

These little conversations represented only the first stage, the argumentative stage of the great contest.It was during this period, for example, that the Mariposa Newspacket absolutely proved that the price of hogs in Mariposa was decimal six higher than the price of oranges in Southern California and that the average decennial import of eggs into Missinaba County had increased four decimal six eight two in the last fifteen years more than the import of lemons in New Orleans.

Figures of this kind made the people think.Most certainly.

After all this came the organizing stage and after that the big public meetings and the rallies.Perhaps you have never seen a county being "organized." It is a wonderful sight.

First of all the Bagshaw men drove through crosswise in top buggies and then drove through it again lengthwise.Whenever they met a farmer they went in and ate a meal with him, and after the meal they took him out to the buggy and gave him a drink.After that the man's vote was absolutely solid until it was tampered with by feeding a Conservative.

In fact, the only way to show a farmer that you are in earnest is to go in and eat a meal with him.If you won't eat it, he won't vote for you.That is the recognized political test.

But, of course, just as soon as the Bagshaw men had begun to get the farming vote solidified, the Smith buggies came driving through in the other direction, eating meals and distributing cigars and turning all the farmers back into Conservatives.

Here and there you might see Edward Drone, the Independent candidate, wandering round from farm to farm in the dust of the political buggies.To each of the farmers he explained that he pledged himself to give no bribes, to spend no money and to offer no jobs, and each one of them gripped him warmly by the hand and showed him the way to the next farm.

After the organization of the county there came the period of the public meetings and the rallies and the joint debates between the candidates and their supporters.

I suppose there was no place in the whole Dominion where the trade question--the Reciprocity question--was threshed out quite so thoroughly and in quite such a national patriotic spirit as in Mariposa.For a month, at least, people talked of nothing else.A man would stop another in the street and tell him that he had read last night that the average price of an egg in New York was decimal ought one more than the price of an egg in Mariposa, and the other man would stop the first one later in the day and tell him that the average price of a hog in Idaho was point six of a cent per pound less (or more,--he couldn't remember which for the moment) than the average price of beef in Mariposa.

People lived on figures of this sort, and the man who could remember most of them stood out as a born leader.

But of course it was at the public meetings that these things were most fully discussed.It would take volumes to do full justice to all the meetings that they held in Missinaba County.But here and there single speeches stood out as masterpieces of convincing oratory.

Take, for example, the speech of John Henry Bagshaw at the Tecumseh Corners School House.The Mariposa Times-Herald said next day that that speech would go down in history, and so it will,--ever so far down.

Anyone who has heard Bagshaw knows what an impressive speaker he is, and on this night when he spoke with the quiet dignity of a man old in years and anxious only to serve his country, he almost surpassed himself.Near the end of his speech somebody dropped a pin, and the noise it made in falling fairly rattled the windows.

"I am an old man now, gentlemen," Bagshaw said, "and the time must soon come when I must not only leave politics, but must take my way towards that goal from which no traveller returns."There was a deep hush when Bagshaw said this.It was understood to imply that he thought of going to the United States.

"Yes, gentlemen, I am an old man, and I wish, when my time comes to go, to depart leaving as little animosity behind me as possible.But before I do go, I want it pretty clearly understood that there are more darn scoundrels in the Conservative party than ought to be tolerated in any decent community.I bear," he continued, "malice towards none and I wish to speak with gentleness to all, but what Iwill say is that how any set of rational responsible men could nominate such a skunk as the Conservative candidate passes the bounds of my comprehension.Gentlemen, in the present campaign there is no room for vindictive abuse.Let us rise to a higher level than that.

They tell me that my opponent, Smith, is a common saloon keeper.Let it pass.They tell me that he has stood convicted of horse stealing, that he is a notable perjurer, that he is known as the blackest-hearted liar in Missinaba County.Let us not speak of it.

Let no whisper of it pass our lips.

"No, gentlemen," continued Bagshaw, pausing to take a drink of water, "let us rather consider this question on the high plane of national welfare.Let us not think of our own particular interests but let us consider the good of the country at large.And to do this, let me present to you some facts in regard to the price of barley in Tecumseh Township."Then, amid a deep stillness, Bagshaw read off the list of prices of sixteen kinds of grain in sixteen different places during sixteen years.

"But let me turn," Bagshaw went on to another phase of the national subject, "and view for a moment the price of marsh hay in Missinaba County--"When Bagshaw sat down that night it was felt that a Liberal vote in Tecumseh Township was a foregone conclusion.

But here they hadn't reckoned on the political genius of Mr.Smith.

When he heard next day of the meeting, he summoned some of his leading speakers to him and he said:

"Boys, they're beating us on them statissicks.Ourn ain't good enough."Then he turned to Nivens and he said:

"What was them figures you had here the other night?"Nivens took out a paper and began reading.

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