

Unless I die, I shall always be what I am, and therefore it is that I utter the things you have never heard, even from the mouths of kings -- for kings have need, and other persons have fear of you.For who is there who does not say to himself, in a society as incongruously organized as ours, `Perhaps some day I shall have to do with the king's attorney'?""But can you not say that, sir? The moment you become an inhabitant of France, you are naturally subjected to the French law.""I know it sir," replied Monte Cristo; "but when I visit a country I begin to study, by all the means which are available, the men from whom I may have anything to hope or to fear, till I know them as well as, perhaps better than, they know themselves.It follows from this, that the king's attorney, be he who he may, with whom I should have to deal, would assuredly be more embarrassed than I should.""That is to say," replied Villefort with hesitation, "that human nature being weak, every man, according to your creed, has committed faults.""Faults or crimes," responded Monte Cristo with a negligent air.

"And that you alone, amongst the men whom you do not recognize as your brothers -- for you have said so,"observed Villefort in a tone that faltered somewhat -- "you alone are perfect.""No, not perfect," was the count's reply; "only impenetrable, that's all.But let us leave off this strain, sir, if the tone of it is displeasing to you; I am no more disturbed by your justice than are you by my second-sight.""No, no, -- by no means," said Villefort, who was afraid of seeming to abandon his ground."No; by your brilliant and almost sublime conversation you have elevated me above the ordinary level; we no longer talk, we rise to dissertation.

But you know how the theologians in their collegiate chairs, and philosophers in their controversies, occasionally say cruel truths; let us suppose for the moment that we are theologizing in a social way, or even philosophically, and Iwill say to you, rude as it may seem, `My brother, you sacrifice greatly to pride; you may be above others, but above you there is God.'""Above us all, sir," was Monte Cristo's response, in a tone and with an emphasis so deep that Villefort involuntarily shuddered."I have my pride for men -- serpents always ready to threaten every one who would pass without crushing them under foot.But I lay aside that pride before God, who has taken me from nothing to make me what I am.""Then, count, I admire you," said Villefort, who, for the first time in this strange conversation, used the aristocratic form to the unknown personage, whom, until now, he had only called monsieur."Yes, and I say to you, if you are really strong, really superior, really pious, or impenetrable, which you were right in saying amounts to the same thing -- then be proud, sir, for that is the characteristic of predominance.Yet you have unquestionably some ambition.""I have, sir."

"And what may it be?"

"I too, as happens to every man once in his life, have been taken by Satan into the highest mountain in the earth, and when there he showed me all the kingdoms of the world, and as he said before, so said he to me, `Child of earth, what wouldst thou have to make thee adore me?' I reflected long, for a gnawing ambition had long preyed upon me, and then Ireplied, `Listen, -- I have always heard of providence, and yet I have never seen him, or anything that resembles him, or which can make me believe that he exists.I wish to be providence myself, for I feel that the most beautiful, noblest, most sublime thing in the world, is to recompense and punish.' Satan bowed his head, and groaned.`You mistake,' he said, `providence does exist, only you have never seen him, because the child of God is as invisible as the parent.You have seen nothing that resembles him, because he works by secret springs, and moves by hidden ways.All I can do for you is to make you one of the agents of that providence.' The bargain was concluded.I may sacrifice my soul, but what matters it?" added Monte Cristo.

"If the thing were to do again, I would again do it."Villefort looked at Monte Cristo with extreme amazement.

"Count," he inquired, "have you any relations?""No, sir, I am alone in the world."

"So much the worse."

"Why?" asked Monte Cristo.

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