

Again, to gazers ignorant of the sea, Vessels in port seem, as with broken poops, To lean upon the water, quite agog;For any portion of the oars that's raised Above the briny spray is straight, and straight The rudders from above.But other parts, Those sunk, immersed below the water-line, Seem broken all and bended and inclined Sloping to upwards, and turned back to float Almost atop the water.And when the winds Carry the scattered drifts along the sky In the night-time, then seem to glide along The radiant constellations 'gainst the clouds And there on high to take far other course From that whereon in truth they're borne.And then, If haply our hand be set beneath one eye And press below thereon, then to our gaze Each object which we gaze on seems to be, By some sensation twain- then twain the lights Of lampions burgeoning in flowers of flame, And twain the furniture in all the house, Two-fold the visages of fellow-men, And twain their bodies.And again, when sleep Has bound our members down in slumber soft And all the body lies in deep repose, Yet then we seem to self to be awake And move our members; and in night's blind gloom We think to mark the daylight and the sun;And, shut within a room, yet still we seem To change our skies, our oceans, rivers, hills, To cross the plains afoot, and hear new sounds, Though still the austere silence of the night Abides around us, and to speak replies, Though voiceless.Other cases of the sort Wondrously many do we see, which all Seek, so to say, to injure faith in sense-In vain, because the largest part of these Deceives through mere opinions of the mind, Which we do add ourselves, feigning to see What by the senses are not seen at all.

For naught is harder than to separate Plain facts from dubious, which the mind forthwith Adds by itself.

Again, if one suppose That naught is known, he knows not whether this Itself is able to be known, since he Confesses naught to know.Therefore with him I waive discussion- who has set his head Even where his feet should be.But let me grant That this he knows,- I question: whence he knows What 'tis to know and not-to-know in turn, And what created concept of the truth, And what device has proved the dubious To differ from the certain?- since in things He's heretofore seen naught of true.Thou'lt find That from the senses first hath been create Concept of truth, nor can the senses be Rebutted.For criterion must be found Worthy of greater trust, which shall defeat Through own authority the false by true;What, then, than these our senses must there be Worthy a greater trust? Shall reason, sprung From some false sense, prevail to contradict Those senses, sprung as reason wholly is From out the senses?- For lest these be true, All reason also then is falsified.

Or shall the ears have power to blame the eyes, Or yet the touch the ears? Again, shall taste Accuse this touch or shall the nose confute Or eyes defeat it? Methinks not so it is:

For unto each has been divided off Its function quite apart, its power to each;And thus we're still constrained to perceive The soft, the cold, the hot apart, apart All divers hues and whatso things there be Conjoined with hues.Likewise the tasting tongue Has its own power apart, and smells apart And sounds apart are known.And thus it is That no one sense can e'er convict another.

Nor shall one sense have power to blame itself, Because it always must be deemed the same, Worthy of equal trust.And therefore what At any time unto these senses showed, The same is true.And if the reason be Unable to unravel us the cause Why objects, which at hand were square, afar Seemed rounded, yet it more availeth us, Lacking the reason, to pretend a cause For each configuration, than to let From out our hands escape the obvious things And injure primal faith in sense, and wreck All those foundations upon which do rest Our life and safety.For not only reason Would topple down; but even our very life Would straightaway collapse, unless we dared To trust our senses and to keep away From headlong heights and places to be shunned Of a like peril, and to seek with speed Their opposites! Again, as in a building, If the first plumb-line be askew, and if The square deceiving swerve from lines exact, And if the level waver but the least In any part, the whole construction then Must turn out faulty- shelving and askew, Leaning to back and front, incongruous, That now some portions seem about to fall, And falls the whole ere long- betrayed indeed By first deceiving estimates: so too Thy calculations in affairs of life Must be askew and false, if sprung for thee From senses false.So all that troop of words Marshalled against the senses is quite vain.

And now remains to demonstrate with ease How other senses each their things perceive.

Firstly, a sound and every voice is heard, When, getting into ears, they strike the sense With their own body.For confess we must Even voice and sound to be corporeal, Because they're able on the sense to strike.

Besides voice often scrapes against the throat, And screams in going out do make more rough The wind-pipe- naturally enough, methinks, When, through the narrow exit rising up In larger throng, these primal germs of voice Have thus begun to issue forth.In sooth, Also the door of the mouth is scraped against [By air blown outward] from distended [cheeks].......

And thus no doubt there is, that voice and words Consist of elements corporeal, With power to pain.Nor art thou unaware Likewise how much of body's ta'en away, How much from very thews and powers of men May be withdrawn by steady talk, prolonged Even from the rising splendour of the morn To shadows of black evening,- above all If 't be outpoured with most exceeding shouts.

Therefore the voice must be corporeal, Since the long talker loses from his frame A part.

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