

Whenever they were asked why they did not practise the things Jesus preached, they replied that it is impossible to do so! They did not seem to realize that when they said this they were saying, in effect, that Jesus taught an impracticable religion; and they appeared to forget that Jesus said, `Wherefore call ye me Lord, Lord, when ye do not the things I say?...' `Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not, shall be likened to a foolish man who built his house upon the sand.'

But although none of these self-styled `Followers' of Christ, ever did the things that Jesus said, they talked a great deal about them, and sang hymns, and for a pretence made long prayers, and came out here to exhort those who were still in darkness to forsake their evil ways.

And they procured this lantern and wrote a text upon it: `Be not deceived, God is not mocked.'

They stigmatized as `infidels' all those who differed from them, forgetting that the only real infidels are those who are systematically false and unfaithful to the Master they pretend to love and serve.

Grinder, having a slight cold, had not spoken this evening, but several other infidels, including Sweater, Didlum, Bosher, and Starr, had addressed the meeting, making a special appeal to the working people, of whom the majority of the crowd was composed, to give up all the vain pleasures of the world in which they at present indulged, and, as Rushton had eloquently put it at the close of his remarks:

`Come and jine this 'Oly band and hon to glory go!'

As Didlum finished reading out the words, the lady at the harmonium struck up the tune of the hymns, and the disciples all joined in the singing:

`Oh, come and join this 'oly band and hon to glory go.'

During the singing certain of the disciples went about amongst the crowd distributing tracts.Presently one of them offered one to Barrington and as the latter looked at the man he saw that it was Slyme, who also recognized him at the same instant and greeted him by name.Barrington made no reply except to decline the tract:

`I don't want that - from you,' he said contemptuously.

Slyme turned red.`Oh, I know what you're thinking of,' he said after a pause and speaking in an injured tone; `but you shouldn't judge anyone too hard.It wasn't only my fault, and you don't know 'ow much I've suffered for it.If it 'adn't been for the Lord, I believe Ishould 'ave drownded myself.'

Barrington made no answer and Slyme slunk off, and when the hymn was finished Brother Sweater stood forth and gave all those present a hearty invitation to attend the services to be held during the ensuing week at the Chapel of the Shining Light.He invited them there specially, of course, because it was the place with which he was himself connected, but he entreated and begged of them even if they would not come there to go Somewhere; there were plenty of other places of worship in the town; in fact, there was one at the corner of nearly every street.Those who did not fancy the services at the Shining Light could go to the Church of the Whited Sepulchre, but he really did hope that all those dear people whom he saw standing round would go Somewhere.

A short prayer from Bosher closed the meeting, and now the reason for the presence of the two poverty-stricken-looking shabbily dressed disciples was made manifest, for while the better dressed and therefore more respectable Brothers were shaking hands with and grinning at each other or hovering round the two clergymen and Mr Sweater, these two poor wretches carried away the harmonium and the lantern, together with the hymn books and what remained of the tracts.

As Barrington hurried off to catch the train one of the `Followers'

gave him a card which he read by the light of a street lamp -Come and join the Brotherhood at the Shining Light Chapel PSAEvery Sunday at 3 o'clock.

Let Brotherly Love Continue.

`Oh come and join this Holy Band and on to Glory go.'

Barrington thought he would, rather go to hell - if there were such a place - with some decent people, than share `glory' with a crew like this.

Nora sat sewing by the fireside in the front room, with the baby asleep in her lap.Owen was reclining in the deck-chair opposite.

They had both been rather silent and thoughtful since Barrington's departure.It was mainly by their efforts that the reconciliation between Easton and Ruth had been effected and they had been so desirous of accomplishing that result that they had not given much thought to their own position.

`I feel that I could not bear to part with her for anything now,' said Nora at last breaking the long silence, `and Frankie is so fond of her too.But all the same I can't feel happy about it when I think how ill you are.'

`Oh, I shall be all right when the weather gets a little warmer,' said Owen, affecting a cheerfulness he did not feel.`We have always pulled through somehow or other; the poor little thing is not going to make much difference, and she'll be as well off with us as she would have been if Ruth had not gone back.'

As he spoke he leaned over and touched the hand of the sleeping child and the little fingers closed round one of his with a clutch that sent a thrill all through him.As he looked at this little helpless, dependent creature, he realized with a kind of thankfulness that he would never have the heart to carry out the dreadful project he had sometimes entertained in hours of despondency.

`We've always got through somehow or other,' he repeated, `and we'll do so still.'

Presently they heard Frankie's footsteps ascending the stairs and a moment afterwards the boy entered the room.

`We have to look out of the window and wave to Mr Barrington when his train goes over the bridge,' he cried breathlessly.`And he's sent this letter.Open the window, quick, Dad, or it may be too late.'

`There's plenty of time yet,' replied Owen, smiling at the boy's impetuosity.`Nearly twenty minutes.We don't want the window open all that time.It's only a quarter to eight by our clock now, and that's five minutes fast.'

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