

He took her quickly into the carriage and, as they rolled away, said with the quiet directness which soothes such agitation better than any sympathetic demonstration: "Charlie is worse.I feared it when the pain went so suddenly this morning, but the chief injuries are internal and one can never tell what the chances are.He insists that he is better, but he will soon begin to fail, I fear, become unconscious, and slip away without more suffering.This is the time for you to see him, for he has set his heart on it, and nothing can hurt him now.My child, it is very hard, but we must help each other bear it."Rose tried to say, "Yes, Uncle" bravely, but the words would not come, and she could only slip her hand into his with a look of mute submission.

He laid her head on his shoulder and went on talking so quietly that anyone who did not see how worn and haggard his face had grown with two days and a night of sharp anxiety might have thought him cold.

"Jessie has gone home to rest, and Jane is with poor Clara, who has dropped asleep at last.I've sent for Steve and the other boys.There will be time for them later, but he so begged to see you now, I thought it best to come while this temporary strength keeps him up.I have told him how it is, but he will not believe me.If he asks you, answer honestly and try to fit him a little for this sudden ending of so many hopes.""How soon, Uncle?"

"A few hours, probably.This tranquil moment is yours­make the most of it and, when we can do no more for him, we'll comfort one another."Mac met them in the hall, but Rose hardly saw him.She was conscious only of the task before her and, when her uncle led her to the door, she said quietly, "Let me go in alone, please."Archie, who had been hanging over the bed, slipped away into the inner room as she appeared, and Rose found Charlie waiting for her with such a happy face, she could not believe what she had heard and found it easy to say almost cheerfully as she took his eager hand in both of hers: "Dear Charlie, I'm so glad you sent for me.I longed to come, but waited till you were better.You surely are?" she added, as a second glance showed to her the indescribable change which had come upon the face which at first seemed to have both light and color in it.

"Uncle says not, but I think he is mistaken, because the agony is all gone, and except for this odd sinking now and then, I don't feel so much amiss," he answered feebly but with something of the old lightness in his voice.

"You will hardly be able to sail in the Rajah , I fear, but you won't mind waiting a little while we nurse you," said poor Rose, trying to talk on quietly, with her heart growing heavier every minute.

"I shall go if I'm carried! I'll keep that promise, though it costs me my life.Oh, Rose! You know? They've told you?" And, with a sudden memory of what brought him there, he hid his face in the pillow.

"You broke no promise, for I would not let you make one, you remember.

Forget all that, and let us talk about the better time that may be coming for you.""Always so generous, so kind!" he murmured, with her hand against his feverish cheek; then, looking up, he went on in a tone so humbly contrite it made her eyes fill with slow, hot tears.

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