

"That is another thing: he was recommended to me by a good abbe, who may be deceived.Give him a direct invitation, but do not ask me to present him.If he were afterwards to marry Mademoiselle Danglars, you would accuse me of intrigue, and would be challenging me, -- besides, I may not be there myself.""Where?"

"At your ball."

"Why should you not be there?"

"Because you have not yet invited me."

"But I come expressly for that purpose."

"You are very kind, but I may be prevented.""If I tell you one thing, you will be so amiable as to set aside all impediments.""Tell me what it is."

"My mother begs you to come."

"The Comtesse de Morcerf?" said Monte Cristo, starting.

"Ah, count," said Albert, "I assure you Madame de Morcerf speaks freely to me, and if you have not felt those sympathetic fibres of which I spoke just now thrill within you, you must be entirely devoid of them, for during the last four days we have spoken of no one else.""You have talked of me?"

"Yes, that is the penalty of being a living puzzle!""Then I am also a puzzle to your mother? I should have thought her too reasonable to be led by imagination.""A problem, my dear count, for every one -- for my mother as well as others; much studied, but not solved, you still remain an enigma, do not fear.My mother is only astonished that you remain so long unsolved.I believe, while the Countess G---- takes you for Lord Ruthven, my mother imagines you to be Cagliostro or the Count Saint-Germain.

The first opportunity you have, confirm her in her opinion;it will be easy for you, as you have the philosophy of the one and the wit of the other.""I thank you for the warning," said the count; "I shall endeavor to be prepared for all suppositions.""You will, then, come on Saturday?"

"Yes, since Madame de Morcerf invites me.""You are very kind."

"Will M.Danglars be there?"

"He has already been invited by my father.We shall try to persuade the great d'Aguesseau,* M.de Villefort, to come, but have not much hope of seeing him.""`Never despair of anything,' says the proverb."* Magistrate and orator of great eloquence -- chancellor of France under Louis XV.

"Do you dance, count?"

"I dance?"

"Yes, you; it would not be astonishing."

"That is very well before one is over forty.No, I do not dance, but I like to see others do so.Does Madame de Morcerf dance?""Never; you can talk to her, she so delights in your conversation.""Indeed?"

"Yes, truly; and I assure you.You are the only man of whom I have heard her speak with interest." Albert rose and took his hat; the count conducted him to the door."I have one thing to reproach myself with," said he, stopping Albert on the steps."What is it?""I have spoken to you indiscreetly about Danglars.""On the contrary, speak to me always in the same strain about him.""I am glad to be reassured on that point.Apropos, when do you aspect M.d'Epinay?""Five or six days hence at the latest."

"And when is he to be married?"

"Immediately on the arrival of M.and Madame de Saint-Meran.""Bring him to see me.Although you say I do not like him, Iassure you I shall be happy to see him."

"I will obey your orders, my lord."


"Until Saturday, when I may expect you, may I not?""Yes, I promised you." The Count watched Albert, waving his hand to him.When he had mounted his phaeton, Monte Cristo turned, and seeing Bertuccio, "What news?" said he."She went to the Palais," replied the steward.

"Did she stay long there?"

"An hour and a half."

"Did she return home?"


"Well, my dear Bertuccio," said the count, "I now advise you to go in quest of the little estate I spoke to you of in Normandy." Bertuccio bowed, and as his wishes were in perfect harmony with the order he had received, he started the same evening.

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