

It'll ruin the Company.

ANTHONY.Allow me to judge of that.

ENID.[Resentfully.] I won't stand by and let poor Annie Roberts suffer like this! And think of the children, Father! I warn you.

ANTHONY.[With a grim smile.] What do you propose to do?

ENID.That's my affair.

[ANTHONY only looks at her.]

ENID.[In a changed voice, stroking his sleeve.] Father, you know you oughtn't to have this strain on you--you know what Dr.Fisher said!

ANTHONY.No old man can afford to listen to old women.

ENID.But you have done enough, even if it really is such a matter of principle with you.

ANTHONY.You think so?

ENID.Don't Dad! [Her face works.] You--you might think of us!


ENID.It'll break you down.

ANTHONY.[Slowly.] My dear, I am not going to funk; on that you may rely.

[Re-enter TENCH with papers; he glances at them, then plucking up courage.]

TENCH.Beg pardon, Madam, I think I'd rather see these papers were disposed of before I get my lunch.

[ENID, after an impatient glance at him, looks at her father, turns suddenly, and goes into the drawing-room.]

TENCH.[Holding the papers and a pen to ANTHONY, very nervously.]

Would you sign these for me, please sir?

[ANTHONY takes the pen and signs.]

TENCH.[Standing with a sheet of blotting-paper behind EDGAR'Schair, begins speaking nervously.] I owe my position to you, sir.


TENCH.I'm obliged to see everything that's going on, sir; I--Idepend upon the Company entirely.If anything were to happen to it, it'd be disastrous for me.[ANTHONY nods.] And, of course, my wife's just had another; and so it makes me doubly anxious just now.

And the rates are really terrible down our way.

ANTHONY.[With grim amusement.] Not more terrible than they are up mine.

TENCH.No, Sir? [Very nervously.] I know the Company means a great deal to you, sir.

ANTHONY.It does; I founded it.

TENCH.Yes, Sir.If the strike goes on it'll be very serious.Ithink the Directors are beginning to realise that, sir.

ANTHONY.[Ironically.] Indeed?

TENCH.I know you hold very strong views, sir, and it's always your habit to look things in the face; but I don't think the Directors--like it, sir, now they--they see it.

ANTHONY.[Grimly.] Nor you, it seems.

TENCH.[With the ghost of a smile.] No, sir; of course I've got my children, and my wife's delicate; in my position I have to think of these things.

[ANTHONY nods.]

It was n't that I was going to say, sir, if you'll excuse me----[hesitates]

ANTHONY.Out with it, then!

TENCH.I know--from my own father, sir, that when you get on in life you do feel things dreadfully----ANTHONY.[Almost paternally.] Come, out with it, Trench!

TENCH.I don't like to say it, sir.

ANTHONY.[Stonily.] You Must.

TENCH.[After a pause, desperately bolting it out.] I think the Directors are going to throw you over, sir.

ANTHONY.[Sits in silence.] Ring the bell!

[TENCH nervously rings the bell and stands by the fire.]

TENCH.Excuse me for saying such a thing.I was only thinking of you, sir.

[FROST enters from the hall, he comes to the foot of the table, and looks at ANTHONY; TENCH coveys his nervousness by arranging papers.]

ANTHONY.Bring me a whiskey and soda.

FROST.Anything to eat, sir?

[ANTHONY shakes his head.FROST goes to the sideboard, and prepares the drink.]

TENCH.[In a low voice, almost supplicating.] If you could see your way, sir, it would be a great relief to my mind, it would indeed.

[He looks up at ANTHONY, who has not moved.] It does make me so very anxious.I haven't slept properly for weeks, sir, and that's a fact.

[ANTHONY looks in his face, then slowly shakes his head.]

[Disheartened.] No, Sir? [He goes on arranging papers.]

FROST places the whiskey and salver and puts it down by ANTHONY'S right hand.He stands away, looking gravely at ANTHONY.]

FROST.Nothing I can get you, sir?

[ANTHONY shakes his head.]

You're aware, sir, of what the doctor said, sir?


[A pause.FROST suddenly moves closer to him, and speaks in a low voice.]

FROST.This strike, sir; puttin' all this strain on you.Excuse me, sir, is it--is it worth it, sir?

[ANTHONY mutters some words that are inaudible.]

Very good, sir!

[He turns and goes out into the hall.TENCH makes two attempts to speak; but meeting his Chairman's gaze he drops his eyes, and, turning dismally, he too goes out.ANTHONY is left alone.

He grips the glass, tilts it, and drinks deeply; then sets it down with a deep and rumbling sigh, and leans back in his chair.]

The curtain falls.

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