

It was she who led the way through the hedge, who halted in the garden path at the sound of voices.She turned, but there was no time to flee, for the tall figure of a man came through the opposite hedge, followed by a lady.One was Nicholas Temple, the other, Mademoiselle de St.Gre.Mrs.Temple's face alone was in the shadow, and as I felt her hand trembling on my arm I summoned all my resources.It was Nick who spoke first.

``It is Davy!'' he cried.``Oh, the sly rascal! And this is the promenade of which he left us word, the solitary meditation! Speak up, man; you are forgiven for deserting us.

He turned, laughing, to Mademoiselle.But she stood with her lips parted and her hands dropped, staring at my companion.Then she took two steps forward and stopped with a cry.


The woman beside me turned, and with a supreme courage raised her head and faced the girl.

``Yes, Antoinette, it is I,'' she answered.

And then my eyes sought Nick, for Mrs.Temple had faced her son with a movement that was a challenge, yet with a look that questioned, yearned, appealed.He, too, stared, the laughter fading from his eyes, first astonishment, and then anger, growing in them, slowly, surely.I shall never forget him as he stood there (for what seemed an age) recalling one by one the wrongs this woman had done him.She herself had taught him to brook no restraint, to follow impetuously his loves and hates, and endurance in these things was moulded in every line of his finely cut features.And when he spoke it was not to her, but to the girl at his side.

``Do you know who this is?'' he said.``Tell me, do you know this woman?''

Mademoiselle de St.Gre did not answer him.She drew near, gently, to Mrs.Temple, whose head was bowed, whose agony I could only guess.

``Mrs.Clive,'' she said softly, though her voice was shaken by a prescience, ``won't you tell me what has happened? Won't you speak to me--Antoinette?''

The poor lady lifted up her arms, as though to embrace the girl, dropped them despairingly, and turned away.

``Antoinette,'' she murmured, ``Antoinette!''

For Nick had seized Antoinette by the hand, restraining her.

``You do not know what you are doing?'' he cried angrily.``Listen!''

I had stood bereft of speech, watching the scene breathlessly.And now I would have spoken had not Mademoiselle astonished me by taking the lead.I have thought since that I might have pieced together this much of her character.Her glance at Nick surprised him momentarily into silence.

``I know that she is my dearest friend,'' she said, ``that she came to us in misfortune, and that we love her and trust her.I do not know why she is here with Mr.

Ritchie, but I am sure it is for some good reason.'' She laid a hand on Mrs.Temple's shoulder.``Mrs.Clive, won't you speak to me?''

``My God, Antoinette, listen!'' cried Nick; ``Mrs.Clive is not her name.I know her, David knows her.She is an--adventuress!''

Mrs.Temple gave a cry, and the girl shot at him a frightened, bewildered glance, in which a new-born love struggled with an older affection.

``An adventuress!'' she repeated, her hand dropping, ``oh, I do not believe it.I cannot believe it.''

``You shall believe it,'' said Nick, fiercely.``Her name is not Clive.Ask David what her name is.''

Antoinette's lips moved, but she shirked the question.

And Nick seized me roughly.

``Tell her,'' he said, ``tell her! My God, how can I do it? Tell her, David.''

For the life of me I could not frame the speech at once, my pity and a new-found and surprising respect for her making it doubly hard to pronounce her sentence.

Suddenly she raised her head, not proudly, but with a dignity seemingly conferred by years of sorrow and of suffering.Her tones were even, bereft of every vestige of hope.

``Antoinette, I have deceived you, though as God is my witness, I thought no harm could come of it.I deluded myself into believing that I had found friends and a refuge at last.I am Mrs.Temple.''

``Mrs.Temple!'' The girl repeated the name sorrowfully, but perplexedly, not grasping its full significance.

``She is my mother,'' said Nick, with a bitterness I had not thought in him, ``she is my mother, or I would curse her.For she has ruined my life and brought shame on a good name.''

He paused, his breath catching for very anger.Mrs.

Temple hid her face in her hands, while the girl shrank back in terror.I grasped him by the arm.

``Have you no compassion?'' I cried.But Mrs.Temple interrupted me.

``He has the right,'' she faltered; ``it is my just punishment.''

He tore himself away, and took a step to her.

``Where is Riddle?'' he cried.``As God lives, I will kill him without mercy!''

His mother lifted her head again.

``God has judged him,'' she said quietly; ``he is beyond your vengeance--he is dead.'' A sob shook her, but she conquered it with a marvellous courage.``Harry Riddle loved me, he was kind to me, and he was a better man than John Temple.''

Nick recoiled.The fierceness of his anger seemed to go, leaving a more dangerous humor.



  • 江氏伤科学


  • 从公三录


  • Other Things Being Equal

    Other Things Being Equal

  • 法幢远禅师语录


  • 走近苏东坡


  • 我和男主谈恋爱


  • 网游之剑仙降临


  • 回到过去爱自己


  • 小可爱恋恋不忘


  • 大破坏之谜与红蓝光工会


  • 鱼干女的另类咖啡屋


  • 关于我暗恋的他


  • 我在未来搞事情


  • 花娘十三

