"I found that I could not read it readily, the handwriting being unfamiliar and my emotions somewhat wrought up.It seemed to refer in part to the boy's case, but chiefly to other and irrelevant matters--such as paving-stones, electricity, oysters, and something which I took to be 'absolution' or 'agrarianism,' I could not be certain which; still, these appeared to be simply casual mentions, nothing more; friendly in spirit, without doubt, but lacking the connection or coherence necessary to make them useful.--I judged that my understanding was affected by my feelings, and so laid the letter away till morning.
"In the morning I read it again, but with difficulty and uncertainty still, for I had lost some little rest and my mental vision seemed clouded.The note was more connected, now, but did not meet the emergency it was expected to meet.It was too discursive.It appeared to read as follows, though I was not certain of some of the words:
"Polygamy dissembles majesty; extracts redeem polarity; causes hitherto exist.Ovations pursue wisdom, or warts inherit and condemn.Boston, botany, cakes, folony undertakes, but who shall allay? We fear not.Yrxwly, HEVACE EVEELOJ.'
"But there did not seem to be a word about turnips.There seemed to be no suggestion as to how they might be made to grow like vines.There was not even a reference to the Beazeleys.I slept upon the matter; I ate no supper, neither any breakfast next morning.So I resumed my work with a brain refreshed, and was very hopeful.Now the letter took a different aspect-all save the signature, which latter I judged to be only a harmless affectation of Hebrew.The epistle was necessarily from Mr.
Greeley, for it bore the printed heading of The Tribune, and I had written to no one else there.The letter, I say, had taken a different aspect, but still its language was eccentric and avoided the issue.It now appeared to say:
"Bolivia extemporizes mackerel; borax esteems polygamy; sausages wither in the east.Creation perdu, is done; for woes inherent one can damn.Buttons, buttons, corks, geology underrates but we shall allay.My beer's out.Yrxwly, HEVACE EVEELOJ.'
"I was evidently overworked.My comprehension was impaired.Therefore Igave two days to recreation, and then returned to my task greatly refreshed.The letter now took this form:
"Poultices do sometimes choke swine; tulips reduce posterity; causes leather to resist.Our notions empower wisdom, her let's afford while we can.Butter but any cakes, fill any undertaker, we'll wean him from his filly.We feel hot.
"I was still not satisfied.These generalities did not meet the question.They were crisp, and vigorous, and delivered with a confidence that almost compelled conviction; but at such a time as this, with a human life at stake, they seemed inappropriate, worldly, and in bad taste.At any other time I would have been not only glad, but proud, to receive from a man like Mr.Greeley a letter of this kind, and would have studied it earnestly and tried to improve myself all I could; but now, with that poor boy in his far home languishing for relief, I had no heart for learning.
"Three days passed by, and I read the note again.Again its tenor had changed.It now appeared to say: