

"Ella" was Samuel Clemens's cousin and one-time sweetheart, Ella Creel."Jim" was Jim Wolfe, an apprentice in Orion's office, and the hero of an adventure which long after Mark Twain wrote under the title of, "Jim Wolfe and the Cats."There is scarcely a hint of the future Mark Twain in this early letter.It is the letter of a boy of seventeen who is beginning to take himself rather seriously--who, finding himself for the first time far from home and equal to his own responsibilities, is willing to carry the responsibility of others.Henry, his brother, three years younger, had been left in the printing-office with Orion, who, after a long, profitless fight, is planning to remove from Hannibal.

The young traveler is concerned as to the family outlook, and will furnish advice if invited.He feels the approach of prosperity, and will take his mother on a long-coveted trip to her old home in the spring.His evenings? Where should he spend them, with a free library of four thousand volumes close by? It is distinctly a youthful letter, a bit pretentious, and wanting in the spontaneity and humor of a later time.It invites comment, now, chiefly because it is the first surviving document in the long human story.

He was working in the printing-office of John A.Gray and Green, on Cliff Street, and remained there through the summer.He must have written more than once during this period, but the next existing letter--also to Sister Pamela--was written in October.It is perhaps a shade more natural in tone than the earlier example, and there is a hint of Mark Twain in the first paragraph.

To Mrs.Moffett, in St.Louis:

NEW YORK..., Oct.Saturday '53.

MY DEAR SISTER,--I have not written to any of the family for some time, from the fact, firstly, that I didn't know where they were, and secondly, because I have been fooling myself with the idea that I was going to leave New York every day for the last two weeks.I have taken a liking to the abominable place, and every time I get ready to leave, I put it off a day or so, from some unaccountable cause.It is as hard on my conscience to leave New York, as it was easy to leave Hannibal.I think I shall get off Tuesday, though.

Edwin Forrest has been playing, for the last sixteen days, at the Broadway Theatre, but I never went to see him till last night.The play was the "Gladiator." I did not like parts of it much, but other portions were really splendid.In the latter part of the last act, where the "Gladiator" (Forrest) dies at his brother's feet, (in all the fierce pleasure of gratified revenge,) the man's whole soul seems absorbed in the part he is playing; and it is really startling to see him.I am sorry I did not see him play "Damon and Pythias" the former character being his greatest.He appears in Philadelphia on Monday night.

I have not received a letter from home lately, but got a "'Journal'" the other day, in which I see the office has been sold.I suppose Ma, Orion and Henry are in St.Louis now.If Orion has no other project in his head, he ought to take the contract for getting out some weekly paper, if he cannot get a foremanship.Now, for such a paper as the "Presbyterian"(containing about 60,000,--[Sixty thousand ems, type measurement.])he could get $20 or $25 per week, and he and Henry could easily do the work; nothing to do but set the type and make up the forms....

If my letters do not come often, you need not bother yourself about me;for if you have a brother nearly eighteen years of age, who is not able to take care of himself a few miles from home, such a brother is not worth one's thoughts: and if I don't manage to take care of No.1, be assured you will never know it.I am not afraid, however; I shall ask favors from no one, and endeavor to be (and shall be) as "independent as a wood-sawyer's clerk."I never saw such a place for military companies as New York.Go on the street when you will, you are sure to meet a company in full uniform, with all the usual appendages of drums, fifes, &c.I saw a large company of soldiers of 1812 the other day, with a '76 veteran scattered here and there in the ranks.And as I passed through one of the parks lately, I came upon a company of boys on parade.Their uniforms were neat, and their muskets about half the common size.Some of them were not more than seven or eight years of age; but had evidently been well-drilled.

Passage to Albany (160 miles) on the finest steamers that ply' the Hudson, is now 25 cents--cheap enough, but is generally cheaper than that in the summer.

I want you to write as soon as I tell you where to direct your letter.

I would let you know now, if I knew myself.I may perhaps be here a week longer; but I cannot tell.When you write tell me the whereabouts of the family.My love to Mr.Moffett and Ella.Tell Ella I intend to write to her soon, whether she wants me to nor not.

Truly your Brother, SAML L.CLEMENS.

He was in Philadelphia when he wrote the nest letter that has come down to us, and apparently satisfied with the change.It is a letter to Orion Clemens, who had disposed of his paper, but evidently was still in Hannibal.An extended description of a trip to Fairmount Park is omitted because of its length, its chief interest being the tendency it shows to descriptive writing--the field in which he would make his first great fame.There is, however, no hint of humor, and only a mild suggestion of the author of the Innocents Abroad in this early attempt.The letter as here given is otherwise complete, the omissions being indicated.

To Orion Clemens, in Hannibal:


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