

"Oh, I agree with you; the windows in the Palazzo Rospoli alone decided me." The truth was, that the mention of two places in the Palazzo Rospoli had recalled to Franz the conversation he had overheard the preceding evening in the ruins of the Colosseum between the mysterious unknown and the Transteverin, in which the stranger in the cloak had undertaken to obtain the freedom of a condemned criminal;and if this muffled-up individual proved (as Franz felt sure he would) the same as the person he had just seen in the Teatro Argentino, then he should be able to establish his identity, and also to prosecute his researches respecting him with perfect facility and freedom.Franz passed the night in confused dreams respecting the two meetings he had already had with his mysterious tormentor, and in waking speculations as to what the morrow would produce.The next day must clear up every doubt; and unless his near neighbor and would-be friend, the Count of Monte Cristo, possessed the ring of Gyges, and by its power was able to render himself invisible, it was very certain he could not escape this time.Eight o'clock found Franz up and dressed, while Albert, who had not the same motives for early rising, was still soundly asleep.The first act of Franz was to summon his landlord, who presented himself with his accustomed obsequiousness.

"Pray, Signor Pastrini," asked Franz, "is not some execution appointed to take place to-day?""Yes, your excellency; but if your reason for inquiry is that you may procure a window to view it from, you are much too late.""Oh, no," answered Franz, "I had no such intention; and even if I had felt a wish to witness the spectacle, I might have done so from Monte Pincio -- could I not?""Ah!" exclaimed mine host, "I did not think it likely your excellency would have chosen to mingle with such a rabble as are always collected on that hill, which, indeed, they consider as exclusively belonging to themselves.""Very possibly I may not go," answered Franz; "but in case Ifeel disposed, give me some particulars of to-day's executions.""What particulars would your excellency like to hear?""Why, the number of persons condemned to suffer, their names, and description of the death they are to die.""That happens just lucky, your excellency! Only a few minutes ago they brought me the tavolettas.""What are they?"

"Sort of wooden tablets hung up at the corners of streets the evening before an execution, on which is pasted up a paper containing the names of the condemned persons, their crimes, and mode of punishment.The reason for so publicly announcing all this is, that all good and faithful Catholics may offer up their prayers for the unfortunate culprits, and, above all, beseech of heaven to grant them a sincere repentance.""And these tablets are brought to you that you may add your prayers to those of the faithful, are they?" asked Franz somewhat incredulously.

"Oh, dear, no, your excellency! I have not time for anybody's affairs but my own and those of my honorable guests; but I make an agreement with the man who pastes up the papers, and he brings them to me as he would the playbills, that in case any person staying at my hotel should like to witness an execution, he may obtain every requisite information concerning the time and place etc.""Upon my word, that is a most delicate attention on your part, Signor Pastrini," cried Franz.

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    一朝穿越,顶级医师苏清婉,瞬间变身三层肚腩肉的欧巴桑!纳尼?!还附赠一枚混吃等喝的小包子!妈蛋!苏清婉怒了,这什么世道,还有木有天理了!还姐妖娆小蛮腰,还姐魔鬼身材!还姐清白之身!不过看在小包子还挺贴心的份儿上,苏清婉也就老老实实认了。至于孩子他爹是谁?关姐屁事!高超医术在手,母子齐心合力,照样混得风生水起,那些瞧不起她的人,她的光芒,终将刺瞎他们的二十四K钛合金狗眼!小剧场:某男在处理公务,某护卫匆匆而入:“殿下,夫人说她的狗狗住的地方太小,强占了宁姑娘的院子。”“这点小事还要来打搅本王?!夫人的狗狗想怎么住就怎么住,让那女人搬走,立刻,马上。”某女忧郁颦眉,对月长叹:伐高兴。某爷心疼拧眉:何事不悦?“今日姬美人骂我乃一介乡野村姑,粗俗不堪,不配伺候爷,清婉甚为惶恐,恳请爷能放我们娘两回归山野。”“来人!替姬美人收拾包袱,连夜送到最偏僻的村子,不必回来见本王。”某男回屋没看到熟悉的身影,随手抓了个人,不悦责问:“夫人在哪?”“回殿下,夫人留了书信一封,说带少爷回村子住一天。”某男点点头,沉着脸,“快派些人去小心伺候着,若是夫人和少爷少了一根毛,唯你们是问。”“是,属下这就去办。”护卫心惊胆颤,小腿肚子直抽。“等等,这次是夫人的哥哥宴请,还是夫人的母亲做寿?”某男追问。“是……是夫人的结拜兄弟!”“苏清婉!!!”一声怒喝,护卫耳膜一痛,再次睁眼,哪里还有某爷的身影 ̄优雅自信、深藏不露的腹黑女主+纯真机灵、拥有自以为是猫星人的狗狗宠物的儿子+宠妻无度的霸道皇子=种田宠文不虐,男主女身心干净,一生一世一双人,小白简介,正剧路线!求收藏、求留言、求包养。☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆推荐自己完结的作品:http://www。xxsy。net/info/477437。html随身空间之良田农女
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