全自己。)
  • 洞山岕茶系


  • 衍姮传


  • 凌霄帝尊


  • 花都无敌仙王

