

Cries of `'Ear, 'ear,' and expressions of dissent from the views expressed by the lecturer resounded through the room, nearly everyone speaking at the same time.After a while, when the row had in some measure subsided, Owen resumed:

`Nature has not provided ready-made all the things necessary for the life and happiness of mankind.In order to obtain these things we have to Work.The only rational labour is that which is directed to the creation of those things.Any kind of work which does not help us to attain this object is a ridiculous, idiotic, criminal, imbecile, waste of time.

`That is what the great army of people represented by division number three are doing at present: they are all very busy - working very hard - but to all useful intents and purposes they are doing Nothing.'

`Well, all right,' said Harlow.`'Ave it yer own way, but there's no need to keep on repeating the same thing over an' over again.'

`The next division,' resumed Owen, `stands for those who are engaged in really useful work - the production of the benefits of civilization - the necessaries, refinements and comforts of life.'

1 2 34+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+------------+| Tramps | Exploiters | All those | All those ||| Beggars| of Labour | engaged in | engaged in ||| Society| Thieves | unnecessary | necessary | U || People | Swindlers | work| work - the | N || Aristoc- | Pickpockets | | production | E || racy | Burglars| | of the | M || Great | Bishops | | benefits | P || Landowners | Financiers | | of | L || All those | Capitalists | | civiliz- | O || possessed | Share- | | ation | Y || of | holders | || E || hereditary | Ministers | || D || wealth | of religion | |||+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+------------+`Hooray!' shouted Philpot, leading off a cheer which was taken up enthusiastically by the crowd, `Hooray! This is where WE comes in,'

he added, nodding his head and winking his goggle eyes at the meeting.

`I wish to call the chairman to horder,' said the man on the pail.

When Owen had finished writing in the list of occupations several members of the audience rose to point out that those engaged in the production of beer had been omitted.Owen rectified this serious oversight and proceeded:

`As most of the people in number four are out of work at least one quarter of their time, we must reduce the size of this division by one fourth - so.The grey part represents the unemployed.'

`But some of those in number three are often unemployed as well,' said Harlow.

Yes: but as THEY produce nothing even when they are at work we need not trouble to classify them unemployed, because our present purpose is only to discover the reason why there is not enough produced for everyone to enjoy abundance; and this - the Present System of conducting our affairs - is the reason of the shortage - the cause of poverty.When you reflect that all the other people are devouring the things produced by those in number four - can you wonder that there is not plenty for all?'

`"Devouring" is a good word,' said Philpot, and the others laughed.

The lecturer now drew a small square upon the wall below the other drawing.This square he filled in solid black.

1 2 34+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+------------+| Tramps | Exploiters | All those | All those ||| Beggars| of Labour | engaged in | engaged in ||| Society| Thieves | unnecessary | necessary | U || People | Swindlers | work| work - the | N || Aristoc- | Pickpockets | | production | E || racy | Burglars| | of the | M || Great | Bishops | | benefits | P || Landowners | Financiers | | of | L || All those | Capitalists | | civiliz- | O || possessed | Share- | | ation | Y || of | holders | || E || hereditary | Ministers | || D || wealth | of religion | |||+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+------------+##############



This represents the total ##############of the things produced by ##############the people in division 4.##############`This represents the total amount of the benefits of civilization and necessaries of life produced by the people in number four.We now proceed to "Share Out" the things in the same way as they are actually divided amongst the different classes of the population under the present imbecile system.

`As the people in divisions one and two are universally considered to be the most worthy and deserving we give them - two-thirds of the whole.

`The remainder we give to be "Shared Out" amongst the people represented by divisions three and four.

1 2 34+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+------------+| Tramps | Exploiters | All those | All those ||| Beggars| of Labour | engaged in | engaged in ||| Society| Thieves | unnecessary | necessary | U || People | Swindlers | work| work - the | N || Aristoc- | Pickpockets | | production | E || racy | Burglars| | of the | M || Great | Bishops | | benefits | P || Landowners | Financiers | | of | L || All those | Capitalists | | civiliz- | O || possessed | Share- | | ation | Y || of | holders | || E || hereditary | Ministers | || D || wealth | of religion | |||+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+------------+___________ ____________/ ___________ ___________// /







How the things produced by the people in division 4 are `shared out' amongst the different classes of the population.

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