


The night-light continued to burn on the chimney-piece, exhausting the last drops of oil which floated on the surface of the water.The globe of the lamp appeared of a reddish hue, and the flame, brightening before it expired, threw out the last flickerings which in an inanimate object have been so often compared with the convulsions of a human creature in its final agonies.A dull and dismal light was shed over the bedclothes and curtains surrounding the young girl.All noise in the streets had ceased, and the silence was frightful.It was then that the door of Edward's room opened, and a head we have before noticed appeared in the glass opposite; it was Madame de Villefort, who came to witness the effects of the drink she had prepared.She stopped in the doorway, listened for a moment to the flickering of the lamp, the only sound in that deserted room, and then advanced to the table to see if Valentine's glass were empty.It was still about a quarter full, as we before stated.Madame de Villefort emptied the contents into the ashes, which she disturbed that they might the more readily absorb the liquid; then she carefully rinsed the glass, and wiping it with her handkerchief replaced it on the table.

If any one could have looked into the room just then he would have noticed the hesitation with which Madame de Villefort approached the bed and looked fixedly on Valentine.The dim light, the profound silence, and the gloomy thoughts inspired by the hour, and still more by her own conscience, all combined to produce a sensation of fear;the poisoner was terrified at the contemplation of her own work.At length she rallied, drew aside the curtain, and leaning over the pillow gazed intently on Valentine.The young girl no longer breathed, no breath issued through the half-closed teeth; the white lips no longer quivered -- the eyes were suffused with a bluish vapor, and the long black lashes rested on a cheek white as wax.Madame de Villefort gazed upon the face so expressive even in its stillness;then she ventured to raise the coverlet and press her hand upon the young girl's heart.It was cold and motionless.She only felt the pulsation in her own fingers, and withdrew her hand with a shudder.One arm was hanging out of the bed;from shoulder to elbow it was moulded after the arms of Germain Pillon's "Graces,"* but the fore-arm seemed to be slightly distorted by convulsion, and the hand, so delicately formed, was resting with stiff outstretched fingers on the framework of the bed.The nails, too, were turning blue.

* Germain Pillon was a famous French sculptor (1535-1598).

His best known work is "The Three Graces," now in the Louvre.

Madame de Villefort had no longer any doubt; all was over --she had consummated the last terrible work she had to accomplish.There was no more to do in the room, so the poisoner retired stealthily, as though fearing to hear the sound of her own footsteps; but as she withdrew she still held aside the curtain, absorbed in the irresistible attraction always exerted by the picture of death, so long as it is merely mysterious and does not excite disgust.Just then the lamp again flickered; the noise startled Madame de Villefort, who shuddered and dropped the curtain.

Immediately afterwards the light expired, and the room was plunged in frightful obscurity, while the clock at that minute struck half-past four.Overpowered with agitation, the poisoner succeeded in groping her way to the door, and reached her room in an agony of fear.

The darkness lasted two hours longer; then by degrees a cold light crept through the Venetian blinds, until at length it revealed the objects in the room.About this time the nurse's cough was heard on the stairs and the woman entered the room with a cup in her hand.To the tender eye of a father or a lover, the first glance would have sufficed to reveal Valentine's condition; but to this hireling, Valentine only appeared to sleep."Good," she exclaimed, approaching the table, "she has taken part of her draught;the glass is three-quarters empty."

Then she went to the fireplace and lit the fire, and although she had just left her bed, she could not resist the temptation offered by Valentine's sleep, so she threw herself into an arm-chair to snatch a little more rest.The clock striking eight awoke her.Astonished at the prolonged slumber of the patient, and frightened to see that the arm was still hanging out of the bed, she advanced towards Valentine, and for the first time noticed the white lips.

She tried to replace the arm, but it moved with a frightful rigidity which could not deceive a sick-nurse.She screamed aloud; then running to the door exclaimed, -- "Help, help!""What is the matter?" asked M.d'Avrigny, at the foot of the stairs, it being the hour he usually visited her.

"What is it?" asked Villefort, rushing from his room.

"Doctor, do you hear them call for help?""Yes, yes; let us hasten up; it was in Valentine's room."But before the doctor and the father could reach the room, the servants who were on the same floor had entered, and seeing Valentine pale and motionless on her bed, they lifted up their hands towards heaven and stood transfixed, as though struck by lightening."Call Madame de Villefort! --wake Madame de Villefort!" cried the procureur from the door of his chamber, which apparently he scarcely dared to leave.

But instead of obeying him, the servants stood watching M.

d'Avrigny, who ran to Valentine, and raised her in his arms.

"What? -- this one, too?" he exclaimed."Oh, where will be the end?" Villefort rushed into the room."What are you saying, doctor?" he exclaimed, raising his hands to heaven.

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