

"`The president again arose, and having imposed silence, said, -- "Sir, you are too serious and too sensible a man not to understand the consequences of our present situation, and your candor has already dictated to us the conditions which remain for us to offer you." The general, putting his hand on his sword, exclaimed, -- "If you talk of honor, do not begin by disavowing its laws, and impose nothing by violence.""`"And you, sir," continued the president, with a calmness still more terrible than the general's anger, "I advise you not to touch your sword." The general looked around him with slight uneasiness; however he did not yield, but calling up all his fortitude, said, -- "I will not swear.""`"Then you must die," replied the president calmly.M.

d'Epinay became very pale; he looked round him a second time, several members of the club were whispering, and getting their arms from under their cloaks."General," said the president, "do not alarm yourself; you are among men of honor who will use every means to convince you before resorting to the last extremity, but as you have said, you are among conspirators, you are in possession of our secret, and you must restore it to us." A significant silence followed these words, and as the general did not reply, --"Close the doors," said the president to the door-keeper.

"`The same deadly silence succeeded these words.Then the general advanced, and making a violent effort to control his feelings, -- "I have a son," said he, "and I ought to think of him, finding myself among assassins.""`"General," said the chief of the assembly, "one man may insult fifty -- it is the privilege of weakness.But he does wrong to use his privilege.Follow my advice, swear, and do not insult." The general, again daunted by the superiority of the chief, hesitated a moment; then advancing to the president's desk, -- "What is the form, said he.

"`"It is this: -- `I swear by my honor not to reveal to any one what I have seen and heard on the 5th of February, 1815, between nine and ten o'clock in the evening; and I plead guilty of death should I ever violate this oath.'" The general appeared to be affected by a nervous tremor, which prevented his answering for some moments; then, overcoming his manifest repugnance, he pronounced the required oath, but in so low a tone as to be scarcely audible to the majority of the members, who insisted on his repeating it clearly and distinctly, which he did.

"`"Now am I at liberty to retire?" said the general.The president rose, appointed three members to accompany him, and got into the carriage with the general after bandaging his eyes.One of those three members was the coachman who had driven them there.The other members silently dispersed.

"Where do you wish to be taken?" asked the president.--"Anywhere out of your presence," replied M.d'Epinay.

"Beware, sir," replied the president, "you are no longer in the assembly, and have only to do with individuals; do not insult them unless you wish to be held responsible." But instead of listening, M.d'Epinay went on, -- "You are still as brave in your carriage as in your assembly because you are still four against one." The president stopped the coach.They were at that part of the Quai des Ormes where the steps lead down to the river."Why do you stop here?"asked d'Epinay.

"`"Because, sir," said the president, "you have insulted a man, and that man will not go one step farther without demanding honorable reparation.""`"Another method of assassination?" said the general, shrugging his shoulders.

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