

Then after that there came a regular winter of effort.First of all they had a bazaar that was got up by the Girls' Auxiliary and held in the basement of the church.All the girls wore special costumes that were brought up from the city, and they had booths, where there was every imaginable thing for sale--pincushion covers, and chair covers, and sofa covers, everything that you can think of.If the people had once started buying them, the debt would have been lifted in no time.

Even as it was the bazaar only lost twenty dollars.

After that, I think, was the magic lantern lecture that Dean Drone gave on "Italy and her Invaders." They got the lantern and the slides up from the city, and it was simply splendid.Some of the slides were perhaps a little confusing, but it was all there,--the pictures of the dense Italian jungle and the crocodiles and the naked invaders with their invading clubs.It was a pity that it was such a bad night, snowing hard, and a curling match on, or they would have made a lot of money out of the lecture.As it was the loss, apart from the breaking of the lantern, which was unavoidable, was quite trifling.

I can hardly remember all the things that there were after that.Irecollect that it was always Mullins who arranged about renting the hall and printing the tickets and all that sort of thing.His father, you remember, had been at the Anglican college with Dean Drone, and though the rector was thirty-seven years older than Mullins, he leaned upon him, in matters of business, as upon a staff; and though Mullins was thirty-seven years younger than the Dean, he leaned against him, in matters of doctrine, as against a rock.

At one time they got the idea that what the public wanted was not anything instructive but something light and amusing.Mullins said that people loved to laugh.He said that if you get a lot of people all together and get them laughing you can do anything you like with them.Once they start to laugh they are lost.So they got Mr.Dreery, the English Literature teacher at the high school, to give an evening of readings from the Great Humorists from Chaucer to Adam Smith.They came mighty near to making a barrel of money out of that.If the people had once started laughing it would have been all over with them.As it was I heard a lot of them say that they simply wanted to scream with laughter: they said they just felt like bursting into peals of laughter all the time.Even when, in the more subtle parts, they didn't feel like bursting out laughing, they said they had all they could do to keep from smiling.They said they never had such a hard struggle in their lives not to smile.

In fact the chairman said when he put the vote of thanks that he was sure if people had known what the lecture was to be like there would have been a much better "turn-out." But you see all that the people had to go on was just the announcement of the name of the lecturer, Mr.Dreery, and that he would lecture on English Humour All Seats Twenty-five Cents.As the chairman expressed it himself, if the people had had any idea, any idea at all, of what the lecture would be like they would have been there in hundreds.But how could they get an idea that it would be so amusing with practically nothing to go upon?

After that attempt things seemed to go from bad to worse.Nearly everybody was disheartened about it.What would have happened to the debt, or whether they would have ever paid it off, is more than I can say, if it hadn't occurred that light broke in on Mullins in the strangest and most surprising way you can imagine.It happened that he went away for his bank holidays, and while he was away he happened to be present in one of the big cities and saw how they went at it there to raise money.He came home in such a state of excitement that he went straight up from the Mariposa station to the rectory, valise and all, and he burst in one April evening to where the Rural Dean was sitting with the three girls beside the lamp in the front room, and he cried out:

"Mr.Drone, I've got it,--I've got a way that will clear the debt before you're a fortnight older.We'll have a Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa!"But stay! The change from the depth of depression to the pinnacle of hope is too abrupt.I must pause and tell you in another chapter of the Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa.

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