

"This bread,"he said,muttering (with his mouth full at the same time),"is not very savoury;nevertheless,it is not much worse than that which we ate at the famous leaguer at Werben,where the valorous Gustavus foiled all the efforts of the celebrated Tilly,that terrible old hero,who had driven two kings out of the field--namely,Ferdinand of Bohemia and Christian of Denmark.

And anent this water,which is none of the most sweet,I drink in the same to your speedy deliverance,comrade,not forgetting mine own,and devoutly wishing it were Rhenish wine,or humming Lubeck beer,at the least,were it but in honour of the pledge."

While Dalgetty ran on in this way,his teeth kept time with his tongue,and he speedily finished the provisions which the benevolence or indifference of his companion in misfortune had abandoned to his voracity.When this task was accomplished,he wrapped himself in his cloak,and seating himself in a corner of the dungeon in which he could obtain a support on each side (for he had always been an admirer of elbow-chairs,he remarked,even from his youth upward),he began to question his fellow-captive.

"Mine honest friend,"said he,"you and I,being comrades at bed and board,should be better acquainted.I am Dugald Dalgetty of Drumthwacket,and so forth,Major in a regiment of loyal Irishes,and Envoy Extraordinary of a High and Mighty Lord,James Earl of Montrose.--Pray,what may your name be?"

"It will avail you little to know,"replied his more taciturn companion.

"Let me judge of that matter,"answered the soldier.

"Well,then--Ranald MacEagh is my name--that is,Ranald Son of the Mist."

"Son of the Mist!"ejaculated Dalgetty."Son of utter darkness,say I.But,Ranald,since that is your name,how came you in possession of the provost's court of guard?what the devil brought you here,that is to say?"

"My misfortunes and my crimes,"answered Ranald."Know ye the Knight of Ardenvohr?"

"I do know that honourable person,"replied Dalgetty.

"But know ye where he now is?"replied Ranald.

"Fasting this day at Ardenvohr,"answered the Envoy,"that he may feast to-morrow at Inverary;in which last purpose if he chance to fail,my lease of human service will be something precarious."

"Then let him know,one claims his intercession,who is his worst foe and his best friend,"answered Ranald.

"Truly I shall desire to carry a less questionable message,"

answered Dalgetty,"Sir Duncan is not a person to play at reading riddles with."

"Craven Saxon,"said the prisoner,"tell him I am the raven that,fifteen years since,stooped on his tower of strength and the pledges he had left there--I am the hunter that found out the wolfs den on the rock,and destroyed his offspring--I am the leader of the band which surprised Ardenvohr yesterday was fifteen years,and gave his four children to the sword."

"Truly,my honest friend,"said Dalgetty,"if that is your best recommendation to Sir Duncan's favour,I would pretermit my pleading thereupon,in respect I have observed that even the animal creation are incensed against those who intromit with their offspring forcibly,much more any rational and Christian creatures,who have had violence done upon their small family.

But I pray you in courtesy to tell me,whether you assailed the castle from the hillock called Drumsnab,whilk I uphold to be the true point of attack,unless it were to be protected by a sconce."

"We ascended the cliff by ladders of withies or saplings,"said the prisoner,"drawn up by an accomplice and clansman,who had served six months in the castle to enjoy that one night of unlimited vengeance.The owl whooped around us as we hung betwixt heaven and earth;the tide roared against the foot of the rock,and dashed asunder our skiff.yet no man's heart failed him.In the morning there was blood and ashes,where there had been peace and joy at the sunset."

"It was a pretty camisade,I doubt not,Ranald MacEagh,a very sufficient onslaught,and not unworthily discharged.

Nevertheless,I would have pressed the house from that little hillock called Drumsnab.But yours is a pretty irregular Scythian fashion of warfare,Ranald,much resembling that of Turks,Tartars,and other Asiatic people.--But the reason,my friend,the cause of this war--the TETERRIMA CAUSA,as I may say?

Deliver me that,Ranald."

"We had been pushed at by the M'Aulays,and other western tribes,"said Ranald,"till our possessions became unsafe for us."

"Ah ha!"said Dalgetty;"I have faint remembrance of having heard of that matter.Did you not put bread and cheese into a man's mouth,when he had never a stomach whereunto to transmit the same?"

"You have heard,then,"said Ranald,"the tale of our revenge on the haughty forester?"

"I bethink me that I have,"said Dalgetty,"and that not of an old date.It was a merry jest that,of cramming the bread into the dead man's mouth,but somewhat too wild and salvage for civilized acceptation,besides wasting the good victuals.I have seen when at a siege or a leaguer,Ranald,a living soldier would have been the better,Ranald,for that crust of bread,whilk you threw away on a dead pow."

"We were attacked by Sir Duncan,"continued MacEagh,"and my brother was slain--his head was withering on the battlements which we scaled--I vowed revenge,and it is a vow I have never broken."

"It may be so,"said Dalgetty;"and every thorough-bred soldier will confess that revenge is a sweet morsel;but in what manner this story will interest Sir Duncan in your justification,unless it should move him to intercede with the Marquis to change the manner thereof from hanging,or simple suspension,to breaking your limbs on the roue or wheel,with the coulter of a plough,or otherwise putting you to death by torture,surpasses my comprehension.Were I you,Ranald,I would be for miskenning Sir Duncan,keeping my own secret,and departing quietly by suffocation,like your ancestors before you."

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