

Though time lagged in passing with a slowness which seemed born of studied insolence, there did arrive at last a day which had something definitive about it to Theron's disturbed and restless mind.It was a Thursday, and the prayer-meeting to be held that evening would be the last before the Quarterly Conference, now only four days off.

For some reason, the young minister found himself dwelling upon this fact, and investing it with importance.

But yesterday the Quarterly Conference had seemed a long way ahead.Today brought it alarmingly close to hand.

He had not heretofore regarded the weekly assemblage for prayer and song as a thing calling for preparation, or for any preliminary thought.Now on this Thursday morning he went to his desk after breakfast, which was a sign that he wanted the room to himself, quite as if he had the task of a weighty sermon before him.

He sat at the desk all the forenoon, doing no writing, it is true, but remembering every once in a while, when his mind turned aside from the book in his hands, that there was that prayer-meeting in the evening.

Sometimes he reached the point of vaguely wondering why this strictly commonplace affair should be forcing itself thus upon his attention.Then, with a kind of mental shiver at the recollection that this was Thursday, and that the great struggle came on Monday, he would go back to his book.

There were a half-dozen volumes on the open desk before him.

He had taken them out from beneath a pile of old "Sunday-School Advocates" and church magazines, where they had lain hidden from Alice's view most of the week.

If there had been a locked drawer in the house, he would have used it instead to hold these books, which had come to him in a neat parcel, which also contained an amiable note from Dr.Ledsmar, recalling a pleasant evening in May, and expressing the hope that the accompanying works would be of some service.Theron had glanced at the backs of the uppermost two, and discovered that their author was Renan.

Then he had hastily put the lot in the best place he could think of to escape his wife's observation.

He realized now that there had been no need for this secrecy.

Of the other four books, by Sayce, Budge, Smith, and Lenormant, three indeed revealed themselves to be published under religious auspices.As for Renan, he might have known that the name would be meaningless to Alice.The feeling that he himself was not much wiser in this matter than his wife may have led him to pass over the learned text-books on Chaldean antiquity, and even the volume of Renan which appeared to be devoted to Oriental inscriptions, and take up his other book, entitled in the translation, "Recollections of my Youth." This he rather glanced through, at the outset, following with a certain inattention the introductory sketches and essays, which dealt with an unfamiliar, and, to his notion, somewhat preposterous Breton racial type.Then, little by little, it dawned upon him that there was a connected story in all this;and suddenly he came upon it, out in the open, as it were.

It was the story of how a deeply devout young man, trained from his earliest boyhood for the sacred office, and desiring passionately nothing but to be worthy of it, came to a point where, at infinite cost of pain to himself and of anguish to those dearest to him, he had to declare that he could no longer believe at all in revealed religion.

Theron Ware read this all with an excited interest which no book had ever stirred in him before.Much of it he read over and over again, to make sure that he penetrated everywhere the husk of French habits of thought and Catholic methods in which the kernel was wrapped.

He broke off midway in this part of the book to go out to the kitchen to dinner, and began the meal in silence.

To Alice's questions he replied briefly that he was preparing himself for the evening's prayer-meeting.She lifted her brows in such frank surprise at this that he made a further and somewhat rambling explanation about having again taken up the work on his book--the book about Abraham.

"I thought you said you'd given that up altogether,"she remarked.

"Well," he said, "I WAS discouraged about it for a while.

But a man never does anything big without getting discouraged over and over again while he's doing it.

I don't say now that I shall write precisely THAT book--I'm merely reading scientific works about the period, just now--but if not that, I shall write some other book.

Else how will you get that piano?" he added, with an attempt at a smile.

"I thought you had given that up, too!" she replied ruefully.

Then before he could speak, she went on: "Never mind the piano; that can wait.What I've got on my mind just now isn't piano; it's potatoes.Do you know, I saw some the other day at Rasbach's, splendid potatoes--these are some of them--and fifteen cents a bushel cheaper than those dried-up old things Brother Barnum keeps, and so I bought two bushels.And Sister Barnum met me on the street this morning, and threw it in my face that the Discipline commands us to trade with each other.

Is there any such command?"

"Yes," said the husband."It's Section 33.

Don't you remember? I looked it up in Tyre.We are to 'evidence our desire of salvation by doing good, especially to them that are of the household of faith, or groaning so to be; by employing them preferably to others;buying one of another; helping each other in business'--and so on.Yes, it's all there."

"Well, I told her I didn't believe it was," put in Alice, "and I said that even if it was, there ought to be another section about selling potatoes to their minister for more than they're worth--potatoes that turn all green when you boil them, too.I believe I'll read up that old Discipline myself, and see if it hasn't got some things that I can talk back with.""The very section before that, Number 32, enjoins members against 'uncharitable or unprofitable conversation--particularly speaking evil of magistrates or ministers.'

  • 金箓晚朝仪


  • 鼎镌国朝名公神断详刑公案


  • 方简肃文集


  • 送崔侍御之岭南二十


  • 普能嵩禅师净土诗


  • 每天玩一个脑筋急转弯


  • 载人航天器的故事(征服太空之路丛书)


  • 极品世子妃


  • 爱马女孩日记1:我的第一匹小马


  • 大乘大集地藏十轮经


  • 终极武尊


  • 残酷收购


  • 最强军师之鬼才郭嘉


  • 恶魔宝宝:误惹花心总裁(完结)


  • 1871

