

"Everything is ready for her departure," he replied, "but I want your exeat, madame; will you kindly tell me if you desire me to change her expression?""One question in the first place," I replied: "Will your work suffer by such a change, supposing that I desire it?""Probably.If you cut the wings of a bird you hinder its flight.""Another question: Is it I, or the other person whom the statue best represents?""You, madame; that goes without saying, for you are the present, she the past.""But, to desert the past for the present is a bad thing and goes by a bad name, monsieur; and yet you proclaim it with a very easy air.""True," said Monsieur Dorlange, laughing, "but art is ferocious;wherever it sees material for its creations, it pounces upon it desperately.""Art," I replied, "is a great word under which a multitude of things shelter themselves.The other day you told me that circumstances, too long to relate at that moment, had contributed to fix the image of which I was the reflection in your mind, where it has left a vivid memory; was not that enough to excite my curiosity?""It was true, madame, that time did not allow of my making an explanation of those circumstances; but, in any case, having the honor of speaking to you for the first time, it would have been strange, would it not, had I ventured to make you any confidences?""Well, but now?" I said, boldly.

"Now, unless I receive more express encouragement, I am still unable to suppose that anything in my past can interest you.""Why not? Some acquaintances ripen fast.Your devotion to my Nais has advanced our friendship rapidly.Besides," I added, with affected levity, "I am passionately fond of stories.""But mine has no conclusion to it; it is an enigma even to myself.""All the better; perhaps between us we might find the key to it."Monsieur Dorlange appeared to take counsel with himself; then, after a short pause he said:--"It is true that women are admirably fitted to seize the lighter shades of meaning in acts and sentiments which we men are unable to decipher.But this confidence does not concern myself alone; I should have to request that it remain absolutely between ourselves, not even excepting Monsieur de l'Estorade from this restriction.A secret is never safe beyond the person who confides it, and the person who hears it."I was much puzzled, as you can well suppose, about what might follow;still, continuing my explorations, I replied:--"Monsieur de l'Estorade is so little in the habit of hearing everything from me, that he never even read a line of my correspondence with Madame Marie-Gaston."Until then, Monsieur Dorlange had stood before the fireplace, at one corner of which I was seated; but he now took a chair beside me and said, by way of preamble:--"I mentioned to you, madame, the family of Lanty--"At that instant--provoking as rain in the midst of a picnic--Madame de la Bastie came up to ask me if I had been to see Nathan's last drama.

Monsieur Dorlange was forced to give up his seat beside me, and no further opportunity for renewing the conversation occurred during the evening.

I have really, as you see now, no light upon the matter, and yet when I recall the whole manner and behavior of Monsieur Dorlange, whom Istudied carefully, my opinion inclines to his perfect innocence.

Nothing proves that the love I suspected plays any part in this curious affair; and I will allow you to think that I and my terrors, with which I tormented you, were terribly absurd,--in short, that Ihave played the part of Belise in the Femmes Savantes, who fancies that every man she sees is fatally in love with her.

I therefore cheerfully abandon that stupid conclusion.Lover or not, Monsieur Dorlange is a man of high character, with rare distinction of mind; and if, as I believe now, he has no misplaced pretensions, it is an honor and pleasure to count him among our friends.Nais is enchanted with her preserver.After he left us that evening, she said to me, with an amusing little air of approbation,--"Mamma, how well Monsieur Dorlange talks."Apropos of Nais, here is one of her remarks:--"When he stopped the horses, mamma, and you did not seem to notice him, I thought he was only a man.""How do you mean,--only a man?"

"Well, yes! one of those persons to whom one pays no attention.But, oh! I was so glad when I found out he was a monsieur.Didn't you hear me cry out, 'Ah! you are the monsieur who saved me'?"Though her innocence is perfect, there was such pride and vanity in this little speech that I gave her, as you may well suppose, a lecture upon it.This distinction of man and monsieur is dreadful; but, after all, the child told the truth.She only said, with her blunt simplicity, what our democratic customs still allow us to put in practice, though they forbid us to put it into words.The Revolution of '89 has at least introduced that virtuous hypocrisy into our social system.

But I refrain from politics.

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  • 食味记


    一朝穿越入农家,花小麦表示,奔放的人生无须解释。 朝起炊饭香,晚来烹鱼虾,日子有色又有味,节操什么的,都是浮云。 二姐说,遇见好男人,便要果断扑倒之,花小麦摩拳擦掌,某男倒退三步。 “娘子莫急,这种事,还是放着我来。” ------------------------------ 新书《娇颜》上传,欢迎少年们围观么么哒O(∩_∩)O
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