

Florence Strong, one of Jewell's daughters, who lives in Detroit, started East on an urgent telegram, but missed a connection somewhere, and did not arrive here in time to see her father alive.She was his favorite child, and they had always been like lovers together.He always sent her a box of fresh flowers once a week to the day of his death; a custom which he never suspended even when he was in Russia.Mrs.Strong had only just reached her Western home again when she was summoned to Hartford to attend her mother's funeral.

I have had the impulse to write you several times.I shall try to remember better henceforth.

With sincerest regards to all of you, Yours as ever, MARK.

Mark Twain made another trip to Canada in the interest of copyright-this time to protect the Mississippi book.When his journey was announced by the press, the Marquis of Lorne telegraphed an invitation inviting him to be his guest at Rideau Hall, in Ottawa.

Clemens accepted, of course, and was handsomely entertained by the daughter of Queen Victoria and her husband, then Governor-General of Canada.

On his return to Hartford he found that Osgood had issued a curious little book, for which Clemens had prepared an introduction.It was an absurd volume, though originally issued with serious intent, its title being The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English.'--[The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English, by Pedro Caxolino, with an introduction by Mark Twain.

Osgood, Boston, 1883.]-- Evidently the "New Guide" was prepared by some simple Portuguese soul with but slight knowledge of English beyond that which could be obtained from a dictionary, and his literal translation of English idioms are often startling, as, for instance, this one, taken at random:

"A little learneds are happies enough for to may to satisfy their fancies on the literature."Mark Twain thought this quaint book might amuse his royal hostess, and forwarded a copy in what he considered to be the safe and proper form.

To Col.De Winton, in Ottawa, Canada:

HARTFORD, June 4, '83.

DEAR COLONEL DE WINTON,--I very much want to send a little book to her Royal Highness--the famous Portuguese phrase book; but I do not know the etiquette of the matter, and I would not wittingly infringe any rule of propriety.It is a book which I perfectly well know will amuse her "some at most" if she has not seen it before, and will still amuse her "some at least," even if she has inspected it a hundred times already.So I will send the book to you, and you who know all about the proper observances will protect me from indiscretion, in case of need, by putting the said book in the fire, and remaining as dumb as I generally was when I was up there.I do not rebind the thing, because that would look as if Ithought it worth keeping, whereas it is only worth glancing at and casting aside.

Will you please present my compliments to Mrs.De Winton and Mrs.

Mackenzie?--and I beg to make my sincere compliments to you, also, for your infinite kindnesses to me.I did have a delightful time up there, most certainly.

Truly yours S.L.CLEMENS.

P.S.Although the introduction dates a year back, the book is only just now issued.A good long delay.


Howells, writing from Venice, in April, manifested special interest in the play project: "Something that would run like Scheherazade, for a thousand and one nights," so perhaps his book was going better.He proposed that they devote the month of October to the work, and inclosed a letter from Mallory, who owned not only a religious paper, The Churchman, but also the Madison Square Theater, and was anxious for a Howells play.Twenty years before Howells had been Consul to Venice, and he wrote, now: "The idea of my being here is benumbing and silencing.I feel like the Wandering Jew, or the ghost of the Cardiff giant."He returned to America in July.Clemens sent him word of welcome, with glowing reports of his own undertakings.The story on which he was piling up MS.was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, begun seven years before at Quarry Farm.He had no great faith in it then, and though he had taken it up again in 1880, his interest had not lasted to its conclusion.This time, however, he was in the proper spirit, and the story would be finished.

To W.D.Howells, in Boston:

ELMIRA, July 20, '83.

MY DEAR HOWELLS,--We are desperately glad you and your gang are home again--may you never travel again, till you go aloft or alow.Charley Clark has gone to the other side for a run--will be back in August.He has been sick, and needed the trip very much.

Mrs.Clemens had a long and wasting spell of sickness last Spring, but she is pulling up, now.The children are booming, and my health is ridiculous, it's so robust, notwithstanding the newspaper misreports.

I haven't piled up MS so in years as I have done since we came here to the farm three weeks and a half ago.Why, it's like old times, to step right into the study, damp from the breakfast table, and sail right in and sail right on, the whole day long, without thought of running short of stuff or words.

I wrote 4000 words to-day and I touch 3000 and upwards pretty often, and don't fall below 1600 any working day.And when I get fagged out, I lie abed a couple of days and read and smoke, and then go it again for 6 or 7days.I have finished one small book, and am away along in a big 433one that I half-finished two or three years ago.I expect to complete it in a month or six weeks or two months more.And I shall like it, whether anybody else does or not.

It's a kind of companion to Tom Sawyer.There's a raft episode from it in second or third chapter of life on the Mississippi.....

I'm booming, these days--got health and spirits to waste--got an overplus; and if I were at home, we would write a play.But we must do it anyhow by and by.

We stay here till Sep.10; then maybe a week at Indian Neck for sea air, then home.

We are powerful glad you are all back; and send love according.

Yrs Ever MARK

To Onion Clemens and family, in Keokuk, Id.:

ELMIRA, July 22, '83.

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