"What am I to do, old fellow?" he groaned, resting his head against my shoulder in the extremity of his grief."I let her be killednot that I could help that, but within five minutes I was kissing her murderess over her body.I am a degraded brute, but Icannot resist that" (and here his voice sank)"that awful sorceress.I know I shall do it again to-morrow;I know that I am in her power for always; if I never saw her again I should never think of anybody else during all my life; I must follow her as a needle follows a magnet; I would not go away now if I could;I could not leave her, my legs would not carry me, but my mind is still clear enough, and in my mind I hate herat least, I think so.It is all so horrible; and thatthat body! What can I make of it? It was me! Iam sold into bondage, old fellow, and she will take my soul as the price of herself."Then, for the first time, I told him that I was in a but very little better position; and I am bound to say that, notwithstanding his own infatuation, he had the decency to sympathize with me.Perhaps he did not think it worth while being jealous, realizing that he had no cause so far as the lady was concerned.I went on to suggest that we should try to run away, but we soon rejected the project as futile, and, to be perfectly honest, I do not believe that either of us would really have left Ayesha even if some superior power had suddenly offered to convey us from these gloomy caves and set us down in Cambridge.We could no more have left her than a moth can leave the light that destroys it.We were like confirmed opium eaters;in our moments of reason we well knew the deadly nature of our pursuit, but we certainly were not prepared to abandon its terrible delights.
No man who once had seen _i_ She _i_ unveiled, and heard the music of her voice, and drunk in the bitter wisdom of her words, would willingly give up the sight for a whole sea of placid joys.How much more then was this likely to be so when, as in Leo's case, to put myself out of the question, this extraordinary creature declared her utter and absolute devotion, and gave what appeared to be proofs of its having lasted for some two thousand years?
No doubt she was a wicked person, and no doubt she had murdered Ustane when she stood in her path, but then she was very faithful, and by a law of nature man is apt to think but lightly of a woman's crimes, especially if that woman be beautiful, and the crime be committed for the love of him.
And then for the rest, when had such a chance ever come to a man before as that which now lay in Leo's hand? True, in uniting himself to this dread woman, he would place his life under the influence of a mysterious creature of evil tendencies, but then that would be likely enough to happen to him in any ordinary marriage.On the other hand, however, no ordinary marriage could bring him such awful beautyfor awful is the only word that can describe itsuch divine devotion, such wisdom, and command over the secrets of nature, and the place and power that they must win, or, lastly, the royal crown of unending youth, if indeed she could give that.No, on the whole, it is not wonderful that though Leo was plunged in bitter shame and grief, such as any gentleman would have felt under the circumstances, he was not ready to entertain the idea of running away from his extraordinary fortune.
My own opinion is that he would have been mad if he had done so.But then I confess that my statement on the matter must be accepted with qualifications.I am in love with Ayesha myself to this day, and I would rather have been the object of her affection for one short week than that of any other woman in the world for a whole lifetime.And let me add that if anybody who doubts this statement, and thinks me foolish for making it, could have seen Ayesha draw her veil and flash out in beauty on his gaze, his view would exactly coincide with my own.Of course I am speaking of any man.We never had the advantage of a lady's opinion of Ayesha, but I think it quite possible that she would have regarded the queen with dislike, would have expressed her disapproval in some more or less pointed manner, and ultimately have got herself blasted.
For two hours or more Leo and I sat with shaken nerves and frightened eyes, and talked over the miraculous events through which we were passing.It seemed like a dream or a fairy tale, instead of the solemn, sober fact.Who would have believed that the writing on the potsherd was not only true, but that we should live to verify its truth, and that we two seekers should find her who was sought, patiently awaiting our coming in the tombs of Ko^r? Who would have thought that in the person of Leo this mysterious woman should, as she believed, discover the being whom she awaited from century to century, and whose former earthly habitation she had till this very night preserved? But so it was.In the face of all we had seen it was difficult for us as ordinary reasoning men any longer to doubt its truth, and therefore at last, with humble hearts and a deep sense of the impotence of human knowledge, and the insolence of its assumption that denies that which it has no experience of to be possible, we laid ourselves down to sleep, leaving our fates in the hands of that watching Providence which had thus chosen to allow us to draw the veil of human ignorance, and reveal to us for good or evil some glimpse of the possibilities of life.