

But I must not go beyond the troubles of that summer, and the problems that vexed our commander.One night I missed him from the room where we slept, and walking into the orchard found him pacing there, where the moon cast filmy shadows on the grass.By day as he went around among the men his brow was unclouded, though his face was stern.But now I surprised the man so strangely moved that I yearned to comfort him.He had taken three turns before he perceived me.

``Davy,'' he said, ``what are you doing here?''

``I missed you, sir,'' I answered, staring at the furrows in his face.

``Come!'' he said almost roughly, and seizing my hand, led me back and forth swiftly through the wet grass for Iknow not how long.The moon dipped to the uneven line of the ridge-pole and slipped behind the stone chimney.All at once he stopped, dropped my hand, and smote both of his together.

``I WILL hold on, by the eternal!'' he cried.``I will let no American read his history and say that I abandoned this land.Let them desert! If ten men be found who will stay, I will hold the place for the Republic.''

``Will not Virginia and the Congress send you men, sir?'' I asked wonderingly.

He laughed a laugh that was all bitterness.

``Virginia and the Continental Congress know little and care less about me,'' he answered.``Some day you will learn that foresight sometimes comes to men, but never to assemblies.But it is often given to one man to work out the salvation of a people, and be destroyed for it.Davy, we have been up too long.''

At the morning parade, from my wonted place at the end of the line, I watched him with astonishment, reviewing the troops as usual.For the very first day I had crossed the river with Terence, climbed the heights to the old fort, and returned with my drum.But no sooner had I beaten the retreat than the men gathered here and there in groups that smouldered with mutiny, and I noted that some of the officers were amongst these.Once in a while a sentence like a flaming brand was flung out.Their time was up, their wives and children for all they knew sculped by the red varmints, and, by the etarnal, Clark or no man living could keep them.

``Hi,'' said one, as I passed, ``here's Davy with his drum.He'll be leadin' us back to Kaintuck in the morning.''

``Ay, ay,'' cried another man in the group, ``I reckon he's had his full of tyranny, too.''

I stopped, my face blazing red.

``Shame on you for those words!'' I shouted shrilly.

``Shame on you, you fools, to desert the man who would save your wives and children.How are the redskins to be beaten if they are not cowed in their own country?''

For I had learned much at headquarters.

They stood silent, astonished, no doubt, at the sight of my small figure a-tremble with anger.I heard Bill Cowan's voice behind me.

``There's truth for ye,'' he said, ``that will slink home when a thing's half done.''

``Ye needn't talk, Bill Cowan; it's well enough for ye.

I reckon your wife'd scare any redskin off her clearin'.''

``Many the time she scart me,'' said Bill Cowan.

And so the matter went by with a laugh.But the grumbling continued, and the danger was that the French would learn of it.The day passed, yet the embers blazed not into the flame of open mutiny.But he who has seen service knows how ominous is the gathering of men here and there, the low humming talk, the silence when a dissenter passes.There were fights, too, that had to be quelled by company captains, and no man knew when the loud quarrel between the two races at Vigo's store would grow into an ugly battle.

What did Clark intend to do? This was the question that hung in the minds of mutineer and faithful alike.

They knew the desperation of his case.Without money, save that which the generous Creoles had advanced upon his personal credit; without apparent resources; without authority, save that which the weight of his character exerted,--how could he prevent desertion? They eyed him as he went from place to place about his business,--erect, thoughtful, undisturbed.Few men dare to set their will against a multitude when there are no fruits to be won.

Columbus persisted, and found a new world; Clark persisted, and won an empire for thoughtless generations to enjoy.

That night he slept not at all, but sat, while the candles flickered in their sockets, poring over maps and papers.

I dared not disturb him, but lay the darkness through with staring eyes.And when the windows on the orchard side showed a gray square of light, he flung down the parchment he was reading on the table.It rolled up of itself, and he pushed back his chair.I heard him call my name, and leaping out of bed, I stood before him.

``You sleep lightly, Davy,'' he said, I think to try me.

I did not answer, fearing to tell him that I had been awake watching him.

``I have one friend, at least,'' said the Colonel.

``You have many, sir,'' I answered, ``as you will find when the time comes.''

``The time has come,'' said he; ``to-day I shall be able to count them.Davy, I want you to do something for me.''

``Now, sir?'' I answered, overjoyed.

``As soon as the sun strikes that orchard,'' he said, pointing out of the window.``You have learned how to keep things to yourself.Now I want you to impart them to others.Go out, and tell the village that I am going away.''

``That you are going away, sir?'' I repeated.

``That I am going away,'' he said, ``with my army, (save the mark!), with my army and my drummer boy and my paper money.Such is my faith in the loyalty of the good people of these villages to the American cause, that I can safely leave the flag flying over their heads with the assurance that they will protect it.''

I stared at him doubtfully, for at times a pleasantry came out of his bitterness.

``Ay,'' he said, ``go! Have you any love for me?''

``I have, sir,'' I answered.

``By the Lord, I believe you,'' he said, and picking up my small hunting shirt, he flung it at me.``Put it on, and go when the sun rises.''

As the first shaft of light over the bluff revealed the diamonds in the orchard grass I went out, wondering.

  • 八十一难经


  • 汗门


  • 黄金策


  • 送安律师


  • 经穴汇解


  • 关于宅女穿越异世界的奇妙历险


  • 水叶惜


  • 化学知识篇(上)( 科普知识百科全书)

    化学知识篇(上)( 科普知识百科全书)

  • 心理学与你:带你走进心理学世界


  • 同桌诡友


  • 霓裳梦蓝梦


  • 铲屎官,请不推自倒


  • 一两江湖之两生花


    他一步一步,一步一步走近,死死地盯住花千夜,“他们说的,是不是真的?”“既然你已经看到,我也不瞒你了——”“我不信!”凤延棠厉声道,“你、你为什么要骗我?你以为这样就能引得我杀你?!”他一手掳起她的衣袖,我们成亲这么久,你都是处子之身,你的病——”说到一个“病”字,他的声音顿住。那一个瞬间,仿佛连生命一起顿住。世间不再有任何声音,不再有任何颜色,眼前有的,只是一条白玉无瑕的胳膊!他猛地抬起头,一双眼睛几乎要滴出血来。“对不起,我对不起你……”花千夜落下泪来。第一部 染花身:他娶来的绝色美女,竟在洞房花烛之夜请他离开。这到底是怎样一个女人?一套彩鸾衣试出她的明智;府中命案,看出她的机警;阿洛一战,看她一身白衣,一身弱病替他破阵。他心中辛酸的痛楚,是爱吗?他终于……找到了解除诅咒的“至爱之人”吗?用她的心头血,洗去他一身的桃花诅咒,换父亲的垂直,换一世的皇图霸业,这一直以来渴求的“至爱之人”啊!羽箭在手,他,射得出去吗?第二部锦衣行:杭州城八卦消息综合报道:大晏首富管家颜生锦图谋花家财产,不顾辈分要娶花家二小姐!呃耶?怎么颜生锦帮二小姐定亲了?啊啊!花家二小姐誓死要嫁管家颜生锦!呃子?颜生锦自己又娶老婆了?到底在搞什么?这么好的八卦浪潮,竟然在高达千尺时被活活打压了下来。然而就在全民快要失去兴趣的时候,杭州城又一起八卦绯闻再次火热出炉——一个有了妻子,一个有了未婚夫,仍然、居然、竟然、终于还是要在一起啊!
  • 二十五史故事精选大全


  • 双赢谈判

