

The door was scarcely closed when Albert bent his steps to his mother's room; and, no one being there to announce him, he advanced to her bed-chamber, and distressed by what he saw and guessed, stopped for one moment at the door.As if the same idea had animated these two beings, Mercedes was doing the same in her apartments that he had just done in his.Everything was in order, -- laces, dresses, jewels, linen, money, all were arranged in the drawers, and the countess was carefully collecting the keys.Albert saw all these preparations and understood them, and exclaiming, "My mother!" he threw his arms around her neck.

The artist who could have depicted the expression of these two countenances would certainly have made of them a beautiful picture.All these proofs of an energetic resolution, which Albert did not fear on his own account, alarmed him for his mother."What are you doing?" asked he.

"What were you doing?" replied she.

"Oh, my mother!" exclaimed Albert, so overcome he could scarcely speak; "it is not the same with you and me -- you cannot have made the same resolution I have, for I have come to warn you that I bid adieu to your house, and -- and to you.""I also," replied Mercedes, "am going, and I acknowledge Ihad depended on your accompanying me; have I deceived myself?""Mother," said Albert with firmness."I cannot make you share the fate I have planned for myself.I must live henceforth without rank and fortune, and to begin this hard apprenticeship I must borrow from a friend the loaf I shall eat until I have earned one.So, my dear mother, I am going at once to ask Franz to lend me the small sum I shall require to supply my present wants.""You, my poor child, suffer poverty and hunger? Oh, do not say so; it will break my resolutions.""But not mine, mother," replied Albert."I am young and strong; I believe I am courageous, and since yesterday Ihave learned the power of will.Alas, my dear mother, some have suffered so much, and yet live, and have raised a new fortune on the ruin of all the promises of happiness which heaven had made them -- on the fragments of all the hope which God had given them! I have seen that, mother; I know that from the gulf in which their enemies have plunged them they have risen with so much vigor and glory that in their turn they have ruled their former conquerors, and have punished them.No.mother; from this moment I have done with the past, and accept nothing from it -- not even a name, because you can understand that your son cannot bear the name of a man who ought to blush for it before another.""Albert, my child," said Mercedes, "if I had a stronger heart that is the counsel I would have given you; your conscience has spoken when my voice became too weak; listen to its dictates.You had friends, Albert; break off their acquaintance.But do not despair; you have life before you, my dear Albert, for you are yet scarcely twenty-two years old; and as a pure heart like yours wants a spotless name, take my father's -- it was Herrera.I am sure, my dear Albert, whatever may be your career, you will soon render that name illustrious.Then, my son, return to the world still more brilliant because of your former sorrows; and if I am wrong, still let me cherish these hopes, for I have no future to look forward to.For me the grave opens when Ipass the threshold of this house."

"I will fulfil all your wishes, my dear mother," said the young man."Yes, I share your hopes; the anger of heaven will not pursue us, since you are pure and I am innocent.

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    Loveand Friendship

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