

The Shadow stretches out its arm, and the statue falls in fragments on the floor; and the dreamer, in anger and distress at the catastrophe (observe, gentlemen, that here the sleeper's reasoning faculty wakes up a little, and the dream passes rationally, for a moment, from cause to effect), stoops to look at the broken pieces. When he looks up again, the scene has vanished. That is to say, in the ebb and flow of sleep, it is the turn of the flow now, and the brain rests a little. What's the matter, Mr. Armadale? Has that restive memory of yours run away with you again?""Yes," said Allan. "I'm off at full gallop. I've run the broken statue to earth; it's nothing more nor less than a china shepherdess I knocked off the mantel-piece in the hotel coffee-room, when I rang the bell for supper last night. I say, how well we get on; don't we? It's like guessing a riddle. Now, then, Midwinter! your turn next.""No!" said the doctor. "My turn, if you please. I claim the long window, the garden, and the lawn, as my property. You will find the long window, Mr. Armadale, in the next room. If you look out, you'll see the garden and lawn in front of it; and, if you'll exert that wonderful memory of yours, you will recollect that you were good enough to take special and complimentary notice of my smart French window and my neat garden, when I drove you and your friend to Port St. Mary yesterday.""Quite right," rejoined Allan; "so I did. But what about the rain that fell in the dream? I haven't seen a drop of rain for the last week."Mr. Hawbury hesitated. The Manx newspaper which had been left on the table caught his eye. "If we can think of nothing else," he said, "let us try if we can't find the idea of the rain where we found the idea of the pool." He looked through the extract carefully. "I have got it!" he exclaimed. "Here is rain described as having fallen on these thirsty Australian travelers, before they discovered the pool. Behold the shower, Mr. Armadale, which got into your mind when you read the extract to your friend last night! And behold the dream, Mr. Midwinter, mixing up separate waking impressions just as usual!""Can you find the waking impression which accounts for the human figure at the window?" asked Midwinter; "or are we to pass over the Shadow of the Man as we have passed over the Shadow of the Woman already?"He put the question with scrupulous courtesy of manner, but with a tone of sarcasm in his voice which caught the doctor's ear, and set up the doctor's controversial bristles on the instant.

"When you are picking up shells on the beach, Mr. Midwinter, you usually begin with the shells that lie nearest at hand," he rejoined. "We are picking up facts now; and those that are easiest to get at are the facts we will take first. Let the Shadow of the Man and the Shadow of the Woman pair off together for the present; we won't lose sight of them, I promise you. All in good time, my dear sir; all in good time!"He, too, was polite, and he, too, was sarcastic. The short truce between the opponents was at an end already. Midwinter returned significantly to his former place by the window. The doctor instantly turned his back on the window more significantly still.

Allan, who never quarreled with anybody's opinion, and never looked below the surface of anybody's conduct, drummed cheerfully on the table with the handle of his knife. "Go on, doctor!" he called out; "my wonderful memory is as fresh as ever.""Is it?" said Mr. Hawbury, referring again to the narrative of the dream. "Do you remember what happened when you and I were gossiping with the landlady at the bar of the hotel last night?""Of course I do! You were kind enough to hand me a glass of brandy-and-water, which the landlady had just mixed for your own drinking. And I was obliged to refuse it because, as I told you, the taste of brandy always turns me sick and faint, mix it how you please.""Exactly so," returned the doctor. "And here is the incident reproduced in the dream. You see the man's shadow and the woman's shadow together this time. You hear the pouring out of liquid (brandy from the hotel bottle, and water from the hotel jug); the glass is handed by the woman-shadow (the landlady) to the man-shadow (myself); the man-shadow hands it to you (exactly what I did); and the faintness (which you had previously described to me) follows in due course. I am shocked to identify these mysterious appearances, Mr. Midwinter, with such miserably unromantic originals as a woman who keeps a hotel, and a man who physics a country district. But your friend himself will tell you that the glass of brandy-and-water was prepared by the landlady, and that it reached him by passing from her hand to mine. We have picked up the shadows, exactly as I anticipated; and we have only to account now--which may be done in two words--for the manner of their appearance in the dream. After having tried to introduce the waking impression of the doctor and the landlady separately, in connection with the wrong set of circumstances, the dreaming mind comes right at the third trial, and introduces the doctor and the landlady together, in connection with the right set of circumstances. There it is in a nutshell!--Permit me to hand you back the manuscript, with my best thanks for your very complete and striking confirmation of the rational theory of dreams."Saying those words, Mr. Hawbury returned the written paper to Midwinter, with the pitiless politeness of a conquering man.

  • The Lost House

    The Lost House

  • 华严经旨归


  • 附内义丹旨纲目举要


  • 台湾诗钞


  • 辛丑年


  • 邪恶催眠师


    九月九日,上午八点二十三分。刑警队会议室。今天一早,梁音得知刑警队要借调自己,她的心情颇为兴奋。相较于法医这样的幕后角色,她更喜欢在第一线与犯罪分子展开面对面的较量。可是到刑警队与罗飞碰面之后,她才发现这事并不像自己预想的那样愉快。“陆风平?” 女孩一听到这个名字便瞪大了眼睛,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。罗飞见状猜测道:“你们以前就认识?”“岂止是认识……”梁音苦笑着说道,“我最讨厌这家伙了!”“我们也讨厌他!”旁边的陈嘉鑫插了句嘴,似乎要积极向女孩表明立场。
  • 虐仙记


  • 十一面神咒心经


  • 我亲爱的易先生


  • 单纯的只是喜欢你


  • 玉缘诀


  • 许你万丈光芒好


  • 红楼的门槛


    “蜗居,裸婚时代”就像是一面镜子,将现实中奔跑的人们的千姿百态,无一例外的展现在人前。而本书《红楼的门槛》也更像是一面娃娃镜,让人们在看见自己的同时,能够真实的感觉到可笑,还有一丝恐惧。 父母都希望自己的女儿嫁个好人家,儿子娶个好媳妇。可是现实却又是矛盾的。本书叙述了一对夫妇对儿子女儿婚姻的态度。儿子奋斗了很久,和城市还是不融洽,还是贫穷的,进入了“三无”行列,“没钱,没房,没车”,父母却希望儿子赶紧找到个好老婆。另一边,希望女儿能够嫁个“有房,有钱,有车,有学历”的男性。可想而知,大多数家长都是这样想的,又怎么能让儿子找到一个不嫌弃自己的善良的女子。这就加深了文章的戏剧性与矛盾冲突。故事的结局,女儿不如父母的愿结了婚,却收获了幸福;儿子如愿的结了婚,却落得悲凉。 道尽人世悲哀。
  • 璀璨的中国


  • 校园王道:MVP女友

