

"And he had five millions in your hands alone! Why, this Count of Monte Cristo must be a nabob?""Indeed I do not know what he is; he has three unlimited credits -- one on me, one on Rothschild, one on Lafitte;and, you see," he added carelessly, "he has given me the preference, by leaving a balance of 100,000 francs." M.de Boville manifested signs of extraordinary admiration."Imust visit him," he said, "and obtain some pious grant from him.""Oh, you may make sure of him; his charities alone amount to 20,000 francs a month.""It is magnificent! I will set before him the example of Madame de Morcerf and her son.""What example?"

"They gave all their fortune to the hospitals.""What fortune?"

"Their own -- M.de Morcerf's, who is deceased.""For what reason?"

"Because they would not spend money so guiltily acquired.""And what are they to live upon?"

"The mother retires into the country, and the son enters the army.""Well, I must confess, these are scruples.""I registered their deed of gift yesterday.""And how much did they possess?"

"Oh, not much -- from twelve to thirteen hundred thousand francs.But to return to our millions.""Certainly," said Danglars, in the most natural tone in the world."Are you then pressed for this money?""Yes; for the examination of our cash takes place to-morrow.""To-morrow? Why did you not tell me so before? Why, it is as good as a century! At what hour does the examination take place?""At two o'clock."

"Send at twelve," said Danglars, smiling.M.de Boville said nothing, but nodded his head, and took up the portfolio.

"Now I think of it, you can do better," said Danglars.

"How do you mean?"

"The receipt of M.de Monte Cristo is as good as money; take it to Rothschild's or Lafitte's, and they will take it off your hands at once.""What, though payable at Rome?"

"Certainly; it will only cost you a discount of 5,000 or 6,000 francs." The receiver started back."Ma foi," he said, "I prefer waiting till to-morrow.What a proposition!""I thought, perhaps," said Danglars with supreme impertinence, "that you had a deficiency to make up?""Indeed," said the receiver.

"And if that were the case it would be worth while to make some sacrifice.""Thank you, no, sir "

"Then it will be to-morrow."

"Yes; but without fail."

"Ah, you are laughing at me; send to-morrow at twelve, and the bank shall be notified.""I will come myself."

"Better still, since it will afford me the pleasure of seeing you." They shook hands."By the way," said M.de Boville, "are you not going to the funeral of poor Mademoiselle de Villefort, which I met on my road here?""No," said the banker; "I have appeared rather ridiculous since that affair of Benedetto, so I remain in the background.""Bah, you are wrong.How were you to blame in that affair?""Listen -- when one bears an irreproachable name, as I do, one is rather sensitive.""Everybody pities you, sir; and, above all, Mademoiselle Danglars!""Poor Eugenie!" said Danglars; "do you know she is going to embrace a religious life?""No."

"Alas, it is unhappily but too true.The day after the event, she decided on leaving Paris with a nun of her acquaintance; they are gone to seek a very strict convent in Italy or Spain.""Oh, it is terrible!" and M.de Boville retired with this exclamation, after expressing acute sympathy with the father.But he had scarcely left before Danglars, with an energy of action those can alone understand who have seen Robert Macaire represented by Frederic,* exclaimed, --"Fool!" Then enclosing Monte Cristo's receipt in a little pocket-book, he added: -- "Yes, come at twelve o'clock; Ishall then be far away." Then he double-locked his door, emptied all his drawers, collected about fifty thousand francs in bank-notes, burned several papers, left others exposed to view, and then commenced writing a letter which he addressed:

"To Madame la Baronne Danglars."

* Frederic Lemaitre -- French actor (1800-1876).Robert Macaire is the hero of two favorite melodramas -- "Chien de Montargis" and "Chien d'Aubry" -- and the name is applied to bold criminals as a term of derision.

"I will place it on her table myself to-night," he murmured.

Then taking a passport from his drawer he said, -- "Good, it is available for two months longer."

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