

``Auguste de St.Gre,'' she said, ``I know you.The Tribunal is merciful compared to you.There is no one on earth whom you would not torture for your selfish ends, no one whom you would not sell without compunction for your pleasure.There are things that a woman should not mention, and yet I would tell them without shame to your face were it not for your sister.If it were not for her, I would not have you in my presence.Shall I speak of your career in France? There is Valenciennes, for example--''

She stopped abruptly.The man was gray, but not on his account did the Vicomtesse stay her speech.She forgot him as though he did not exist, and by one of those swift transitions which thrilled me had gone to the sobbing Antoinette and taken her in her arms, murmuring endearments of which our language is not capable.I, too, forgot Auguste.But no rebuke, however stinging, could make him forget himself, and before we realized it he was talking again.He had changed his tactics.

``This is my home,'' he said, ``where I might expect shelter and comfort.You make me an outcast.''

Antoinette disengaged herself from Helene with a cry, but he turned away from her and shrugged.

``A stranger would have fared better.Perhaps you will have more consideration for a stranger.There is a French ship at the Terre aux Boeufs in the English Turn, which sails to-night.I appeal to you, Mr.Ritchie, ``--he was still talking in French--``I appeal to you, who are a man of affairs,''--and he swept me a bow,--``if a captain would risk taking a fugitive to France for eight hundred livres? Pardieu, I could get no farther than the Balize for that.Monsieur,'' he added meaningly, ``you have an interest in this.There are two of us to go.''

The amazing effrontery of this move made me gasp.

Yet it was neither the Vicomtesse nor myself who answered him.We turned by common impulse to Antoinette, and she was changed.Her breath came quickly, her eyes flashed, her anger made her magnificent.

``It is not true,'' she cried, ``you know it is not true.''

He lifted his shoulders and smiled.

``You are my brother, and I am ashamed to acknowledge you.I was willing to give my last sou, to sell my belongings, to take from the poor to help you--until you defamed a good man.You cannot make me believe,''

she cried, unheeding the color that surged into her cheeks, ``you cannot make me believe that he would use this money.You cannot make me believe it.''

``Let us do him the credit of thinking that he means to repay it,'' said Auguste.

Antoinette's eyes filled with tears,--tears of pride, of humiliation, ay, and of an anger of which I had not thought her capable.She was indeed a superb creature then, a personage I had not imagined.Gathering up her gown, she passed Auguste and turned on him swiftly.

``If you were to bring that to him,'' she said, pointing to the bag in my hand, ``he would not so much as touch it.To-morrow I shall go to the Ursulines, and I thank God I shall never see you again.I thank God I shall no longer be your sister.Give Monsieur the bundle,'' she said to the frightened Andre, who still stood by the hedge;``he may need food and clothes for his journey.''

She left us.We stood watching her until her gown had disappeared amongst the foliage.Andre came forward and held out the bundle to Auguste, who took it mechanically.

Then Madame La Vicomtesse motioned to Andre to leave, and gave me a glance, and it was part of the deep understanding of her I had that I took its meaning.Ihad my forebodings at what this last conversation with Auguste might bring forth, and I wished heartily that we were rid of him.

``Monsieur de St.Gre,'' I said, ``I understood you to say that a ship is lying at the English Turn some five leagues below us, on which you are to take passage at once.''

He turned and glared at me, some devilish retort on his lips which he held back.Suddenly he became suave.

``I shall want two thousand livres Monsieur; it was the sum I asked for.''

``It is not a question of what you asked for,'' I answered.

``Since when did Monsieur assume this intimate position in my family?'' he said, glancing at the Vicomtesse.

``Monsieur de St.Gre,'' I replied with difficulty, ``you will confine yourself to the matter in hand.You are in no situation to demand terms; you must take or leave what is offered you.Last night the man called Gignoux, who was of your party, was at the Governor's house.''

At this he started perceptibly.

  • 佛说太子瑞应本起经


  • 上方钧天演范真经


  • 风月堂诗话




    ALL true histories contain instruction; though, in some, the treasure may be hard to find, and when found, so trivial in quantity, that the dry, shrivelled kernel scarcely compensates for the trouble of cracking the nut.汇聚授权电子版权。
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  • 主管不要太老实


    不会用魅力保卫权力 不注重自己的形象,一味地让员工适应自己/95 控制不住自己的“情绪”承受“高处不胜寒”的孤独,公私不分,亲此疏彼,安置心腹,暴眺如雷,不了解情况就对员工横加指责,跟下属“老死不相往来”,主管太老实等于没效率。老实的主管喜欢挑大梁,无论大事小情都要亲自过问。他们事必躬亲、兢兢业业,每天都早来晚走,而他的员工却在悠闲地享受大好时光。主管太老实等于缺手腕。老实人往往把规矩看得高于一切,他们从来都是按常理出牌。规矩对于他们来说就是不可触犯的“天条”。员工在背后不称呼他们“铁面无私”,而是叫他们“老古董”。
  • 凝脂


  • 我家皇妃就是那么菜


    咸鱼突然翻身,翻进了宫。什么?什么婚约,什么帝王......我不要待在这里!男人都是大猪蹄子...拖她上战场打仗,下河沟玩泥巴,去山上抓鸡,去山下吃豆腐脑...你可是帝王啊!千万不要跟我纠缠不清,不就是政治联姻吗?我嫁!我嫁!...嫁了之后呢?他一下子对她百般讨好,乖的不像话。你要吃鸡我帮你抓,你要豆腐脑我给你做,但前提是你要给我做桂花羹...... 赠之以白芍,雪夜探红梅....... “若你愿做我一个人的妃子...” 月夜,二人长相厮守,她心无旁骛。 “杀戮是无止境的,只有我能保你安好...” 上战场前,他将她搂之于怀,也许是最后的告诫。 “何为柔肠百转?何为牵肠挂肚?” 阴雨绵绵,他当着别的妃子的面,怒问虞沁。 …… 江绾到后来才明白,她爱他。傻子!他把人给了自己,她为他做一辈子的桂花羹。 不知过了多久,她才知道所有的前因后果。 她不惜为了他再上战场,犯错后,却又不惜将自己送上断头台。 即便犯下再大的错,也不会让你离开。 江绾对他,又爱,又恨。 爱他的撕心裂肺,恨他的痛彻心扉。 下雪了。“绾儿,再给我做一碗桂花羹吧。” 只为爱的女人笑,只为爱的女人敞开怀抱。
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    半生怨 (大结局)
