Neptune, trembling for the event of the war, implores Venus, who, as the offspring of his element, naturally venerates him, to procure from Vulcan a deadly sword and a pair of unerring pistols for the Duke. They are accordingly made, and superbly decorated. The sheath of the sword, like the shield of Achilles, is carved, in exquisitely fine miniature, with scenes from the common life of the period; a dance at Almack's a boxing match at the Fives- court, a lord mayor's procession, and a man hanging. All these are fully and elegantly described. The Duke thus armed hastens to Brussels.
《夜的草》讲述了在一本上世纪六十年代的旧笔记本里,一位作家发现了一段往昔时光的踪迹。五十年过去了,笔记本里记录的文字将他带回到蒙帕纳斯、大学城、左岸以及那个“去殖民化”时代。那时他与一位名叫丹妮的年轻女子来往甚密,然而走在2012年的巴黎街道上,1966年发生的那些事变得可疑,她隐瞒了许多事实真相:她的真名,她的活动,还有一个令她着实烦恼的巨大秘密……警察局里留有她与几个熟人朋友的档案,但追寻真相的线索依然若隐若现,空间与时间的错位,现实与诗意的混淆,让这部小说成为一个扑朔迷离的青春梦幻曲。Press Conference
Harold Pinter can sketch a world in a few lines which reveal the power of his vision focussed on the horrors that have been and that are to come.二婚甜妻:总裁请接宝