

Teresa had become alarmed at the wild and deserted look of the plain around her, and pressed closely against her guide, not uttering a syllable; but as she saw him advance with even step and composed countenance, she endeavored to repress her emotion.Suddenly, about ten paces from them, a man advanced from behind a tree and aimed at Vampa.-- `Not another step,' he said, `or you are a dead man.' -- `What, then,' said Vampa, raising his hand with a gesture of disdain, while Teresa, no longer able to restrain her alarm, clung closely to him, `do wolves rend each other?' -- `Who are you?' inquired the sentinel.-- `I am Luigi Vampa, shepherd of the San-Felice farm.' -- `What do you want?' --`I would speak with your companions who are in the glade at Rocca Bianca.' -- `Follow me, then,' said the sentinel; `or, as you know your way, go first.' -- Vampa smiled disdainfully at this precaution on the part of the bandit, went before Teresa, and continued to advance with the same firm and easy step as before.At the end of ten minutes the bandit made them a sign to stop.The two young persons obeyed.Then the bandit thrice imitated the cry of a crow; a croak answered this signal.-- `Good!' said the sentry, `you may now go on.' -- Luigi and Teresa again set forward; as they went on Teresa clung tremblingly to her lover at the sight of weapons and the glistening of carbines through the trees.The retreat of Rocca Bianca was at the top of a small mountain, which no doubt in former days had been a volcano -- an extinct volcano before the days when Remus and Romulus had deserted Alba to come and found the city of Rome.Teresa and Luigi reached the summit, and all at once found themselves in the presence of twenty bandits.`Here is a young man who seeks and wishes to speak to you,' said the sentinel.-- `What has he to say?' inquired the young man who was in command in the chief's absence.-- `I wish to say that I am tired of a shepherd's life,' was Vampa's reply.--`Ah, I understand,' said the lieutenant; `and you seek admittance into our ranks?' -- `Welcome!' cried several bandits from Ferrusino, Pampinara, and Anagni, who had recognized Luigi Vampa.-- `Yes, but I came to ask something more than to be your companion.' -- `And what may that be?'

inquired the bandits with astonishment.-- `I come to ask to be your captain,' said the young man.The bandits shouted with laughter.`And what have you done to aspire to this honor?' demanded the lieutenant.-- `I have killed your chief, Cucumetto, whose dress I now wear; and I set fire to the villa San-Felice to procure a wedding-dress for my betrothed.' An hour afterwards Luigi Vampa was chosen captain, vice Cucumetto deceased.""Well, my dear Albert," said Franz, turning towards his friend; "what think you of citizen Luigi Vampa?""I say he is a myth," replied Albert, "and never had an existence.""And what may a myth be?" inquired Pastrini.

"The explanation would be too long, my dear landlord,"replied Franz.

"And you say that Signor Vampa exercises his profession at this moment in the environs of Rome?""And with a boldness of which no bandit before him ever gave an example.""Then the police have vainly tried to lay hands on him?""Why, you see, he has a good understanding with the shepherds in the plains, the fishermen of the Tiber, and the smugglers of the coast.They seek for him in the mountains, and he is on the waters; they follow him on the waters, and he is on the open sea; then they pursue him, and he has suddenly taken refuge in the islands, at Giglio, Guanouti, or Monte Cristo; and when they hunt for him there, he reappears suddenly at Albano, Tivoli, or La Riccia.""And how does he behave towards travellers?""Alas! his plan is very simple.It depends on the distance he may be from the city, whether he gives eight hours, twelve hours, or a day wherein to pay their ransom; and when that time has elapsed he allows another hour's grace.At the sixtieth minute of this hour, if the money is not forthcoming, he blows out the prisoner's brains with a pistol-shot, or plants his dagger in his heart, and that settles the account.""Well, Albert," inquired Franz of his companion, "are you still disposed to go to the Colosseum by the outer wall?""Quite so," said Albert, "if the way be picturesque." The clock struck nine as the door opened, and a coachman appeared."Excellencies," said he, "the coach is ready.""Well, then," said Franz, "let us to the Colosseum.""By the Porta del Popolo or by the streets, your excellencies?""By the streets, morbleu, by the streets!" cried Franz.

"Ah, my dear fellow," said Albert, rising, and lighting his third cigar, "really, I thought you had more courage." So saying, the two young men went down the staircase, and got into the carriage.

  • 百愚禅师语录


  • 孟秋纪


  • 紫柏尊者全集


  • THE HAUNTED MAN and the Ghost's Bargain

    THE HAUNTED MAN and the Ghost's Bargain

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  • 南方乘以北


  • 虫何而来


  • 嫡妻攻略


  • 逆天逃妃斗邪皇


  • 非法夫妻


  • 宛若


  • 你与星光同曜


  • 凶手疑云


  • 限时抢婚:呆萌替身新娘


  • 谁是谁的白月光

