

But though my doors may stand open to-day," he presently added, "I shall see no visitors.I want to pause and breathe; I want to dream of a statue.I have been working hard for three months;I have earned a right to a reverie."

Rowland, on his side, was not without provision for reflection, and they lingered on in broken, desultory talk.Rowland felt the need for intellectual rest, for a truce to present care for churches, statues, and pictures, on even better grounds than his companion, inasmuch as he had really been living Roderick's intellectual life the past three months, as well as his own.

As he looked back on these full-flavored weeks, he drew a long breath of satisfaction, almost of relief.Roderick, thus far, had justified his confidence and flattered his perspicacity;he was rapidly unfolding into an ideal brilliancy.

He was changed even more than he himself suspected;he had stepped, without faltering, into his birthright, and was spending money, intellectually, as lavishly as a young heir who has just won an obstructive lawsuit.

Roderick's glance and voice were the same, doubtless, as when they enlivened the summer dusk on Cecilia's veranda, but in his person, generally, there was an indefinable expression of experience rapidly and easily assimilated.

Rowland had been struck at the outset with the instinctive quickness of his observation and his free appropriation of whatever might serve his purpose.He had not been, for instance, half an hour on English soil before he perceived that he was dressed like a rustic, and he had immediately reformed his toilet with the most unerring tact.His appetite for novelty was insatiable, and for everything characteristically foreign, as it presented itself, he had an extravagant greeting;but in half an hour the novelty had faded, he had guessed the secret, he had plucked out the heart of the mystery and was clamoring for a keener sensation.At the end of a month, he presented, mentally, a puzzling spectacle to his companion.

He had caught, instinctively, the key-note of the old world.

He observed and enjoyed, he criticised and rhapsodized, but though all things interested him and many delighted him, none surprised him; he had divined their logic and measured their proportions, and referred them infallibly to their categories.

Witnessing the rate at which he did intellectual execution on the general spectacle of European life, Rowland at moments felt vaguely uneasy for the future; the boy was living too fast, he would have said, and giving alarming pledges to ennui in his later years.But we must live as our pulses are timed, and Roderick's struck the hour very often.

He was, by imagination, though he never became in manner, a natural man of the world; he had intuitively, as an artist, what one may call the historic consciousness.He had a relish for social subtleties and mysteries, and, in perception, when occasion offered him an inch he never failed to take an ell.

A single glimpse of a social situation of the elder type enabled him to construct the whole, with all its complex chiaroscuro, and Rowland more than once assured him that he made him believe in the metempsychosis, and that he must have lived in European society, in the last century, as a gentleman in a cocked hat and brocaded waistcoat.Hudson asked Rowland questions which poor Rowland was quite unable to answer, and of which he was equally unable to conceive where he had picked up the data.

Roderick ended by answering them himself, tolerably to his satisfaction, and in a short time he had almost turned the tables and become in their walks and talks the accredited source of information.Rowland told him that when he turned sculptor a capital novelist was spoiled, and that to match his eye for social detail one would have to go to Honore de Balzac.

In all this Rowland took a generous pleasure; he felt an especial kindness for his comrade's radiant youthfulness of temperament.

He was so much younger than he himself had ever been!

And surely youth and genius, hand in hand, were the most beautiful sight in the world.Roderick added to this the charm of his more immediately personal qualities.

The vivacity of his perceptions, the audacity of his imagination, the picturesqueness of his phrase when he was pleased,--and even more when he was displeased,--his abounding good-humor, his candor, his unclouded frankness, his unfailing impulse to share every emotion and impression with his friend;all this made comradeship a pure felicity, and interfused with a deeper amenity their long evening talks at cafe doors in Italian towns.

They had gone almost immediately to Paris, and had spent their days at the Louvre and their evenings at the theatre.

Roderick was divided in mind as to whether Titian or Mademoiselle Delaporte was the greater artist.They had come down through France to Genoa and Milan, had spent a fortnight in Venice and another in Florence, and had now been a month in Rome.

Roderick had said that he meant to spend three months in simply looking, absorbing, and reflecting, without putting pencil to paper.

He looked indefatigably, and certainly saw great things--things greater, doubtless, at times, than the intentions of the artist.And yet he made few false steps and wasted little time in theories of what he ought to like and to dislike.

He judged instinctively and passionately, but never vulgarly.

At Venice, for a couple of days, he had half a fit of melancholy over the pretended discovery that he had missed his way, and that the only proper vestment of plastic conceptions was the coloring of Titian and Paul Veronese.

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