

At the command of Father Forbes, a lad who was loitering near them went down through the throng to the bar, and returned with three glasses of beer.It pleased the Rev.Mr.Ware that the priest should have taken it for granted that he would do as the others did.He knocked his glass against theirs in compliance with a custom strange to him, but which they seemed to understand very well.

The beer itself was not so agreeable to the taste as he had expected, but it was cold and refreshing.

When the boy had returned with the glasses, the three stood for a moment in silence, meditatively watching the curious scene spread below them.Beyond the bar, Theron could catch now through the trees regularly recurring glimpses of four or five swings in motion.

These were nearest him, and clearest to the vision as well, at the instant when they reached their highest forward point.The seats were filled with girls, some of them quite grown young women, and their curving upward sweep through the air was disclosing at its climax a remarkable profusion of white skirts and black stockings.

The sight struck him as indecorous in the extreme, and he turned his eyes away.They met Celia's; and there was something latent in their brown depths which prompted him, after a brief dalliance of interchanging glances, to look again at the swings.

"That old maid Curran is really too ridiculous, with those white stockings of hers," remarked Celia;"some friend ought to tell her to dye them.""Or pad them," suggested Father Forbes, with a gay little chuckle."I daresay the question of swings and ladies'

stockings hardly arises with you, over at the camp-meeting, Mr.Ware?"Theron laughed aloud at the conceit."I should say not!"he replied.

"I'm just dying to see a camp-meeting!" said Celia.

"You hear such racy accounts of what goes on at them.""Don't go, I beg of you!" urged Theron, with doleful emphasis.

"Don't let's even talk about them.I should like to feel this afternoon as if there was no such thing within a thousand miles of me as a camp-meeting.Do you know, all this interests me enormously.It is a revelation to me to see these thousands of good, decent, ordinary people, just frankly enjoying themselves like human beings.

I suppose that in this whole huge crowd there isn't a single person who will mention the subject of his soul to any other person all day long.""I should think the assumption was a safe one," said the priest, smilingly, "unless," he added on afterthought, "it be by way of a genial profanity.There used to be some old Clare men who said 'Hell to my soul!' when they missed at quoits, but I haven't heard it for a long time.

I daresay they're all dead."

"I shall never forget that death-bed--where I saw you first,"remarked Theron, musingly."I date from that experience a whole new life.I have been greatly struck lately, in reading our 'Northern Christian Advocate' to see in the obituary notices of prominent Methodists how over and over again it is recorded that they got religion in their youth through being frightened by some illness of their own, or some epidemic about them.The cholera year of 1832 seems to have made Methodists hand over fist.

Even to this day our most successful revivalists, those who work conversions wholesale wherever they go, do it more by frightful pictures of hell-fire surrounding the sinner's death-bed than anything else.You could hear the same thing at our camp-meeting tonight, if you were there.""There isn't so much difference as you think,"said Father Forbes, dispassionately."Your people keep examining their souls, just as children keep pulling up the bulbs they have planted to see are there any roots yet.

Our people are more satisfied to leave their souls alone, once they have been planted, so to speak, by baptism.

But fear of hell governs them both, pretty much alike.

As I remember saying to you once before, there is really nothing new under the sun.Even the saying isn't new.

Though there seem to have been the most tremendous changes in races and civilizations and religions, stretching over many thousands of years, yet nothing is in fact altered very much.Where religions are concerned, the human race are still very like savages in a dangerous wood in the dark, telling one another ghost stories around a camp-fire.They have always been like that.""What nonsense!" cried Celia."I have no patience with such gloomy rubbish.The Greeks had a religion full of beauty and happiness and light-heartedness, and they weren't frightened of death at all.They made the image of death a beautiful boy, with a torch turned down.

Their greatest philosophers openly preached and practised the doctrine of suicide when one was tired of life.

Our own early Church was full of these broad and beautiful Greek ideas.You know that yourself! And it was only when your miserable Jeromes and Augustines and Cyrils brought in the abominable meannesses and cruelties of the Jewish Old Testament, and stamped out the sane and lovely Greek elements in the Church, that Christians became the poor, whining, cowardly egotists they are, troubling about their little tin-pot souls, and scaring themselves in their churches by skulls and crossbones.""My dear Celia," interposed the priest, patting her shoulder gently, "we will have no Greek debate today.

Mr.Ware has been permitted to taboo camp-meetings, and I claim the privilege to cry off on Greeks.Look at those fellows down there, trampling over one another to get more beer.What have they to do with Athens, or Athens with them? I take it, Mr.Ware," he went on, with a grave face but a twinkling eye, "that what we are observing here in front of us is symbolical of a great ethical and theological revolution, which in time will modify and control the destiny of the entire American people.

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    Volume Three

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