

The Brigands at Work The next day, at the meeting of the Town Council, Mr Wireman's report concerning the Electric Light Works was read.The expert's opinion was so favourable - and it was endorsed by the Borough Engineer, Mr Oyley Sweater - that a resolution was unanimously carried in favour of acquiring the Works for the town, and a secret committee was appointed to arrange the preliminaries.Alderman Sweater then suggested that a suitable honorarium be voted to Mr Wireman for his services.This was greeted with a murmur of approval from most of the members, and Mr Didlum rose with the intention of proposing a resolution to that effect when he was interrupted by Alderman Grinder, who said he couldn't see no sense in giving the man a thing like that.`Why not give him a sum of money?'

Several members said `Hear, hear,' to this, but some of the others laughed.

`I can't see nothing to laugh at,' cried Grinder angrily.`For my part I wouldn't give you tuppence for all the honorariums in the country.I move that we pay 'im a sum of money.'

`I'll second that,' said another member of the Band - one of those who had cried `Hear, Hear.'

Alderman Sweater said that there seemed to be a little misunderstanding and explained that an honorarium WAS a sum of money.

`Oh, well, in that case I'll withdraw my resolution,' said Grinder.

`I thought you wanted to give 'im a 'luminated address or something like that.'

Didlum now moved that a letter of thanks and a fee of fifty guineas be voted to Mr Wireman, and this was also unanimously agreed to.Dr Weakling said that it seemed rather a lot, but he did not go so far as to vote against it.

The next business was the proposal that the Corporation should take over the drain connecting Mr Sweater's house with the town main.Mr Sweater - being a public-spirited man - proposed to hand this connecting drain - which ran through a private road - over to the Corporation to be theirs and their successors for ever, on condition that they would pay him the cost of construction - ?5 - and agreed to keep it in proper repair.After a brief discussion it was decided to take over the drain on the terms offered, and then Councillor Didlum proposed a vote of thanks to Alderman Sweater for his generosity in the matter: this was promptly seconded by Councillor Rushton and would have been carried nem.con., but for the disgraceful conduct of Dr Weakling, who had the bad taste to suggest that the amount was about double what the drain could possibly have cost to construct, that it was of no use to the Corporation at all, and that they would merely acquire the liability to keep it in repair.

However, no one took the trouble to reply to Weakling, and the Band proceeded to the consideration of the next business, which was Mr Grinder's offer - on behalf of the `Cosy Corner Refreshment Company' -to take the Kiosk on the Grand Parade.Mr Grinder submitted a plan of certain alterations that he would require the Corporation to make at the Kiosk, and, provided the Council agreed to do this work he was willing to take a lease of the place for five years at ?0 per year.

Councillor Didlum proposed that the offer of the `Cosy Corner Refreshment Co.Ltd' be accepted and the required alterations proceeded with at once.The Kiosk had brought in no rent for nearly two years, but, apart from that consideration, if they accepted this offer they would be able to set some of the unemployed to work.


Councillor Rushton seconded.

Dr Weakling pointed out that as the proposed alterations would cost about ?75 - according to the estimate of the Borough Engineer - and, the rent being only ?0 a year, it would mean that the Council would be ?5 out of pocket at the end of the five years; to say nothing of the expense of keeping the place in repair during all that time.

(Disturbance.) He moved as an amendment that the alterations be made, and that they then invite tenders, and let the place to the highest bidder.(Great uproar.)Councillor Rushton said he was disgusted with the attitude taken up by that man Weakling.(Applause.) Perhaps it was hardly right to call him a man.(Hear! Hear!) In the matter of these alterations they had had the use of Councillor Grinder's brains: it was he who first thought of making these improvements in the Kiosk, and therefore he -or rather the company he represented - had a moral right to the tenancy.(Loud cheers.)Dr Weakling said that he thought it was understood that when a man was elected to that Council it was because he was supposed to be willing to use his brains for the benefit of his constituents.(Sardonic laughter.)The Mayor asked if there was any seconder to Weakling's amendment, and as there was not the original proposition was put and carried.

Councillor Rushton suggested that a large shelter with seating accommodation for about two hundred persons should be erected on the Grand Parade near the Kiosk.The shelter would serve as a protection against rain, or the rays of the sun in summer.It would add materially to the comfort of visitors and would be a notable addition to the attractions of the town.

Councillor Didlum said it was a very good idear, and proposed that the Surveyor be instructed to get out the plans.

Dr Weakling opposed the motion.(Laughter.) It seemed to him that the object was to benefit, not the town, but Mr Grinder.

(Disturbance.) If this shelter were erected, it would increase the value of the Kiosk as a refreshment bar by a hundred per cent.If Mr Grinder wanted a shelter for his customers he should pay for it himself.(Uproar.) He (Dr Weakling) was sorry to have to say it, but he could not help thinking that this was a Put-up job.(Loud cries of `Withdraw' `Apologize' `Cast 'im out' and terrific uproar.)Weakling did not apologize or withdraw, but he said no more.Didlum's proposition was carried, and the `hand' went on to the next item on the agenda, which was a proposal by Councillor Didlum to increase the salary of Mr Oyley Sweater, the Borough Engineer, from fifteen pounds to seventeen pounds per week.

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